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Posts posted by Doc4PC2

  1. I learned a very hard lesson with Fenben. Be careful you don't over doze, or your shrimp will die.

    I have now gone with the trap way to get rid of planaria and worms, and snails. No chemicals

    with the traps and they works great. I just use the same food I would feed the shrimp in the traps,

    as that is what they are used to eating.


    With the hydra, I just smash them against the glass and then clean the glass, but I have tried just

     a touch of Fenben for the hydra and I turn off the lights for 24 hours and cover the tank with a cloth

    for 24hours, so very little light gets in. I only use just a tiny bit of Fenben, and it works great, gets

    rid of the hydra, and the shrimp are fine.

  2. It is just a 10 gallon, with a beamworks led light. I leave it on day light for 7 hours, 7 hours on blue night led lights, and off the rest of the time. Plus the

    light is raised some above the tank. I have had this tank for quite awhile now, and I rarely have to do anything with it, but water changes and some

    cleaning here and there, vacuum the substrate, normal maintenance. Like I said, yesterday, it was pristine, clean, clear, just a tiny bit of algae, all of the décor was fine and clean, the sponges

    look good, filter looks good. It has a biowheel 200 on it, plus two sponges, and a small UV sterilizer, and air stones. It does not have any live plants in it at all. Just decorations. No moss, no plants,

    nothing live. Drift wood is all.


    Just today, all of a sudden, I look at the tank and it had algae everywhere, on all of the decorations, sponges, substrate, glass, drift wood. I was stunned,

    because yesterday it was fine. I have never seen a tank just all of a sudden in one day, have a massive algae bloom explosion like that. The tank is in

    my kitchen and it has been for a long time now. It does not get direct sunlight at all, and normally looks great.


    I was just wondering what could cause something like this. I vacuumed the substrate, cleaned the glass inside, cleaned all of the decorations, cleaned the sponges in aquarium water,

    cleaned the filter in aquarium water. Cleaned the light, and changed about 65% of the water, and it now looks fine and back to normal.


    But wow, did it blow me away. Overnight, it exploded with algae. I would like to prevent this, so I was wondering if anyone would know what would cause this all of a sudden in an established

    tank that never does this.

  3. In one of my fish tanks. It just has a nice size Angel Fish, a yoyo loach, and four neon tetra.


    The tank is fine, clean, decorations are clean, water is crystal clear, water parameters are great.


    Then one day out of the blue, the tank all of a sudden has algae on the glass, decorations, bottom

    of the substrate, everywhere?


    It was just fine yesterday, you couldn't even hardly see any algae, but today, it all of a sudden has

    a massive burst of algae. Like a big algae bloom out of nowhere?


    Does anyone know what could cause this?  The tank is not in the sun or by a window, and I rarely have

    to clean algae off the glass. It is very strange?


    Thanks for any help.



  4. The Tortondo or something like that Mulberry Leaves that are dried and vacuum sealed in a package, my

    shrimp go nuts over. It is without a doubt, their favorite food, big time. Nothing even comes close. They will

    clean it to the skeleton within a couple of days, sometimes overnight. They seem to like to eat the Mulberry

    leaves at night. I don't see them around it much during the day, but the next day, it is almost gone. So

    they are munching at night on them big time. Even the new born fry love the Mulberry leaves, especially after

    I leave one in the tank for a couple of days. It seems like the don't touch it at all with the fry, then after

    a couple of days, they go after it big time. I boil the leaf for 5 minutes, let cool and put it in the tanks.

    But out of all the food I feed the shrimp, even blanched zucchini slices, or shrimp king, or snowflakes, or

    powder, or oak leaves, or Indian Almond leaves, or all kinds of different food. The Mulberry leaf is by far their favorite food.

  5. Does anyone know how to prepare the stinging nettles leaves?


    I grew some over the past couple of months in a huge flower pot.


    Do you cut off the leaves and let them dry, then boil them and put them in?


    or do you just cut of the green leaves, boil them and put them in?


    Or do you boil the green leaves, let them dry and then put them in?


    Is fresh stinging nettles leaves what they like, or dry one?


    Any info, if anyone knows would be great and thanks!

  6. Thanks everyone. I do use  a baby supplement powder, and the tank has been setup for 5 months now, and the water

    parameters are stable and steady. I use a dark blue background, that is solid. I never knew that even your background

    can make a difference. Is there a certain background you should be using on your shrimp tanks?


    Hopefully, they are all hiding. There is also three more CBS that are almost ready for the fry to be born. Any day now,

    I would say. This tank will have a ton of fry if all three, have their fry this week, so I am watching it closely and monitoring

    the water closely.

  7. My low grade CBS has some fry a couple of days ago, and I could see the little

    ones. There was about a dozen or so that I could see on the sides of the glass

    and here and there. But now when I look today, I can only see one or two of



    Did they all die, or did they all find a good hiding spot somewhere that I just can't



    Water parameters are all good and unchanged from the time they were born to today.


    Is there a survival rate on fry?

  8. When I go down to the river bed, there is a ton of branches, drift wood, twigs, that are all dried and by the river bed on the river rocks when

    the river is down. But I have no idea if they would be okay, if I boiled them good, let them dry again, boiled them again and then put them

    in the tank. The things you have to know to keep shrimp.....

  9. I find my shrimp, no matter what the variety is, they just don't eat very much of what I put in.

    However, they love, love, love, mulberry leafs. They eat it to the skelaton

    every time

    I put one in. They used to love blanched zuccinni, a small slice, but they don't even

    Go for that much now. I have tried all kinds of high quality, highly recommend

    Food, but they just don't seem interested very much, except mulberry leafs.

  10. I was wondering what kind of wood, branches, twigs, can be used

    In shrimp tanks or fish tanks?

    Can it be any kind as long as u boil them, and let them dry? Or

    Does it have to be a certain kind, like wood found by the river or lake?

    Same for branches and twigs?

    Thanks for the help and any answers.

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