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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. You got the perfect uername! lol!!
  2. Hey Sam, Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad I went with these lights. I have them raised about 9 inches from the tanks on the top and middle row and I don't have to worry about algae taking over my tanks. The tanks on the bottom shelf the lights are raised 5 inches and I have gsa growing nicely on the side walls of the tank. There are two settings (bright & dim) which you can select from. I run them at their brightest settings so I can see everything better.
  3. I'm offering 10 mischling (black) plus one TB (random pick) for $55.00 plus shipping.Their pattern will vary from A-SSS+. My TB cary genes from bkk, extreme bkk, extreme red, panda, shadow panda, mosura shadow panda, wine red, ruby red, dragon, and red bolt. They will be shipped in a kordon breather bag inside an insulated box. Shipping is only available within the CONUSA. I accept Paypal only. Feel free to contact me with any questions. If your temps at night are below 20 degrees please let me know prior to me shipping. Thanks! My parameters are PH-5.3-5.5 TDS- 140-150 GH- 5 KH- 0 My Gallery http://www.shrimpspo...ys-shrimp-pics/ The link only works on a desktop computer. It won't work on Tapatalk. Price is $55.00 Shipping is $12.00 USPS Priority Mail (DOA Guarantee) $35.00 shipped USPS Express (DOA Guarantee) DOA guarantee will only be valid if you send me a clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within an hour of their arrival. However, shipping will not be refunded. Shrimp will only be shipped Mondays and Tuesdays only.
  4. lol!!! I got the idea from someone else after the same question was asked a while ago. The power of the net!
  5. because of the variety of patterns that come from the taitibee it would be really interesting to see a taitibee crossed with a crystal white. Maybe someone will try this.
  6. Yup! She's a blue bolt and she is currently carrying her second clutch of eggs. Since some of the steels are getting darker with this generation I'm hoping the red ones will too.
  7. I use a label maker for most of my moss. I try and place the label somewhere inconspicuous. I also write the name down in a journal I keep for each tank.
  8. Here's another hitch hiker I found today while doing a water change in one of my new cycling tanks. TDS 34 NH3 2ppm Temp 78 Needless to say I netted her and plopped her directly into another tank. (No Acclimation Required)!
  9. The other mother mother is not tangtai
  10. What started out as my pinto project is quickly turning into somethng I wasn't quite expecting..... BLUE STEEL SHRIMP!!!!! The ones pictured are showing up from my second generation taitibee. The first generation are very speckled, still have the yellow tint along with a hint of blue. By the time the second generation show up you can see the yellow tint is gone and the white on the body becomes more solid. Some are even tri-colored showing blue, black and white. Right now I have had a couple batches of babies from the 3 different mothers. Two of the mothers are taitibee and the other mother is a xxxx-xxxx Well.... I'll let you guys guess.
  11. Hey svetilda, let me know if you decide to sell some. I'd be interested in some to add to my colony. Thanks! I sent you a pm.
  12. Your welcome! Glad you like them!
  13. Jadenlea, I should have more soon. There's a lot of babies running around in the tank
  14. Here's the recommended parameters which Michael Nadal recommended to me for breeding Galaxy tigers
  15. Eric, are your galaxies breeding? I also have more arriving today. Can't wait! From what I understand also "Galaxy" was just a name given for a certain pattern by a breeder. Monika Pohler has had a little write up on them a while ago.
  16. Vince, whenever you're ready just let me know! Got ya covered! Thanks!!
  17. You could keep them together. However, they will crossbreed. No necessarily a bad thing. The tb gene would be passed to your existing tibee if a male taitibee mated with one of your female tibee. Could lead to some really cool looking shrimp[emoji4]
  18. Taitibee are tibee crossed with Taiwan Bee.Psuedo tibee are tangerine tigers crossed with crs.
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