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  1. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to EricM in Glas Garten Bacter AE Dosage?   
    less is more for sure. bacter and snowflake wont foul your water like a food will. remember 90% of their diet is biofilm so if they are getting a majority of their diet from this they will become less interested in prepared foods.
    that doesnt mean you till shouldnt use them.  berried females will want the extra protein found in foods.
  2. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to countryboy12484 in Names and faces   
    Ok guys i snaped a selfy im at work... Dirty and tired so be kind
  3. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Vicente Mcdonnell in Names and faces   
    My name is Steve, and everyone calls me Doc, and has for a long time now. Live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana.
    Love, Aquatics, and animals, music, photography, computers, martial arts, football, sports, and spending time with
    my family and friends. I am single and love being independent doing the things that I want to do when and how I
    want to do them. I am new to Shrimp Keeping, but am finding out that I really enjoy it.

          - Me in my back yard
          - Me at my desk
          - My Dog named Shadow (She is an excellent Dog about 8 years old)
          - My Show Bunny Named Tigger
          - Some of my interests and hobbies
          - I am a Peyton Manning Fan, #18 - I go where my QB goes
          - Some of my Shrimp  
         - Album and more about me
  4. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from h4n in Names and faces   
    Dude Steve ,
    Tigger is badass. What kind of bunny?
    I want one so bad..!

    Han, Tigger is a Dwarf Dutch bunny. They
    are very hard to find, the ones that are
    show quality and stay little. One like Tigger
    looks like a baby all of their life and stays
  5. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to jumpsmasher in Black Tiger (BTOE) videos   
    My Black Tiger Shrimps have always been one of the favourite species in my collection; they breed true unlike Orange Eye Blue Tiger (OEBT) shrimps and since mine has some Royal Blue Tiger genes in them most of them has a nice blue sheer when view against the light.
    Another reason why they are one of favourites is the females that i have left are some of oldest and largest dwarf shrimps in my collection.  My "Big Mamma" as I like to call her is around 3.5-4cm and even my oldest male is 3+ cm.  
    They are generally quite shy and too active to get a good shot but last night after I fed them, they were quite social and hung around in the open for a bit so I grabbed my camera and decided to try my hands at shooting some video.
    Enjoy the shrimp porn! Best viewed in fullscreen at 1080p : )
    My "Big Mamma"

    A couple of the other younger females and some juvies - warning very long video 

    forgive my choppy camera movement, didn't have a very good tripod and still figuring out how to focus quickly and edit videos (there was lots of sections where it went out of focus or out of frame than i should have removed)
  6. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to swissian in Names and faces   
    This is my favorite picture of me and my parent's dog Lacey:

    And last year at my quarter of a century birthday party:

    The baker thought my Aunt's cake idea was crazy. I loved it!
  7. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from h4n in Names and faces   
    My name is Steve, and everyone calls me Doc, and has for a long time now. Live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana.
    Love, Aquatics, and animals, music, photography, computers, martial arts, football, sports, and spending time with
    my family and friends. I am single and love being independent doing the things that I want to do when and how I
    want to do them. I am new to Shrimp Keeping, but am finding out that I really enjoy it.

          - Me in my back yard
          - Me at my desk
          - My Dog named Shadow (She is an excellent Dog about 8 years old)
          - My Show Bunny Named Tigger
          - Some of my interests and hobbies
          - I am a Peyton Manning Fan, #18 - I go where my QB goes
          - Some of my Shrimp  
         - Album and more about me
  8. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Greenteam in Names and faces   
    My name is Steve, and everyone calls me Doc, and has for a long time now. Live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana.
    Love, Aquatics, and animals, music, photography, computers, martial arts, football, sports, and spending time with
    my family and friends. I am single and love being independent doing the things that I want to do when and how I
    want to do them. I am new to Shrimp Keeping, but am finding out that I really enjoy it.

          - Me in my back yard
          - Me at my desk
          - My Dog named Shadow (She is an excellent Dog about 8 years old)
          - My Show Bunny Named Tigger
          - Some of my interests and hobbies
          - I am a Peyton Manning Fan, #18 - I go where my QB goes
          - Some of my Shrimp  
         - Album and more about me
  9. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Greenteam in Names and faces   
    Lol this is a fun threat.
    I have 2 pics on my cellphone one is an old one of me when I was deployed in Iraq and the 2nd one is of me (in blue long sleeve) on vacation in Costa Rica. This after spending the day hiking with our personal tour guide. 

  10. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from EricM in New Tantora liquid products now for sale!   
    I have never tried their liquids, but I have tried their leaves, Cappa Bark, Indian Almond Leaves, Mulberry Leaves.
    They are vacuumed sealed, and packed right. Organic, and good quality. My shrimp love the Mulberry leaves
    from Tantora. It is without a doubt their favorite food. But I have never tried their liquids like above, but I would
    say their quality is pretty good.
  11. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from High5's in Names and faces   
    My name is Steve, and everyone calls me Doc, and has for a long time now. Live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana.
    Love, Aquatics, and animals, music, photography, computers, martial arts, football, sports, and spending time with
    my family and friends. I am single and love being independent doing the things that I want to do when and how I
    want to do them. I am new to Shrimp Keeping, but am finding out that I really enjoy it.

          - Me in my back yard
          - Me at my desk
          - My Dog named Shadow (She is an excellent Dog about 8 years old)
          - My Show Bunny Named Tigger
          - Some of my interests and hobbies
          - I am a Peyton Manning Fan, #18 - I go where my QB goes
          - Some of my Shrimp  
         - Album and more about me
  12. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Thank you to our members!   
    Most of you know that I honestly believe secrets in shrimping will kill the hobby in America if left to continue. 
    For example, it was once that way with reptile breeding, and as soon as people became open with knowledge gained- the reptile business exploded with more people than ever entering the hobby!
    So Kudos to the members here for sharing so freely in what has been learned from breeders and personal experience!
    Also THANK YOU for welcoming members both advanced and new into this shrimping hobby of ours!
    We've done a great job in making sure everyone feels welcome here, and I'm sure we'll continue to make friendliness and openness our top priorities here!
    If there's ever any spam or a flame war in the making, just remember that two words to the left of the "multiquote" tab under the post is the word "report."  Click on that, write your concerns, and the mods will figure things out ASAP. 
    We're all in this together folks!  We're all one community!  Kudos to YOU for making this forum a success!
  13. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Feedback   
    Just got my order of food samples from Han. It was well worth it! He gave me a great variety of samples to check out.
    You just can't beat it. Every time I have ordered anything from Han, it is always the best, super fast shipping, packed
    well and protected, excellent quality and freshness. Usually extra goodies thrown in and excellent communication with
    his customers. When you want something, Han usually has it, and at a price, you CAN afford!
  14. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Feedback   
    Just got my order of food samples from Han. It was well worth it! He gave me a great variety of samples to check out.
    You just can't beat it. Every time I have ordered anything from Han, it is always the best, super fast shipping, packed
    well and protected, excellent quality and freshness. Usually extra goodies thrown in and excellent communication with
    his customers. When you want something, Han usually has it, and at a price, you CAN afford!
  15. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from h4n in Feedback   
    Just got my order of food samples from Han. It was well worth it! He gave me a great variety of samples to check out.
    You just can't beat it. Every time I have ordered anything from Han, it is always the best, super fast shipping, packed
    well and protected, excellent quality and freshness. Usually extra goodies thrown in and excellent communication with
    his customers. When you want something, Han usually has it, and at a price, you CAN afford!
  16. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from SpeedieAquatics in We are now officially a Sponsor!!!   
    Congrats! Your website looks awesome Too!
  17. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in First RAOK   
    Congrats to the winners!
  18. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Greenteam in what hobbies do you have besides aquatic?   
    Ummm other then keeping tanks I like to do art I guess.
    I have done oil, charcoal, color pencils, leather carvings, clay/pottery, but my favorite medium is watercolor. 
    My wife is a graphic/web designer and she wanted me to try Photoshop so I made a portrait of her after messing with the program for a day.
    I used her name then some other basic keys like backslash, parenthesis, and some others. Just no actual lines.

  19. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to High5's in Help! Cloudy Water and Shrimp Death   
    I had cloudy water when I was using a sponge pre filter. I got a ss mesh filter guard from Han and my tank cleared up. Are you using carbon in any of your filtration? If it's bacterial infection maybe try some alder cone's, leave the tank light's off for a few day's try not to mess with it too much sometimes it dose more harm than good.
  20. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Allicat in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    More pics of fry growing up

  21. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Allicat in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    Fancy Goldfish Breeding
    Preparing fancy goldfish to breed:
    Make sure to do large frequent water changes on the tank with the desired breeding fish. This means about 80% WC per week. You will also need to raise the temperature of your water to about 76 F. Think of it as mimicking spring. Big water changes=rain, warmer temps rising + more food = plenty of food for fry to survive and grow fast. I also notice that my goldfish tend to spawn when it actually rains, and early in the morning. I would usually catch them when I was headed out the door for my 8am class…needless to say I was late those days hahaha. Even though I simulate it through water change I think they can still sense the natural pressure changes. There are two times of the year that work best for goldfish breeding and that is spring and fall, but it is easiest in spring since nature is working with you.  
    Feed high protein foods to encourage the growth of eggs in the female. I usually feed a large variety of foods (saki hikari purple bag, omega one pellet, soilent green gel food, blanched organic spinach, and frozen brine shrimp and blood worms). The blood worms and brine shrimp work the best for me to get my fish full of eggs.
    There are two approaches to this, hand spawning and natural spawning. I will go over both and the pros and cons of each; I personally use hand spawning. If you see your fish spawning and missed most of it, no worries! If you keep up your breeding prep routine your female should be ready to spawn again in about 14 days.
    Natural: This tank needs to only house the fish you desire to breed and no others. Provide the goldfish with an area to spawn. That can either be a handmade “spawning mop” or a bunch of anachris. The male is going to push the female around a lot and she will want something soft to be pushed into for laying the eggs. With this method you sit back and let the fish do the work. After they have finished spawning you can either move the plant or mop with the eggs out of the tank, or move the parents out, they cannot be kept together. Goldfish will eat their own eggs.
    Pros: Fish are not as stressed due to less handling, may not know who parents are if fish are not removed from community tank
    Cons: Males can be rough and damage the female’s fins and scales, must have enough tanks to house all the breeding pairs you wish to make
    Hand spawning: Have the container you will raise the fry in filled and ready. I recommend a 10-20 gallon tank for raising eggs, but you will need to upgrade it later on. When you observe the female starting to drop eggs gently pick her up and move her into the container you will raise the fry in initially. Very gently, with no more pressure than you would use to push on your eyeball, slowly press down the sides of the female and aid her in laying her eggs. Swish around the water every once in a while so the eggs don’t stick together in a clump, otherwise they may develop badly. Then select the male you want to be the father. Do the same thing to him and gently rub his sides until he releases milt. You want enough milt to make the water a little cloudy. You can choose more than one male for this if you desire. Or have more than one fry tank and have half the female’s eggs in one and half in the other and choose two different males. I personally like knowing exactly who the parents were so I know if I want to use them again in the future. Return the parents to the main tank and stir the water with the eggs and milt.
    Pros: Can keep all fish in main tank or pond, know exactly who the parents are, less chance of the female being injured by the male(s)
    Cons: Possibility of rupturing female’s ovaries if not careful when handling. (I have never had this happen), stressful to fish
    For both methods:
    Let the eggs sit for 30 min to fertilize and then perform a water change on the tank with the eggs. Make sure to match the temperature exactly. This is to not shock the eggs and to remove the unused milt from the water that would otherwise go bad and create an ammonia spike.
    Then add a heater to keep the temperature stable, an air stone to keep water circulation and it is not required but you can use some methylene blue to prevent fungus from spreading from dead eggs to healthy eggs. Have a turkey baster ready and check the eggs daily to remove dead/infertile ones.
    The eggs will hatch between 4-7 days depending on temperature, higher is faster. I also find that it depends on the breed. My orandas would hatch around day 4-5 while my ranchu took 6-7. Once you see eyeballs in the eggs they will hatch in 24-48 hours. This is also the best time to set up a brine shrimp hatchery as baby brine shrimp is the best food for fry.
    Once the eggs hatch the babies will not be able to swim long. They usually dart out of the egg and then find somewhere to rest. They will not need to be fed for the first 2 days because they will absorb the yolk sac on their bellies.
    Once the yolk sac has been absorbed they should be swimming and beginning to search for food. Have your baby brine shrimp ready to feed them. They love hunting down the tiny moving shrimps. If any fry are not swimming or are stuck on the bottom, cull these; their swim bladder is not forming properly.
    Over the next few weeks you will feed baby brine shrimp, clean the tank with a turkey baster or airline tubing as a siphon, and cull any that are not developing the traits needed to survive or do not fit the specifications of the breed you are raising. As they grow upgrade their tank.
    If anyone is interested I can go more in depth on this for Side View Ranchu fancy goldfish.

  22. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Greenteam in 5G Mischling Adventure   
    So all my michling girls got berried at the same time kinda cool. This made me wounder shrimp in the same tank somehow fall on the same breeding cycle.
    Also one of my golden's had a semi-fail molt and he now has a funny looking wing shape head lol.
    Lastly my new little red root floaters finally turned bright red after a week in the tank.

  23. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Duff0712 in New Video of my TB Shrimp Tank Setup & Backup Tank   
    I made a short video, well not too short, about 10 minutes long showing my new setup of my
    new Mr. Aqua Low Iron 12 Gallon TB Shrimp Tank, and my new 10 gallon backup tank for them.
    The video is at:
    I don't know how to put the video in the post.
    Hope you like it, any comments are appreciated, any tips, advice, and what you think.
    Thanks, Doc
  24. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from miwu in For Sale - Live (Shrimps, Fish, Plants)   
    I can tell you, his shrimp are excellent. Got them all safe and sound. Got a great deal. The quality was great.
    The packaging was done right with stryofoam around the inside of the whole box, wrapped in newspaper
    with a cooling pack in two breather bags. The shrimp acclimated fine and are now in their new home.
    Thank you miwu!  Great Job, would buy again anytime!
  25. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to Allicat in Yellow neon berried!   
    Just excited [emoji4] this is my first yellow that has become mature enough to breed. This is her first time being berried, hope all goes well! 3 more are saddled.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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