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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. SOLD OUT!!!!I have 6 + 1 pseudo tibees (TT x C grade crs) which are 6th or 7th generation up for sale. These shrimp range in colors and patterns as seen in the pics. You will receive a random mix of different colors and patterns. Although I keep theses ones in a low ph, they will acclimate to a higher ph value and do fine. I have these same shrimp in another tank which has a ph value of 6.8 and they breed regularly. Price $40.00 My Parameters PH 5.3 TDS 135 GH 4 Temp 72-74 My Gallery http://www.shrimpspo...ys-shrimp-pics/ The link only works on a desktop computer. It doesn't work on Tapatalk. $12.00 shipped USPS Priority Mail (DOA Guarantee) CON USA $35.00 shipped USPS Express (DOA Guarantee) CON USA DOA guarantee will only be valid if you send me a clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within an hour of their arrival. However, shipping will not be refunded. Feel free to send me a pm with any questions you may have.
  2. SOLD!!!I have 4 (Nadal) German Red Pintos for sale. I'll be offering 2 zebra pattern and 2 mosura pattern from my stock. These will be juvenile size and random pick of the nicest patterns from my tank. These guys are not imports. The ones I sell were all homebred by me. Feel free to contact me with any questions about these shrimp. I only have a limited amount available. Price- $320.00 My parameters are PH-5.3 TDS- 130-145 GH- 4-5 Temp 72 My Gallery http://www.shrimpspo...ys-shrimp-pics/ The link only works on a desktop computer. It won't work on Tapatalk. Shipping is &12.00 USPS Priority Mail (DOA Guarantee) I'll include a heat pack only if your temps fall below 30 deg fahrenheit. $35.00 shipped USPS Express (DOA Guarantee) DOA guarantee will only be valid if you send me a clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within an hour of their arrival. However, shipping will not be refunded. Parent Mother Parent Father
  3. SOLD OUT!!!These shrimp are the result of pseudo tibee (TT x CRS) crossed with Taiwan Bees. Their colors and patterns will vary. They are part of my pinto project which I have been working on for over a year. The majority of these are f1 and f2. The f1 females are already producing pintos along with f1 steel patterns. The offspring from the shrimp you'll receive will vary from pinto patterns, TB, tibee and steel patterns. So, now's your chance to scoop some up. Shrimp will be a random pick of pattern and sex. Feel free to contact me with any questions about these shrimp. I only have a limited amont available. Price- $15.00 each (minimum 4 please) My parameters are PH-5.3 TDS- 140-145 GH- 4-5 Temp 72 My Gallery http://www.shrimpspo...ys-shrimp-pics/ The link only works on a desktop computer. It won't work on Tapatalk. Shipping is &12.00 USPS Priority Mail (DOA Guarantee) I'll include a heat pack only if your temps fall below 30 deg fahrenheit. $35.00 shipped USPS Express (DOA Guarantee) DOA guarantee will only be valid if you send me a clear picture of the dead shrimp inside the bag next to my shipping label within an hour of their arrival. However, shipping will not be refunded.
  4. I use the Marineland glass canopies. I have the Aqueon ones as well. But, the Marineland ones have a better (tighter) fit imo. http://m.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3578+3730+3781&pcatid=3781
  5. Just some final pics from 2015!
  6. Are you using double sponge filters? I don't know if you know this or not but the hole in the sponge filters is often blocked not allowing for maximum O2 outflow. Check out this video. At 2:50 is what I'm reffering to. It's always good to check this so you get the most out of your sponges. The more O2 the better.
  7. I like the fact that Seneye tells you the amount of disolved O2 in the water.Looking forward to seeing how this turns out!
  8. My ph usually settles around 5.3-5.6 with Amazonia. And yes... that's a 'No Shrimp Deaths' sticker compliments of Mr. Eric Martens. lol!!
  9. I'm using the SL Aqua cycling method for the new tanks. Everything is looking good!
  10. I have 2 portions of mini pelia available for $15.00 each plus $6.00 shipping. Ships within conusa only. Snails and some duckweed. Zero algae.
  11. In one of the tanks I'll be keeping the pintos that I get from my taitibee. Not sure what else is going in the new tanks. Probably special projects. The 2 end ones are 45ppi. ST ran out of black and I didn't want to wait 2 months. I kinda like the blue once it was filled up with water. My lights are these ones http://www.ebay.com/itm/LED-60-0-50W-6500K-HI-LED-Aquarium-Light-Lumen-Freshwater-Plant-Tropical-Fish-/301147401320?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item461dc8ac68
  12. i run a double sponge in my mischling tank which probably has the most shrimp in it and they constantly breed. The only thing I did with the double sponge is open up the inlet a bit to allow for max airflow. I rinse them maybe once a month. The HMF definitely put out more flow and with that more o2. The big plus is I don't have to clean the HMF.[emoji4]
  13. I know it's been a while. But I felt I had to post a pic of my rack since I just added the last 3 tanks tonight. It's finally complete.[emoji4]
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