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  1. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in My first berried shrimp   
    I found my first berried shrimp today. It is a Crystal Red Shrimp.
    I may also have a Yellow Neon that is berried, but I still haven't
    managed to snap a photo of her yet.
    The album has the photos of my first berried shrimp.
    Color me excited!
  2. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Carbon in hob filter question   
    I would love to get some of these. They are expensive, and the water has to be just
    right, but they are very cool!   They are both freshwater.

  3. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Carbon in hob filter question   
    I think you could, and an okay protein skimmer.
  4. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from mayphly in 5 Blue Bolts Bolting   
    I like the blue bolts more than the blue velvets.
  5. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Carbon in hob filter question   
    have you seen the freshwater Harlinquins? They are very cool.
  6. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Aquasapien69 in water parameter for breeding?   
    All of my shrimps are doing fine, I have no deaths, not a single one. But, I do have a very large tank that will
    be here next week. It is 48 inches long, and has 7 sections, so I can separate the species, and get more specific
    on water parameters. I have not paid, what you think I paid, for my shrimps, and even though I am new, I assure you,
    I research and learn and have spent countless hours before setting up the three tanks I have now. It is just the
    shrimp lingo, that I am not familiar with, like Neos, or bees. Everyone uses appreviations for everything, so I
    am not familiar with all of the shrimp lingo, but I assure you, I do my homework, I own both versions of the shrimp
    keepers magazines, that has a ton of info, but I like getting opinions from people that have been successfully raising,
    and keeping them, like on this forum. I talked to people like H4N, Will at the Shrimp Tank, Dave at invert obsessions,
    and a few others on the phone at length being nice enough to let me pick their brains.
    My point is, I did not just jump in, buy a bunch of shrimp, throw them in a tank, without spending hours, days, weeks,
    doing research and talking to successful keepers before I set up my first tank. I also have been keeping tropical
    fish for years, but never shrimp.
    I will use Fluval Shrimp Substrate and black moon sand in the new tank, and only xmas moss, and one plant in
    each section. I have the design, needs, water parameters and everything I need for my new larger sectioned tank.
    I have drawings setup for each section, and species showing how each section will be set up right to the fallen
    oak leaf. The middle section will house the filters, hob, uv sterilizer, water polisher, heater, moving bed filter,
    etc, plus each section will have their own sponge filter, Malaysia drift wood, alder cones, indian almond leaf,
    xmas moss, shrimp cave, air stone, and everything is planned, purchased, and ready for when the tank gets here.
    I setup a special place for the tank, with top shelves, lighthouse wallpaper, heavy duty and reinforced cabinet
    and stand, power stations, and even a autographed copy of favorite show called "Tanked". I have stated a journal,
    and will photograph, and video each step as I go, to get help, opinions, and to inspire others to join in the shrimp life,
    which will be on my website called: TheShrimpLife.com - and is being built as we speak, but will take some time
    before it is online.
    I have noticed their is a lot of different opinions on TDS, PH, RO water, Minerals, species, breeding, keeping
    what with what, temps, etc, so I take the best info i can get, and live and learn like everyone else. Some lessons,
    I am sure, I will learn the hard way, but as long as i enjoy the journey along the way, so be it. I just enjoy them,
    have fun, and appreciate this forum for sure! TheShrimpLife is new and exciting, and I am learning and meeting
    some awesome people along the way.
  7. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in Carbon in hob filter question   
    have you seen the freshwater Harlinquins? They are very cool.
  8. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in water parameter for breeding?   
    All of my shrimps are doing fine, I have no deaths, not a single one. But, I do have a very large tank that will
    be here next week. It is 48 inches long, and has 7 sections, so I can separate the species, and get more specific
    on water parameters. I have not paid, what you think I paid, for my shrimps, and even though I am new, I assure you,
    I research and learn and have spent countless hours before setting up the three tanks I have now. It is just the
    shrimp lingo, that I am not familiar with, like Neos, or bees. Everyone uses appreviations for everything, so I
    am not familiar with all of the shrimp lingo, but I assure you, I do my homework, I own both versions of the shrimp
    keepers magazines, that has a ton of info, but I like getting opinions from people that have been successfully raising,
    and keeping them, like on this forum. I talked to people like H4N, Will at the Shrimp Tank, Dave at invert obsessions,
    and a few others on the phone at length being nice enough to let me pick their brains.
    My point is, I did not just jump in, buy a bunch of shrimp, throw them in a tank, without spending hours, days, weeks,
    doing research and talking to successful keepers before I set up my first tank. I also have been keeping tropical
    fish for years, but never shrimp.
    I will use Fluval Shrimp Substrate and black moon sand in the new tank, and only xmas moss, and one plant in
    each section. I have the design, needs, water parameters and everything I need for my new larger sectioned tank.
    I have drawings setup for each section, and species showing how each section will be set up right to the fallen
    oak leaf. The middle section will house the filters, hob, uv sterilizer, water polisher, heater, moving bed filter,
    etc, plus each section will have their own sponge filter, Malaysia drift wood, alder cones, indian almond leaf,
    xmas moss, shrimp cave, air stone, and everything is planned, purchased, and ready for when the tank gets here.
    I setup a special place for the tank, with top shelves, lighthouse wallpaper, heavy duty and reinforced cabinet
    and stand, power stations, and even a autographed copy of favorite show called "Tanked". I have stated a journal,
    and will photograph, and video each step as I go, to get help, opinions, and to inspire others to join in the shrimp life,
    which will be on my website called: TheShrimpLife.com - and is being built as we speak, but will take some time
    before it is online.
    I have noticed their is a lot of different opinions on TDS, PH, RO water, Minerals, species, breeding, keeping
    what with what, temps, etc, so I take the best info i can get, and live and learn like everyone else. Some lessons,
    I am sure, I will learn the hard way, but as long as i enjoy the journey along the way, so be it. I just enjoy them,
    have fun, and appreciate this forum for sure! TheShrimpLife is new and exciting, and I am learning and meeting
    some awesome people along the way.
  9. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Carbon in hob filter question   
    ahhh, so you use it as a second media in the penguin 200 then.
    Harlequins are very cool.
  10. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from mayphly in 5 Blue Bolts Bolting   
    The Blue Bolts look very cool!
  11. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Liberty1776 in RAOK 5 CBS MIXED GRADES   
    Love it, again, a great growing list!  One day, the RAOK's will have a couple of hundred on it!
  12. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from h4n in Han Aquatics / The Shrimp Spot give away contest!!!!   
    Wow, the list is growing. I love to see it!
  13. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in RAOK 5 CBS MIXED GRADES   
    Love it, again, a great growing list!  One day, the RAOK's will have a couple of hundred on it!
  14. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in Han Aquatics / The Shrimp Spot give away contest!!!!   
    Wow, the list is growing. I love to see it!
  15. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in Hello All :)   
    So, true!
  16. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Got my Winnings Today from ShortGirl   
    Yes, that is exactly what I did, I attached the xmas moss to the driftwood, and after soaking it in RO water overnight, which
    Shortgirl said I didn't need to do that, so I attached the xmas moss and put it in, and I added some miniature alder cones
    today, that had been soaking for about three days in RO water, and I planted a few plants too.
    I will put in an Indian Almond Leaf next and then I will leave them alone for awhile. The CRS are complaining that
    someone is always rearranging the house all the time.  LOL (Other than 15% water changes every other week).
  17. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Got my Winnings Today from ShortGirl   
    Got my winning from the RAOK from ShortGirl!
    It was awesome!  It was a package full of goodies, lots of
    plants, driftwood, some tools. It was very cool.
    Thank you for much for running the contest! I still can't believe
    I won.
    Now, I have to learn about live plants, because I have been on a
    Shrimp binge research study, and not so much on plants. I guess
    I will have to go on a plant research study binge too.
  18. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Just placed my order for some CRS!   
    yes, as far as I know, ottos are the only fish that is supposed to be 100% safe with shrimp and fry.
    But, I have not proven that myself, personally yet. There are some other fish that are supposed
    to be safe with fish, and I have read that lots of shrimp owners have some fish and different
    types with their shrimp and the shrimp are fine.
    But, everything I have read says, that ottos are the only true safe, 100% will not hurt or
    eat the Shrimp, fish there is.
    Because of the price of CRS, I would still say it is probably a very slight risk, especially with fry,
    but to me, there would still be a risk and trial to be sure.
    That answer probably did not help you much.   lol
  19. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from ShortGirl in Shrimp Friendly RAOK!   
    Wow! Thank you so much, This is amazing, I can't believe I actually won. I never win anything.
    This will help so much, especially will all of my new tanks.
    Thank you so much for running the RAOK!  And Thank you The Shrimp Spot Forum!
    I will also try to get away with posting that I won on other forums mentioning
    our forum name to see if it helps. It should be okay to post as long I just do
    it casually. It is a good thing to post.
    I am a Happy Doc!
  20. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Just placed my order for some CRS!   
    Just got my CRS shrimp order today. Man were they nice! I acclimated them very slowly, and tonight they are in their new home. They immediately started exploring the
    entire tank. They were all very frisky, and moving around a lot. I also got my plants and moss in just before I got the CRS, and I did a big water change, and make sure the water
    quality was perfect for them, Temp, TDS, PH, GH, KH, and no ammonia's, No nitrites, just a touch of nitrates, and crystal clear water. Thank you so much, The Shrimp Tank! Hope that
    is okay to say. Will's CRS are amazing. Tiny, but amazing.
    I knew CRS was tiny, but man, are they tiny. The fry must be really hard to see. I definitely see the importance of having mesh on your intakes.
    Thanks so much to H4N! I hope that is okay to say too. For plants and moss, he did an amazing job!
  21. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from h4n in Moss Types   
    Can't wait to get my new moss! It will help and look awesome!
  22. Like
    Doc4PC2 reacted to ShortGirl in Shrimp Friendly RAOK!   
    The winner in Doc4PC2!
    In the spirit of helping this forum become/stay a fun and brimming place for shrimp knowledge, I am giving away a nice low light plant package! I'd like to think that this could scape a nice little tank for shrimp to thrive! Please encourage new members to sign up to participate! So many exclamation points!
    You will get:
    -4 small crypt parva
    -1 portion of xmas moss
    -2+ java ferns
    -1 Anubias nana
    -6" piece of manzanita driftwood
    -sm piece of manzanita burl
    -other random goodies I find
    Please make a numbered list. Shipping is $6.50 Winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday(3/19/13) morning at 10am EST. No heat packs, I take the package to a hub so no severe weather on my end.
  23. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from ShortGirl in Let's get it rollin....   
    I've been telling everyone I know about this forum. We need to get some growth here, as there are tons of aquatic folks out there that
    not only need help, but love chatting about the subject. Like me. lol
    Maybe someone could donate say 5 shrimp or something like that to get people to sign up and post. Say they have to post at least
    5 times to be eligible for the drawing. Run it for like a month, and then hold a drawing with everyone that has at least 5 posts or even
    10 post to get into the drawing. Then draw and winner and post the winner on all kinds of aquatic forums. You don't want to push the
    forum on another forum, but just something like:
    "Congrats to our lucky winner of 5 SSS Crystal Red Shrimps at The Shrimp Spot Forum.
    Congrats John Doe of Calif, and Thanks everyone for getting into the contest. We will have some more soon. Congrats John Doe from
    The Shrimp Spot Forum."
    Something like that. It shouldn't upset the other forums because you are announcing the winner, and getting our forum name out.
    Just a idea.
  24. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Would like to replace my sponge canister intake with pantyhose   
    Yeah, they sound perfect, and you can't beat the price. But they won't fit my Bio Wheel 100 intake, plus the
    intake is square. I put the white filter media bag over it with these very small clear bands, that you can't even
    see, and it looks good and works well. The bio wheel is spinning the water is flowing great, and there is no
    way a fry could get in.
  25. Like
    Doc4PC2 got a reaction from Louie in Anyone familiar with the new blue dwarf crayfish on the market?   
    Yeah, who knows for sure, unless you are an expert or researched them very well, enough to know the differences. Because I sure don't.
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