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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Go to - Activity / Search / Member Search / Search Members Leave the fields blank in member search if you want to scroll through all the members. The "Search Members" tab is located towards the bottom of the page on the right hand side. Hope this helps!
  2. So once in a blue moon my shrimp get smart. They must really think the grass is greener on the other side of the filter. Can't say I don't blame them. Here's what I do to get them out. I use an adjustable mirror to peek behind the filters. Then, I take a feeding basket place a small piece of food in it and stick it behind the filter. Wait a few hours and lift the basket out and you should have "Shrimp -n- a Basket". This works for me every time.
  3. Many years of blood, sweat and tears! lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. When I heard about the update to the forum and that my feedback was going to disappear I decided to get a screenshot of my old feedback page and post it hear.
  5. The mom is more of a blackish color with thick white on her.
  6. I placed several of my taitibee females with my aura blue tupfel a couple months ago. One of the taitibee became pregnant. I placed her in her own tank. Well.... a couple days ago her babies started popping up everywhere. They don't look like much at the moment. Mom Dad Babies
  7. I've used all 3 for selective breeding. I now prefer the small ones. I usually have a couple females with one male (or vice-versa) in them and they work out fine. Sometimes I'll let a female hatch her babies in the small sized box. This makes it easier to find the babies for me.
  8. mayphly

    My morning view.

    What kind of fish are in the lake? Looks like a great opportunity for some early morning risers. Trout that is!
  9. Nice looking shrimp DET! This shrimp is the offspring from f1. I've noticed there are several different shades of red which appear in my taitibee. There's also some darker ones like this little fella. I like to refer to these ones as dragons. Way back when Speedie first started selling TB I remember he had some extreme reds with this sort of black marbling he referred to as "Dragons". I'm keeping my red taitibee in their own tank with hopes of stabilizing the red color.
  10. It's been a couple months and the same shrimp as pictured above is now juvie sized. The color is becoming more solid the older he gets.
  11. These shrimp are the result of pseudo tibee (TT x CRS) crossed with Taiwan Bees. Their colors and patterns will vary. They are part of my pinto project which I have been working on for over a year. The majority of these are f1 and f2. The f1 females are already producing pintos along with f1 steel patterns. The offspring from the shrimp you'll receive will vary from pinto patterns, TB, tibee and steel patterns. So, now's your chance to scoop some up. Shrimp will be a random pick of pattern and sex. Feel free to contact me with any questions about these shrimp. I only have a limited amount available. 6 - $100.00 Shipped My parameters are PH-5.3 TDS- 140-145 GH- 4-5 Temp 72 My Gallery http://www.shrimpspo...ys-shrimp-pics/ The link only works on a desktop computer. It won't work on Tapatalk. Shipping is free USPS Priority Mail (DOA Guarantee) $35.00 shipped USPS Express (DOA Guarantee) DOA guarantee will only be valid if you send me a clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within an hour of their arrival. However, shipping will not be refunded. Shrimp will only be shipped Mondays and Tuesdays only.
  12. IME heat packs are unreliable. I've used the 72 hour ones many times and sometimes they arrive warm and sometimes they arrive cold. I've only had 1 DOA ever and it was because the shrimp got cooked because of the heat pack. Now I just use 4" think pink insulation. The lowest temps I've shipped in were the mid 20's with just insulation and the shrimp arrived in good shape. I just avoid heat packs nowadays. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. those red bolts are super nice! Are they from taitibee?
  14. I accidentally put shrimp in new tanks when cycling with Amazonia and because of the low PH the shrimp survive. Umm.. I try not to make this a habit! lol!
  15. the Dennerle filter is really nice. I love the fact it comes with it's own lilly pipes. I looked into it before but nobody in the US carries it.
  16. It's never a good idea to introduce a non-native species into an ecosystem it's not from. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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