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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Here are the winning numbers Congratulations to numbers 10, 4 and 7
  2. I love the look of that black quartz.! Does the quartz keep it's shine over time?
  3. The moss fern looks nice! May have to stop by Lowe's on the way home[emoji4]
  4. the madagascar lace is nice. I thought it neeed co2? What ph are you growing it in. I've never had it but wouldn't mind trying to grow some.
  5. I did. But she's curently berried. have to wait I set up a breeder box for them today,
  6. It's a blue diamond. I sort of neglected this tank for the last year and decided to clean it up the other day. To my surprise there are actually a few cool looking ones that I have never seen before in there.
  7. I found this guy out and about today doing some exploring in it's tank. It's still very small but looks like a good candidate for a zebra pinto.
  8. I swear this guy is at least 4 different colors! How many colors can you guys see?
  9. I crossed one of my high grade mosura pintos with my nicest female wine red and got belly, mosura, mosura spothead red ruby wr, and pink bolts. Soon I'll cross my nicest zebras together and then I'll be able to aswer your question.lol! Here's a few pics of that tank, Ignore the black pinto. I had no where elso to put him.
  10. lol! They look like the Discobee stickers!
  11. Looking forward on seeing how this will turn out. I'll post up the lineage of my taitibees as soon as I get a chance to go through my records.
  12. Here's one of my golden bees which shows blue and one which shows red coloration
  13. I get them too. The TB genes are so mixed up it's hard to pinpoint what gene came from where, Since I do have golden bees that show blue color on them I'd "guess" they may have originated from a golden bee/snow white shrimp. Here's an interesting article from a while ago. You may need to use Google Translate http://www.joma-shrimp.de/de/entry/sind-blue-bolts-und-red-bolts-taiwan-garnelen
  14. Thanks everyone for the warm welcomes. Without all of you this wouldn’t be the great forum that is today. The wealth of knowledge that is shared here has definitely brought success to many people in keeping and breeding shrimp. I want to give special thanks to Will and Bryce for including as part of their team here at The Shrimp Spot. If anyone has concerns, questions or just wants to talk shrimp stuff don’t hesitate to get a hold of me. I’m usually on here everyday. Thanks, Andy
  15. Welcome back man! I miss all those great pics of your tanks!
  16. I just got lucky. It's just a random color morph thrown by my blue diamonds.
  17. lol! It was actually my second shrimp tank (planted tank converted to shrimp) and first attempt at crs. I failed there! I started with cherry shrimp back in 2010. They started breeding out of control just using plain tap water. That's when I became fascinated with shrimp. I'll have to find a pic of that tank. It had flourescent gravel and a giant goldfish in it. Here's the old thread for my 12g when I started it http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/12-tank-journals/187147-mayphlys-12-gallon-rimlesstank.html
  18. I really don't follow any WC schedule. I check my TDS at random throughout the week and try and keep it between 120-140. (Is it weird if you walk around the house with a TDS pen in your pocket?) This range gives me a GH of 5ppm. If my TDS goes over 140 I'll do a small water change. Also. the lids on the tanks help prevent evaporation which helps keep parameters stable. I do check my nitrates about once every couple months. If my nitrates are high I'll perform biweekly 10% water changes to bring them down. [emoji4]
  19. im not sure which "unpleasant" plant were you referring too. Lol!! If your talking about the red ludwigia it doesn't require co2 to grow.
  20. Thanks for all the compliments! This tank has undergone several transformations in the last several years. The Amazonia soil is about 3 years old and still buffers the water to a PH of 7.0. It houses my blue diamonds.
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