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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. I haven't tried very many, but I have used some shrimp sand, Fluval Shrimp Stratum, and the Amazonia. But now I going with a bare bottom tank with the

    substrate in containers that I can lift out and clean in aquarium water and put back in. But it is just inert substrate, gravel. The tank that has

    The Fluval Shrimp Stratum, I seem to get some of the harmless worms, hydra, planaria, water fleas, and other microscopic things in the tank

    all of the time in the substrate, and it is way more maintenance than the other bare bottom tanks. Also I get more fluctuations with the shrimp stratum

    substrate than I do with the inert substrate.  


    I found as long as I use RO Water, several pieces of Malaysia Drift Wood, Alder Cones, live plants, a couple of pieces of Cholla wood, and the sponge filters,

    An Indian Almond leaf, Mulberry leaf, Oak Leaf, and the Borne Wild Bee Balls. I am also trying the Bio Digest vials once a month in the 12 gallon tank now too.

    I can keep my water parameters steady. I used to use some peat pellets too, but found I really did not need them.


    I can keep my PH at 6.4, KH at 0, GH at 4, TDS at 150, with no nitrites, no nitrates, no ammonia, and the temp at 72.5 F. degrees with this setup

    and it has been very steady. I am not getting hardly any fluctuations at all going this way, just using inert substrate.  The shrimp seem happy and

    are doing fine. I have about 50 fry in the tank too. With the large container that holds the leaves, and I put in some power food and when I do

    feed, I put the food in the leaf container. They all seem to know that is where to go to get their grub on.


    I change about 15% of the water every two weeks using RO water and Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+, and a little Shrimp Shield Supplement. So far,

    my water quality has been rock steady. I keep a journal on everything I do with my tanks, so If I get any fluctuations or changes with the bare bottom

    tank, I'll let everyone know. I am still learning so much, so it is good to read about what everyone else is using. There are so many different substrates

    in Europe now, and some of them are charged, and all kinds of things that they do.

  2. That is strange that you are getting that, with a Ph, GH, and KH all right in line. Sometimes the

    water will just clear up by itself in a day or two. Check your filters to make sure they are all

    running and not clogged at all. But with your water parameters where they are, it is strange

    that your water is getting cloudy like this. Is the temp around 72, 73 degrees?

  3. Thanks, I am slowing getting some more TB's in the new Mr. Aqua with some nice ones I picked up
    from miwu's sales, and some coming from Tommy, some new food samples from Han,
    and hopefully, if I can afford it, some new ones from Eric, and Will coming soon too.
    And one day when I have the funds, I have to get some Shadow Mosura's from Chris, they
    are outstanding. Expensive, but outstanding!

    The Panda Loaches are on the way next week for the 10 gallon tank that will be the
    backup emergency tank for the Mr. Aqua. So it will have 4 Panda loaches, two ottos,
    and one very small and very young yo yo loach in it and that will be all. I may keep
    the two small neon tetras in the tank too for now.

  4. I can tell you, his shrimp are excellent. Got them all safe and sound. Got a great deal. The quality was great.

    The packaging was done right with stryofoam around the inside of the whole box, wrapped in newspaper

    with a cooling pack in two breather bags. The shrimp acclimated fine and are now in their new home.


    Thank you miwu!  Great Job, would buy again anytime!

  5. Hi,

    I made a short video, well not too short, about 10 minutes long showing my new setup of my

    new Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon TB Shrimp Tank, and my new 10 gallon backup tank for them.

    The video is at:


    I don't know how to put the video in the post.

    Hope you like it, any comments are appreciated, any tips, advice, and what you think.

    Thanks, Doc

  6. Got my order for Bio Digest and a small sample of Bacter AE from Han. One you can always expect your package to arrive right away.
    Usually I get it within two days of my order, three at the most. Two it is always packed right and protected, and he only sends out
    quality at prices that beat the competition or is very competitive.
    With the Bio Digest Vials, I am giving them a try in my 12 gallon Mr. Aqua - TB tank.
    I used the bottom end cap of a pen (where the pen comes out side), to snap off the end caps of the vial,
    I let it flow out in the outflow of the filter so it would get around the whole tank, and left the vial in the tank for the new borns to pick at.

    I will use it for at least a year, and see how the results are with the Bio Digest. It is also good for your fish tank too, especially if it is a newly cycled tank. (New tanks for fish or shrimp.)

    Also giving Bacteria AE a try too, and see if the shrimp like it. My Mr. Aqua low iron 12 gallon TB shrimp Tank Setup is fairly new so, the Bio Digest and the Bacter AE should be good for them.

    Since it is a 12 gallon, I will only put one Bio Digest Vial in every 30 days.


    Thanks Han!


  7. I picked up some Bio Digest Vials from Han, and am giving them a try in my 12 gallon Mr. Aqua - TB tank.

    I used the bottom end cap of a pen where the pen comes out side, to snap off the end caps of the vial, let it flow out in the outflow of the filter so it would get around the whole tank, and left the vial in the tank for the new borns to pick at.

    I will use it for at least a year, and see how the results are with the Bio Digest, that is also good for your fish tank too, especially if it is a newly cycled tank. (New tanks for fish or shrimp.)

    Also giving Bacteria AE a try too, and see if they like it.

  8. They are awesome! Expensive, but awesome. I would not be happy to

    buy something like that, and then if it died, wow, what a loss. You would have

    to be prepared and know your stuff. I found out a Shadow Panda costs about

    60 bucks or more for one, and if it died, u take a big loss, so I would rather

    wait until I am a seasoned pro before investing in the shrimp that I want.

  9. Really glad you found a suitable staple for yourself. Again, it's more important to find a food you like, affordable, and something your shrimp will eat. Everyone has different experiences and opinion. [emoji1]

    Picture of what I feed. ademe2eb.jpg

    I like to keep small portions in cute glass jars for easy access. Rest is stored away inside original packaging inside fridge.

    I like that. Good idea, organized, rest in the fridge, good variety.

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