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Everything posted by Doc4PC2

  1. Okay, great, thanks for all of the info everyone. I think I will go with the dry bamboo uncoated, and scrub it down good, and let it soak in RO until it sinks and put it in the tank.
  2. If I just use it in it's natural state, do I need to do anything with it? Like Boil it first? or let it soak in RO water for a few days? Or can I just scrub it clean, rinse it with RO water and put it in?
  3. Yeah, that is similar to what I want to do in that photo Louie. The bamboo is dry uncoated. But I heard that it will leach, and rot if you don't clear coat it, but I don't know of a clear coat that you can use that isn't harmful to fish or shrimp. If it is okay by itself, I might just use the dry uncoated bamboo. I would boil it, and let it sit in some RO water for awhile and see what happens. What is this clear epoxy, James?
  4. Is there a clear coat sealant spray that is safe for fish and shrimp? I would like to clear coat some Bamboo sticks so they don't rot or leach, but I am not sure there is anything I can clear coat them with that is safe?
  5. Read more in the Mr. Aqua Gallery. This shows how I set this up to be easy to take care of. That is what I am trying to do anyway. Inert Substrate in containers, moss sheet, even plants in glass container, container for food and leaves, Malaysia drift wood, Penn Plax Cascade 500 Canister filter, three Tom's mini canister filters, three dual sponges, four air stones, one bubble wand, Danner air pump with four air slots, large HFM Filter with mini canister and sponge behind it, Colbolt Neo - Therm Heater, bare bottom, cup of alder cones, sliding glass top, and the ability to take anything out of the tank with ease and clean it in aquarium water at any time. Even if I vacuum the bare bottom floor, it goes into a big 5 gallon bucket, so if any shrimp or fry get caught, they just go right back into the tank. The water is crystal clear with setup and tank. Read more in the journal images. This will house TB's, I have a bunch that are berried, and my CBS just has a ton of fry in a smaller tank right now. It is full of CBS fry. This tank is cycling right now. I use Colony, and have had good luck with it, the tank cycles in about 10 to 12 days and then the shrimp can go in. With the Colony, the fish are fine and are helping cycle the tank. It is RO water with Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+, Bee balls, and with the HMF, plants, filters, sponges, wood, etc. There will be plenty of biofilm for them. The only thing I will be adding is some drift wood branches and twigs for them to run around on. Water parameters will be: PH - 6.4, TDS - 135 - 150, Temp 72, KH - 0, GH - 6, - I may add a low keys absorption board. Anyway, I would love to get some opinions on the tank setup and what you think
  6. I put five CBS that were berried in a small one gallon tank while I was working on the new Mr. Aqua 12 gallon tank, and they all had their fry, so I have cbs fry like crazy. It looks like there is a 100 fry easy in the tank. It just has a leaf bottom on bare glass with a sponge and mini canister and a air stone, but the tank is full of fry. The bottom has Indian almond leaf, mulberry leaf, oak leaf, alder cones and small plant and that's it, but they are munching on the leafs like crazy, plus I put in some baby powder. They are growing fast, and only a week old, but there is a ton of them. It is so cool! See my new post in the journals on the Mr. Aqua 12 gallon setup. I love the clarity of the Mr. Aqua tank. It is crystal clear!
  7. U could use the divider and get some ss fry proof mesh sheet from Han to put over the divider.
  8. Read in the Album about the set up. This shows how I set this up to be easy to take care of. That is what I am trying to do anyway. Inert Substrate in containers, moss sheet, even plants in glass container, container for food and leaves, Malaysia drift wood, Penn Plax Cascade 500 Canister filter, three Tom's mini canister filters, three dual sponges, four air stones, one bubble wand, Danner air pump with four air slots, large HFM Filter with mini canister and sponge behind it, Colbolt Neo - Therm Heater, bare bottom, cup of alder cones, sliding glass top, and the ability to take anything out of the tank with ease and clean it in aquarium water at any time. Even if I vacuum the bare bottom floor, it goes into a big 5 gallon bucket, so if any shrimp or fry get caught, they just go right back into the tank. The water is crystal clear with setup and tank. Read more in the journal images. This will house TB's, I have a bunch that are berried, and my CBS just has a ton of fry in a smaller tank right now. It is full of CBS fry. This tank is cycling right now. I use Colony, and have had good luck with it, the tank cycles in about 10 to 12 days and then the shrimp can go in. With the Colony, the fish are fine and are helping cycle the tank. It is RO water with Bee Shrimp Minerals GH+, Bee balls, and with the HMF, plants, filters, sponges, wood, etc. There will be plenty of biofilm for them. The only thing I will be adding is some drift wood branches and twigs for them to run around on. Water parameters will be: PH - 6.4, TDS - 135 - 150, Temp 72, KH - 0, GH - 6, - I may add a low keys absorption board. Anyway, I would love to get some opinions on the tank setup and what you think.
  9. From the album: New Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon Tank

    This is the canister filter I am using. It has a container of ceramics on one side, and bio balls on the other, sponges on top of that, and them other media filters and sponges, floss, etc in the top. It is very, very quiet. The HMF bubble make more noise than this. This thing cannot be heard.
  10. From the album: New Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon Tank

    New Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon Glass Tank on a Mr. Aqua Tank Mat.
  11. From the album: New Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon Tank

    This shows how I tried to set this tank up so that it will be easy to take care of. Substrate in containers, even plants on glass containers, large feeding dish for leaves, a huge Penn Plax Cascade 500 canister filter with three other Tom's mini canister filters, three dual sponges, one huge HMF Filter with mini canister and sponge behind the filter. Colbolt Neo-Therm Heater, moss sheet on top, cup of alder cones, several Malaysia drift wood, four air stones, and one air bubble wand, sliding glass top, bare bottom. RO water with Bee Shrimp Mineral GH+, Bee Balls, and the ability to take anything out of the tank and clean it in aquarium water at any time. The Led Light is hung 6 inches above and I can make it higher or lower with ease, it has a Danner air pump with 4 different air slots to use. Tank is in a place where it will not get any sunlight and it is on a remote light switch. Tank is crystal clear, and I do mean crystal clear. It is cycling right now and I will be using this for my TB's. I will be adding some long branches and twigs for them to run around the tank on, and other than that. It is set. I use Colony, so the fish in the tank that are helping cycle it are fine, and the tank will cycle in about 10 to 12 days and be ready for the shrimp. I have about a dozen that are berried, and my CBS just had about 50 fry in the smaller tank they are in right now. This Mr. Aqua Low Iron Glass Tank is amazing, the clarity, and crystal clear glass is awesome. It has more of a tiny hint of blue versus the green with other tanks. The seams are perfect on the tank. Everything will be easy to reach and get to. When I vacuum the bottom bare glass, the water goes right into a big 5 gallon bucket, so if I do suck up any fry or shrimp, they can go right back into the tank. The substrate, I can just take out, and rinse in aquarium water to clean, and still keep the good bacteria. With the HMF, sponge filters, plants, drift wood, etc. there will be plenty of bio film for them. Plus the large container for leaves will keep the leaf dust and tiny pieces mainly in the container. The water flow is decent, but not too strong. Just a gently flow around the tank that circles the entire tank. With the Cascade canister, that is how it is made so that the whole tank gets some circulation. So, this is how I hope this tank will be. I mainly want it to be easy to take care of, easy to clean, easy to get to things, and still have a good environment for the shrimp. Now, if it works out this way, I will have to let you know. lol
  12. Thanks all, I did not know all of that. Some of the normal things you run into with a tank that becomes established blows my mind. You can look at your tank and see these tiny, tiny, microscopic things moving around the glass, some are so tiny, you can't even see them with a magnifying glass, and some are just a normal part of having a established tank.
  13. I just hooked up and started the Penn Plax Cascade 500 Canister Filter today on my new Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon Tank. Plus it has three sponges, the HMF, three of the Tom's mini canisters and some air stones. I put a Tom's mini canister behind the HMF too with the sponge filter. The Penn Plax Cascade 500 was not as easy as it looks to start, but once you do get it going. You can't hear it at all, the water flow on the output is nice, not too much. No leaks. But, wow, what a pain to get it started. Then it was so quiet, I couldn't tell if it was going or not when it was already going just fine. lol I like though, I'll have to do a review on it.
  14. Yeah, that is a bummer that ottos don't eat the bugs. The shrimp and fry are even safe with the otos, but they don't eat the water fleas. I changed the water and sucked them up with a glass turkey baster. I think I got them all, for now anyway. It is amazing what can just "SHOW UP" in water. I am one of those clean and organized type of person too, so I bleached everything all around the tanks. Walls, counters, photos, paintings, anything near the tanks, tools, you name it, it got cleaned.
  15. Doc4PC2


    I did clean everything with a toothbrush, and glass inside all the way around. Sponges and filters I rinsed out in aquarium water, vacuumed the substrate. You name it, I cleaned it and changed about 65% of the water. The tanks looks good now. I think what is happening, is the led light. I raised the light two more inches, and set it to go hour and a half of less daylight. All water parameters are good right now. I keep a journal of everything I do on all of my tanks, on a daily basis, so I can go back and see date, time, what was going on, what I did, changes, etc. Thanks for all of the great advice everyone.
  16. I have a neon tetra, or a small yoyo loach, would they get rid of them and Not go after the fry? I also have some ottos, but I didn't have any Ottos with the fry.
  17. Does anyone know how to get rid of water fleas? Keep in mind, I have a bunch of under one week old shrimp fry. They are so tiny, that even with a magnifying glass I can't really tell what they are, the are so microscopic. They are in a small tank with five CBS, and lots of new born fry. There is no substrate in the tank, just leaves bottom. The water parameters are fine, and the fry seem fine, but there is no way to vacuum the floor of the tank because of the fry, and even a shrimp net won't catch them, that is how tiny they are. Tank is 2 gallon, 6.4 PH, 0 KH, 6 GH, 150 TDS, 72 temp, RO water, and bee shrimp minerals GH+, The bottom of the tank is Indian almond leaf, oak leafs, mulberry leaf, one small plant in it's own plant pot with a little substrate in the plant pot. It Is a very small plant. There is stuff on the floor of the tank because of the leaf breakdown, of half eaten leaves. It has a sponge filter, and Tom's nano canister filter, and a air stone. The tank has these flies that are so tiny, you can barely see them ,but they are there moving around the tank. Is there anyway to get rid of the flies without harming the new born fry.
  18. Thanks Sbarbee, but I am not talking about just cycling, but overall water management too. Do you use any of the products, or other products on a consistent basis in your water management? Plus, when I do cycle, I use filters, and other media, plants, some substrate, and décor, wood from other tanks that have been long established to help with cycling. But the main thing, I wonder about is if I should be using some of these products I keep seeing on a regular basis as part of my overall water management.
  19. Has anyone that has started up a new tank tried the Benibachi Active Water, or Low Key Absorption boards, or Bacteria Bee, or Bio Culture? or products like that? Are they worth checking into, or trying out, or helping to speed up the cycle? I have used Colony successfully. It cycles the tank in about 10 to 12 days even with 0 KH, 6 GH, 6.4 PH, and 72 degrees. Colony will cycle the tanks in about 4 days, if you use tap water, 77 degrees, higher KH, and GH, and around 7.0 PH, but if you are using RO water and setting your water parameters for shrimp, then it takes about 10 to 12 days to cycle a new tank using Colony from ATM. I am just wondering if there is something better I should be using, or are some of the shrimp products that I see are good to use on a regular basis. I usually only use RO water, Bee Shrimp Mineral GH+, Borneo Wild Bee Balls and that's it, after a shrimp tank is cycled. Other than leaves, drift wood, peat pellets, alder cones. I put ceramic's, bio balls, in my filters. I am just wondering if I should be looking at using some of these products in my water management, or are they just wasting money and no one know for sure if they are helping or not? I want to produce the best water quality for my TB's, CBS, and CRS, but there are so many different products on the market now, I have no idea what is good to use, and what is not. So honest opinions are appreciated.
  20. I grew some Stinging Nettles leaves in a large pot this summer. I cut some of the fresh leaves off, and boiled them for 5 to 7 minutes, let them cool and put them in. They were gone by morning. The Shrimp loved the Stinging Nettles leaves that were fresh and green. They were fairly small as the plants have not grown in fully yet. I planted the organic seeds in May and they are just giving me some small plants now in the very large flower pot. But the shrimp definitely like them.
  21. Doc4PC2


    Countryboy - Do you add peroxide right to your tank? or a mix or something. How do you use the peroxide? Thanks!
  22. I have some of the no planarian too, but have never used it. let me know how it goes.
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