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  1. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from svetilda in Straight up Substrate(for shrimp)   
    I went with a bottom layer of Fluval Shrimp Stratum, and a top layer of Black Moon Sand, so far, I can keep the PH at 6.4 to 6.6.
    But I also have some miniature alder cones in the tank, and one Indian Almond Leaf, and a couple of Peat Pellet cups that
    float on top of the water. They are in the kcup filter that people use for coffee. I just fill it with peat pellets, close the top
    and let it float on top of the water.
  2. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Timothylem in Would like to replace my sponge canister intake with pantyhose   
    That's true, you could just have two of them, slide one up, and put another on the bottom piece,
    or take the top piece off entirely. You can do that on the BioWheel 200 for sure.
  3. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from SurraGync in Hypothetical question and thought.....   
    Hypothetical question?
    What if you were to take the substrate and put it in a large media bag and put it on the bottom
    of a tank, and then put a large stainless steel mesh of moss on top it?
    Then when you wanted to clean it, you could just take the bag of substrate out, rinse it in aquarium water
    and put it back in?  I am just trying to think of a way to make it easy to clean the substrate and a tank
    versus vacuuming the substrate which is a pain and you can never really get it clean or be able to
    clean the sides of glass inside.
    I'm talking about a large media bag, say 20" X 10" for like a 10 gallon tank. It would still fill the bottom
    of the tank, and then put whatever on top. Drift wood, moss sheets, etc.  Keep it really simple. Then
    pull it to clean it. This way the whole tank can be cleaned easier and put back together.
    If you use aquarium water to rinse the bag of substrate, then it should be okay and not kill all of the
    good bacteria? just rinse the gunk out.  You could still use a little colony when you put it back in the tank
    after cleaning. ATM's Colony does not raise the TDS.
    What do you thing? This would not necessarily be for shrimp. It could be for fish too.
  4. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from SurraGync in August RAOK   
    Congrats to the winner!
  5. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Deroyhott in August RAOK   
    Congrats to the winner!
  6. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from mayphly in Website building   
    We use iPage for our hosting. It is unlimited everything. Unlimited traffic, unlimited usage, file sizes, videos, photos, with full database, ecommerce, shopping cart, etc. You name it, they have it. And you never have to worry about going over on traffic or file size or how large your site is. You can pay once a year, or once a month payments, and they are the best, as far as I am concerned. We have several of our sites on iPage. Usually you can get a good deal for the first year, like 40 bucks for the year, and then after that, it is 145 a year. Which is reasonable, because everything is unlimited, emails, security, support. They have both email and call in support, and anytime I have had to use support, they have been excellent. One of our largest sites is ProShineClean.com and it also has the ProShineclean.mobi with it. One account can have several domains and sites hooked to it, and it doesn't cost anything extra. Your domain name
    costs, but you can have four different sites being managed from the same web tools and file management, and ftp, and still only pay the one price per year.
    So, just my opinion as a Webmaster and I manage several websites, but I haven't found a single host that is as good as iPage.com. GoDaddy, is good, but you have so many extras that you have to pay, you end up paying close to 500 a year if you need anything extra. The so called Free hosts do not have the tools you need to have a professional site up and running consistently, and search engines ignore websites on them, you can't get on the first page. You end up on page 20, so no one can find your site. When someone searches for shrimp, pet shrimp, TB's, neos, keywords like that, you want your site to come up on the first page of search, and as your traffic grows, you, you get there, but it take some marketing
    and time. Just my opinion.
  7. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from JamesHe in Website building   
    We use iPage for our hosting. It is unlimited everything. Unlimited traffic, unlimited usage, file sizes, videos, photos, with full database, ecommerce, shopping cart, etc. You name it, they have it. And you never have to worry about going over on traffic or file size or how large your site is. You can pay once a year, or once a month payments, and they are the best, as far as I am concerned. We have several of our sites on iPage. Usually you can get a good deal for the first year, like 40 bucks for the year, and then after that, it is 145 a year. Which is reasonable, because everything is unlimited, emails, security, support. They have both email and call in support, and anytime I have had to use support, they have been excellent. One of our largest sites is ProShineClean.com and it also has the ProShineclean.mobi with it. One account can have several domains and sites hooked to it, and it doesn't cost anything extra. Your domain name
    costs, but you can have four different sites being managed from the same web tools and file management, and ftp, and still only pay the one price per year.
    So, just my opinion as a Webmaster and I manage several websites, but I haven't found a single host that is as good as iPage.com. GoDaddy, is good, but you have so many extras that you have to pay, you end up paying close to 500 a year if you need anything extra. The so called Free hosts do not have the tools you need to have a professional site up and running consistently, and search engines ignore websites on them, you can't get on the first page. You end up on page 20, so no one can find your site. When someone searches for shrimp, pet shrimp, TB's, neos, keywords like that, you want your site to come up on the first page of search, and as your traffic grows, you, you get there, but it take some marketing
    and time. Just my opinion.
  8. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Pika in Vaping   
    I sold TheEcigStop and The Vapor Trail Magazine a few months ago. The new guy is doing a redesign right now, I think.
    but it has a ton of information on it. What the new owners are going to do with it, I don't know though.
    I have been out sick the past couple of weeks, and still am, so I haven't been online much at all. Hopefully, I will get well
    and be back online in a couple more weeks.
  9. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Hiatus in Tap Water Question, Analysis, and Help.   
    It is 4 to 6 on GH, one reading was 4, one was 5, one was six, one was four, and the last one was 4. So that is why I said 4 to six.
  10. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from h4n in Vaping   
    I sold TheEcigStop and The Vapor Trail Magazine a few months ago. The new guy is doing a redesign right now, I think.
    but it has a ton of information on it. What the new owners are going to do with it, I don't know though.
    I have been out sick the past couple of weeks, and still am, so I haven't been online much at all. Hopefully, I will get well
    and be back online in a couple more weeks.
  11. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to forumsnow in New Camera   
    Went with the Nikon d5200, got it this afternoon super excited. Didn't really have any time to play around but snapped a couple quick pics on stock settings. Have included a pic taken with my tablet for comparison.

  12. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from EricM in Planaria catcher   
    I have the NAG pen, but I think it just depends on the bait you use and you have to make sure
    the hole where they go in is pointed down on the substrate.  When I had an issue with worms,
    and Planaria, it didn't seem to matter what I put in there, very few went into the trap.
    I tried bacon, turkey, ham, pieces of raw shrimp, but none seemed to work. I haven't had any
    problems with Planaria lately, but I will try the Ken's Veggie Sticks for bait in the NAG trap if
    I have to use it again and see it that will work for me.
  13. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to wicca32 in Moss Balls   
    a true moss "ball" is not practical it will die and rot because the middle of a wad of moss could not get the light it needs to live. some like the marimo balls me i learned my lesson. very few have ever had the prob i had. and to be honest mine was from having the perfect environment for them to thrive in. it went nuts and basically started reproducing is what happened. since home tanks are not its natural environment it created the stringy clado algae instead of forming the ball shape. but once they set like mine did you can hardly kill it. 
  14. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Rodan76 in Hi from Georgia   
  15. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to mayphly in Sure feels like my birthday   
    I just set up 4 more ten gallons just for plants. I have two other gla regulators and although they ain't cheap I've never had an issue with any of them. So, I figured ... Why not???
  16. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Merth in Babies!   
  17. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to OMG Aquatics in RO or RODI unit?   
    I wish I live close to my gf. She doesn't have to pay water bill for her apt. I would so buy RO unit if my water was free
    Then I be able to house the blue bolts I've always wanted!!
  18. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from EricM in leaves and greens   
    yeah, I am betting shrimp would love the tantora chinese spinach leaves. Mine don't seem to like the snowflake at all. But they love
    Mulberry leaves, organic spinach leaves, stinging needle leaves, blanched zucchini, Indian Almond leaves, and Bacter AE. They also
    love the Bee Pollen, they eat it up big time.
  19. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to kribensislover in Names and faces   
    Don't mind my wrinkles

  20. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to DETAquarium in Names and faces   
    This picture was taken about 2-3 months ago. If you haven't already seen me on YouTube; this is my family and I.

  21. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Names and faces   
    Just thought I'd share a pic taken Sunday at the theatre.

  22. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from High5's in leaves and greens   
    yeah, I am betting shrimp would love the tantora chinese spinach leaves. Mine don't seem to like the snowflake at all. But they love
    Mulberry leaves, organic spinach leaves, stinging needle leaves, blanched zucchini, Indian Almond leaves, and Bacter AE. They also
    love the Bee Pollen, they eat it up big time.
  23. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to High5's in Update on Mr Aqua 12 Gallon Low Iron Glass Tank   
    Innovative set up Doc, be carful the new fluval shrimp/plant stratum dose leach ammonia when new.
  24. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from High5's in Update on Mr Aqua 12 Gallon Low Iron Glass Tank   
    I use the Tantora vacuum sealed leaves, boil them in RO water for 5 minutes and put it in the leaf container. It is their favorite food by far. The shrimp love the mulberry leafs. One large leaf is usually gone within a day. But there is no doubt it is their favorite food.
  25. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to metageologist in October Tank of the Month   
    Congrats to the winner.
    Thanks for liking my tank Doc, I deffinatly like the idea of 3 photos it was hard to get the whole 75 gallons in the shot and not being on the other end of the room.
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