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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. These came from taitibee. Some were crossed back to bb and some back to taitibee.
  2. I was totaly stoked to find more blue steel babies today!!
  3. This was a great sight to see today. It took this pinto 115 days from the time of birth to becoming berried today. She was from the first generation offspring from wine red x german red pinto.
  4. 1. Vpier 2. Adrand 3. Shrimpworks 4. svetilda 5. Tyler44 6. Vshrimp 7. poke 8. falcon 9. Epitaph 10. Mengyone 11. Shrimple 12. Jaykidding 13. Pescador 14. Hershey 15. d0pey 16. Slycat929 17. tienhuynh 18. Eloodaku 19. Rockadoodle 20. Big Blue Frog 21. Lukeo85 22.Puffpuff 23. Dwc 24. Steve R. 25. DETAquarium 26. Dr0p 27. ShrimpNoob 28. Jimko 29. stangmus 30. Loumeer 31. Shrimpfreak 32. NeMox69x 33. h4n 34. newellcr 35. qualityhitz 36. 240ric 37. Lyana 38. Greenteam 39. Docock 40. ANBU 41. Nick_R 42. Shrimple Minded 43. 9thdragon 44. MHSY 45. Airriick 46. dazalea 47. Amanda Panda 48. Kikojaharo 49. Taylor 50. MIsthuy1 51. Shrimp lover 52. Sandovalsbco 53. Fishprinceofca 54. _ontherocks 55. lind 56. mayphly
  5. It's meant to be a supplement which is added to the shrimps diet. Basically it's good for all the things you mentioned. The best part it's in a stick form and easier to control on how much you feed. It's meant to dissolve fast. http://www.peters-laden.com/CSF-Cologne-Shrimp-Food/CSF-Cologne-Shrimp-Food/CSF-EXCLUSIVE-Series-Pure-Mineral::446.html http://www.hanaquatics.com/csf-exclusive-series-pure-mineral/
  6. I order directly from CSF. It takes about 2 weeks to show up.
  7. I just started using it this week. I tried it in all my tanks and all my shrimp went nuts over it. It's a great way to get minerals, trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients directly into the shrimp. I have tried almost all CSF foods and have great results with most their foods. This supplement I'll be adding to my weekly feeding schedule. The sticks are packed in a nice glass jar that's sure to last at least a year if not more.
  8. Found these little guys creeping around the tank today. Funny thing is they came from my "yellow" taitibee tank. Confused yet? I am. lol!!!
  9. I would cross it with another pinto if you have one.
  10. 1.Poopians 2. Adrand 3. DemonUnleashed 4. Pokeshrimp 5. jem_xxiii 6. kikojaharo 7. mjb1959 8. 240ric 9. NWroostin 10. Jaykidding 11. Amanda Panda 12. Lyana 13. Wygglz 14. NeMox69x 15. Vshrimp 16. mayphly
  11. I did this experiment a while ago with this algae. It did't go so well. Here's the old thread. http://www.plantedtank.net/forums/88-shrimp-other-invertebrates/535513-tb-shrimp-all-dead.html I don't recommend you let algae run rampant in your tank unless you remove it at the end of your cycle and perform a water change and control your lighting. You can have a nice healthy tank full of biofilm without algae.
  12. I really like the little red guy with the 5 point star pattern "Rockstar". This little guy is one month old. Not a bad size for one month. I have been feeding this tank Double Speed sparingly since Oct. along with other foods. These shrimp are definitely growing faster than my other pintos.
  13. Taitibee Aura Pinto (red) (5 point star pattern) "Rockstar" Aura Pinto (blue) Tibee Party
  14. I've been using Double Speed in a few tanks. I feed it 5 days a week once a day (tiny amounts) in my pinto hybrid tank and the pinto babies still seem like they take forever to grow. I also feed the same amount in my mischling tanks and they seem to be growing at a super fast rate. But then again maybe mischlings grow faster than pintos in general? I'm not sure. I know Lowkeys recommends feeding 3 times daily. I personally can't get myself to do that. IMO I think that any shrimp you feed 3 times a day will grow faster. Just my 2 cents...
  15. These are also from second generation taitibees. I now have these in their own tank. The berried one was crossed back to bb. This is her second batch of eggs. There are alot of little babies running around in this tank. Most look like bb. More to come.......
  16. When using fenbendazole dose at 0.1 grams per 10 gallons of water. Remove nerite snails before treating. The easiest way is to take one packet and divide it into 10 equal parts. Use one part to dose for a 10g tank.You can just dump it in the tank or place inside of a tea bag and let that sit in your filter for easy removal. Either way is effective. Recommend water change after using when dosing for planaria. This will help prevent any ammonia from building up in your tank. When I use it for hydra I don't bother changing the water. I haven't lost any shrimp from doing it this way. (knock on wood!)
  17. Slowly rebuilding my aura blue population since their tank crash!
  18. so far this is the only one I see in this tank with such a dark head. It's very possible there are more hiding in there. Seems like every time I look in this tank I always find something new. More TB with extreme patterns are beginning to show up.
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