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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I only change water once in a while. For top offs I just add a small amount of ro straight into the tank. For water changes I use a 5 gallon bucket with multiple drip lines coming from it. It's really not that bad.
  2. This is my second berried aura tupfel in one week!
  3. The trick in creating the "jet" effect which alows more air to enter the pipe and in return better water flow is the series of tiny (pin) holes drilled in a certain pattern at the bottom of the tube. There's about 20-30 tiny holes drilled in a diagonal pattern Not my pic. Just for reference
  4. Thanks! I still use co2 in this tank. However, I only keep neos in it now. The plant I think your reffering to is ludwigia "mini super red".
  5. I thought I'd share this old video I made of my 12g long tank. I hope you enjoy it!!
  6. I cleaned up my blue diamond tank today and found this red hot mama!
  7. Nice set up! I like the low profile of that rack. Do you have a link for it? Did you slide the bottom tanks in from the top to make them fit?
  8. lol!! I'd be more worried about Duff! His pics blow mine away!
  9. Pink Bolt Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. lol!! I was rooting for Minnesota. I can't stand watching The Seahawks win. 49ers fan here born and raised!! Anyways I have no problem setting aside some shrimp for you. Just pm me what you want.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Did any berried shrimp show up? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sure! That woud be great. I'm curious to see what it'll eventually look like.
  13. That's good to know. I was also wondering about that. That blue is bright!
  14. Oh, I get it. This is why I say contact me first. Nobody wants shrimp popscicles in their tanks! The good thing is that their are still plenty of places here in the US where I'm still able to send shrimp safely to and still offer a DOA policy. So. If anyone has questions or concerns about their weather and still want to buy some shrimp feel free to pm me. Viper, WTH happened to Blair Walsh? it was only-25 deg with the windchill factor! lol!
  15. sweet! Can't wait to see what you've been working on!
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