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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Han's would probably be best. I actually use clear ones. But they love them anyway. They like to travel inside them,

    and hang out inside them even though they are clear. Anything that builds biofilm is a good thing, I would think. But

    Han's has some great one, and he even has some that he puts the moss on them too, that I am sure the shrimp will love.

  2. I just set up a 12 Gallon Mr. Aqua low iron glass tank. The clarity is amazing, it is crystal clear.

    It is long and not very tall. It is 36" long X 8 1/2" Wide X 9 1/2' Tall. The glass has a little more of

    the blueish type of tint to it versus the greenish type on most tanks. The glass is very good, and

    it cost $112.00 dollars, plus I put it on the Mr. Aqua Tank Mat too. I was worried that it would not

    make it to me in one piece, but they packed it so well, you could have played football with it and

    it would have been fine.


    But I really like the tank. I paired it with a Penn Plax Cascade 500 Canister Filter, 3 Tom's mini canister filters, 3 sponges,

    and one HMF on one side with a Tom's mini canister filter behind that, and a sponge. I am using a new Colbolt Neo-Therm

    heater. This is a new heater that I have never tried before, but I have heard good things about it. So far, so good on the

    heater. Because the Ehiems are the only ones I have found that keep the temp steady all of the time and are consistent.

    But this ones seems to be consistent too. Keeping the temp at 72 degrees all of the time. I use the Bee Shrimp Minerals

    GH+ to keep a TDS of 135 to 150, and I use RO water. My PH is 6.4, my KH is 0, my GH is 6, and I put in a Borneos Wild

    Bee Ball and change it every three weeks. I am going to try the Bio Digest too and change them once a month.


    I went with a bare bottom tank. I put the substrate in containers, and the plants in their own glass container, and a large

    feeder dish with the Indian Almond leaves, Oak leaves, Mulberry leaves, and Stinging Nettles leafs in the dish. I have

    a sheet of xmas moss on the top container of substrate and on one side, I have several pieces of Malaysia Drift Wood on one side.

    I have a bowl of miniature alder cones in the tank, and small bowl of miniature moss balls. I have Bamboo running

    across the entire tank, so they can walk along the entire tank on the bamboo. I have two pieces of Cholla wood in

    it, and a small bowl of dried organic Mulberry sticks, and a couple of clear round tubes.


    I built a sliding glass top for it and used a Danner - 4 outlet air pump for running air stones and sponges. I use a

    beamworks Led light that is raised 5 inches above the tank and I can raise and lower the light as I need to for the

    plants, but so far, the 5 inches above, the plants and moss seem to doing well. The light is on a timer.


    I keep bio balls, and ceramics in the bottom on the canister filter with a sponge on top of that, two more

    carb sponges on top of that, and a top layer of sponge floss to polish the water in the Penn Plax Cascade

    Canister Filter. I use a Han made fry proof stainless steel intake cover on the intake.


    The only snails I allow in my tank is Malaysia Trumpet snails as they dig in the substrate and keep it cleaner.


    So that is my setup for my TB's. King Kongs / Pandas, Blue Bolts, Wine Reds. I only have about a dozen TB's

    now, but hope to get some more when I can afford it.

  3. I saw this on Facebook and thought it was interesting and would be a great Shrimp Tank.


    Big, but low, not that deep. It would be easy to get to everything and you could really be creative

    with a tank like this for them. I would make the light so that it could slide back and forth, so you

    could work on the tank and just move the light out of the way. I would also build a lid for it that

    could slide and also just come off when you wanted to work on the whole tank. I would build a

    back wall, so that none of the filters, air, media, etc could not be seen.


    But I thought is was pretty cool and thought I would share the photo. I don't know who built the

    tank or where they got it. But I'll bet it was expensive, because it looks like high quality glass,

    and was probably custom built.



    Shrimp Tank


  4. I hear ya, but they are in there new home now and all that I have left are doing fine.

    I just made the two big mistakes. Everything is fine, but the first one, I overdosed with FenBen,

    and the second was using three drops of Algae fix. Those were the two costly mistakes

    I have made. Other than that, I feel like I have a much better knowledge of what I am doing

    now, and they were two hard lessons to learn and costly ones too. But I feel like I am

    in a better place now, The TB's that I have left are set up in a nice new Mr. Aqua tank

    that is setup perfect for them and water parameter is perfect.


    The few Tigers I have left are in their own 10 gallon tank, and the CBS fry and the few CBS

    that I have left are in their own 10 gallon tank too, and everyone seems to be doing good now,

    and doing well.


    So, when I get some more funds, I will replace my TB's and I should be fine from here on out.

  5. How long to you keep dosing, or is this something you need to do once you start and

    always dose from then on. Or is it something you can do to help your tank for about

    a 3 month period and then stop dosing?

  6. the first batch I used too much of the Fenben by mistake, and the second batch, I used

    something called Algae Fix. I only used three drops, but it was too late. The shrimp reacted

    and died. I immediately changed the water and filter and ran active charcoal filter right away,

    but it was still too late. Three drops did them in. Petco employee swore they would be fine,

    yeah right. It is was two very expensive and depressed lessons that I have learned with raising

    shrimp. One's I will never make again.


    It doesn't matter how much research, and learning, and talking you do. You will live and learn

    in this hobby, and I hope I made my two biggest mistakes ever, and won't be killing off anymore

    collections in the future. 

  7. Since I lost my starter collection of TB's once again, I am in great need and desperate.


    Anyone willing to sell me:


    One - WR Berried

    One - King Kong Berried - can be a berried cross of KK/P

    One - Panda Berried - can be a berried cross of P / KK or Blue Panda cross TB

    One - Blue Bolt Berried

    One - SSS CBS Berried

    One - SSS CRS Berried

    One - Royal Blue OE Tiger Berried



    For 100.00 dollars shipped. That is all I have is a hundred bucks to offer. There is no way to replace

    what I lost for that price unless I can get some berried shrimps. So 7 berried shrimp for a hundred bucks

    shipped and I live in Montana - 59701



    Please PM if this is possible. It probably isn't, but if I don't ask, I can't get a yes or a no.  I just put all of my money into

    replacing the starter collection I bought and died, and my new Mr. Aqua 12 gallon tank setup, so all I have left is 100 bucks. It

    will be awhile before I can put anymore dollars into shrimp. You have no idea how much I would appreciate it!



    TB's is my interest and the kind of shrimp I like. King Kongs, Pandas, Blue Bolts, Wine Reds, SSS CBS, SSS CRS, Snows, and

    I like the Royal Blue Orange Eyed Tigers, but I keep them separate. Either way I am looking for help. I do have two barely used

    Marineland BioWheel 100 HOB's I could throw in too.


  8. Yeah, It was a hard lesson to learn. Twice I have had to learn it.  Never again, in fact, no chemicals ever again of any kind except the shrimp minerals, period!



    wicca, what I mean by TB's is panda, king kongs, or crosses of panda / king kong, Wine Reds /RR,  Blue Bolts, - Those are the shrimp that I love and the ones I lost.

    I also lost my orange eyed Royal blue Tigers which I had in the tank temporarily at the time, one which was ready to have her fry any day. I usually keep my those

    royal blue orange eyed tigers separate, but I only had a few, and it was just going to be for a couple of days.  

  9. Thanks for the condolences. That's how I feel too.  lol


    I hate these have to live and learn lessons. Bummed me out big time. Not to mention the cost.


    Now I am left with a 100 bucks total to replace my TB collection, and that's not going buy me 30 TB's, 2 WR, 2 KK, and 2BB.


    Maybe someone will trade me for a dozen CBS juvies of different grades. I don't know. This is the second lesson I have had to

    learn that cost me my starter collection. I should have read every single word on the bottle, and you can bet next time I WILL.

  10. The Petco person swore up and down that the API Algae Fix would not harm the shrimp. They are wrong.

    As soon as I put even a few drops in, the shrimp scattered away from the drops. I instantly changed my filter

    and 90% of the water, vacuumed the substrate and took out the moss sheet, but it still killed quite a few of

    my shrimp, and some of the ones that were berried.


    Then I see in very tiny print on the back of the bottle that it says not to use with crustaceans, crap, or shrimp.


    I HATE this live and learn crap! I did read the bottle and it said all over the bottle, safe for marine life, etc, but

    I did not read the entire small print, and I should have. My fault. But the Petco person assured me that it would

    be safe for shrimp and it would do a great job on algae. Which it does with fish. It does not bother the fish at all,

    they are fine and it instantly cleaned out the algae, hair algae gone off of moss, and other algae was all gone overnight

    in the fish tanks.


    But three drops in the shrimp tank, and even though I changed the water and filter and cleaned right away, it was too

    late. Those three drops were lethal to my shrimp. I lost a lot. I have changed the water a couple more time now and

    I put in a active charcoal filter for a couple of days and the rest of the shrimp seem fine now.  I was just a few days

    away from transferring them to my new Mr. Aqua tank that is all setup for them.


    Don't make the same mistake, and don't use this with shrimp. Fish are fine and it does a great job on all types of Algae

    with fish. But just one drop is lethal to shrimp.


    This is two costly mistakes I have made with the live and learn stuff along the way. I had 42 shrimp in the tank, and about

    a dozen of them were berried. Now there is 12 left and none of them are berried. I could just scream.........


    Fortunately my tank full of fry are doing good, they are all low grade CBS, but they are doing good. But I lost

    a lot of my TB's, Two WR, Two BB, Two KK, and a lot of SSS CBS, and all of my CRS except one.


    I am bummed, and there is no way I can afford to get anymore. I just put everything I had into getting the

    Mr. Aqua 12 gallon tank setup for them. It was going to be my TB tank.  Sorry, just blowing off some


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