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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I agree with you. I think you have it right. I would also call a TB x TT a tangtai. From what I understand is that it's also possible to breed steel and pinto patterns from this combination even though there is a step left out. But I'm not 100% sure since I didn't go this route. Maybe someone can confirm this? And yeah... that chart is bad. But I like the style of it! Looking forward to seeing your new pinto project. What are you going to do different if anything?
  2. Aw man!! DET! Out of all the people!! Gotcha! It's a cruel April fools joke. But it works every year! lol! Happy April Fool's day everyone!
  3. Has anyone else seen this in their tanks? Apparently it's beginning to show up in more and more peoples tanks lately. I've found it in a couple of mine. Apparently it's harmless and easy to remove. It's a type of fungus which feeds on bacteria. Here's a good description of what it is http://www.ivanov.ch/nuisibles.html
  4. After several years of breeding shadows and crs together I think I finally stumbled across a very unique find.
  5. More tanks! I need more Kind of a cool chart. I've never seen this one before. However, there are several inaccuracies with it. ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I received my "fundo misto" bag of goodies today! My shrimp attacked the pods like there's was no tomorrow. Thanks again!
  7. Thanks everyone for playing along!
  8. Congratulations to luck number 13 Shrimpybusiness. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. The RAOK is now closed. I'll be right back to announce the winner! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. They should do ok in med light. They just won't get as red. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Hey Will,

    I noticed today that I don't have access to the mod features. I troubleshot everything along with the help of Bryce and came to the conclusion that they probably weren't enabled. Do you think you can set me up with those features again whenever you get a chance?

    Also, in the "Notification Settings" where it says " Someone comments on something I follow" the toggle is set to "email". This is causing my email folder to fill up crazy fast. When I try and turn it off it's saying that "The admin has disabled this option from being toggled".  If you could look into enabling the toggle switch to be shut off I'd greatly appreciate it.

    I see Silane is being a bit stubborn. I don't know what it is he's looking for but I hope he comes through.




  12. Here are a few trimmings from my high-tech tank. All these plants are grown with high light, co2 /ferts. The plants are algae free. Free snails included. Please start a numbered list. I'll pick the winner tomorrow night and ship out on Tuesday. Winner pays $7.00 shipping. Please be sure you can provide for these plants. They will not do well in a shrimp tank. Ludwigia sp. mini super red 6 stems Rotala Blood Red 5 stems Ammannia sp. 'Sulawesi' 2 stems
  13. sad to hear about her death. She was definitely a pillar to the world of shrimp!
  14. I wonder if Rah-Bop is going to add caridina serrata to the chart? This would be a nice addition. There are so many shrimp that are being crossed with them now.
  15. Here's a few pics I managed to take of them today. I might have to bust out the candles and wine and throw on some Barry White for these guys!
  16. Nice read! I like the idea of having something a bit different in the tank for the shrimp to pick on. I went ahead and ordered the Fundo Misto to try out in some of my tanks. It looks like a great variety of pods in that pack. Looking forward to them! Thanks!
  17. You don't need to put it in the water. Just place it outside of the glass. It works great. Being able to adjust the angle of the mirror helps tremendously
  18. I got that thing decades ago. Any hardware store should carry something similar to it. I just saw this one. Kinda cool! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lighted-Inspection-Mirror-Telescoping-Illuminate-LED-Swivel-Light-Extends-Tool-/182047433688?hash=item2a62df63d8:g:Bq8AAOSwyjBW3lw8&item=182047433688&vxp=mtr
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