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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Bechena, I think you'll really like the HMF. My favorite thing about them is the flow and how much oxygen it adds to the water. That makes for happy shrimp[emoji4]
  2. Hey Vinn, any pics of the BB x galaxy that you made? Would love to see some.
  3. I'm looking for 6 or 10 of either kind or both. I have all sorts of shrimp to trade for if anyone is interested. Please shoot me a pm. Thanks!
  4. If he survived the initial shock I think he'll survive a slow drip. It would have been interesting to see how he would of made our in there. Too bad I have other plans for that tank. Here's "Miracle" the shrimp.
  5. I started cycling 3 new tanks 21 days ago. I'm using amazonia substrate. On the third day I added a bunch of salvinia which I pulled out of one of my TB tanks and dumped them into the new tanks. Today while changing my water I spot a tiny peewee blue bolt scooting across the bottom of one of the new tanks. This guy has been in this tank for 18 days. I couldn't believe it! I never really test my parameters until around the 30 day mark. But, I had to test to see what this guy has been surving in. Here are my curent parameters in this tank. I ran my api liquid tests twice just to be sure. I use plain tap water w/ prime which has a PH near 8 right out of the tap. Temps- 82 PH- aprox 6.4 (pinpoint still dropping super slow) GH-0-1 KH-0-1 NH3-2.0-3.0ppm NO3-0 NO2-0 So, I would imagine when the little guy was first put in this tank the ammonia would have been a lot higher. I curently have the little guy dripping back into his original home. Hope he makes it! Be strong little fella!!
  6. This gal's got some sexy legs
  7. Make sure to remove all the bark from it. The bark will decompose and leave a mess.
  8. Any updates on the pinto x tb (wine red)? What sort of pinto pattern to tb pattern ratio did you get?
  9. I was fortunate enough to find 3 berried yellows all within a few days of each other. I guess that leaf they're on never stood a chance!
  10. I always check the expiration dates on my test kits when I purchase them. I go through gh test kits more than any other liquid tester. What is the reason for the +/- 2 degree difference between Hanna and API? Why choose Hanna over API?
  11. +1 on Chad0's advice. I keep 2 female misch in my 7g and it seems like they are always berried. I'm constantly culling the mischling out of that tank. Glad to hear they're taking off for you! [emoji106]
  12. If you look close there is another rack still in the box under this rack. Hehe!!!
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