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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I should have added more air valves. I wasn't thinking about all the breeder boxes. I'll be adding them soon. Everything else seems to be working out fine at the moment. "knock on wood"
  2. James, just wondering how do you come up with 4-5?
  3. I posted about this awhile ago after Shrimpfan brought it to my attention. Here's the link. My test results are Post #26. I've stuck with the API test and GH of 5 for this tank and I finally got my first berried shrimp.
  4. Thanks man! I used Minwax water based polyurethane. I have about 5 or 6 coats on the ply. The water just beads right off the wood.
  5. Thanks DETA. I can't wait to see what the babies look like. I found another berried female this morning. [emoji1]
  6. So far these are all project tanks! [emoji1]I got room for 4 more. I decided to go with all 10g tanks.
  7. So, my progress has been very slow and I haven't had anything new to really post about until today. I finally got my first berried taiti yesterday. It is one of the yellows. There's about 13 shrimp in the yellow tank and about half are females. I have more which I still need to transfer over. Hopefully within the next week a few more berried shrimp will show up. The original parents (there are 2 of them) are both berried at the moment. They have given me between 4-5 clutches of eggs each since March. Here's a not so good pic of the new berried yellow taitibee.
  8. This is very exciting! She has red eggs!
  9. Mine are all tibee. It sounds like you have yourself a gem! It's amazing how similar they look!
  10. I have a bunch like that. However, mine were crossed with crs and when I got them they were already 4-5th generation. Here's a couple pics of the ones with only red markings. I also have them with lots of white on them. Do you know if the person you got them from ever crossed them with crs?
  11. Sorry the face is a little blurry. But I really love the colors on this aura blue tibee
  12. Ryan, my shrimp are toaly loving that pink lady buce you sent!
  13. Here's a few random shots of some of my tibee.
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