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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Thanks! I'm not quite sure what you mean by "true". They're definitely not pintos breeding 100% true pintos yet by any means. They're still juvenile f1's (taitibees). I'm not really sure what to expect yet. I'm hoping the yellows will develop a stronger yellow and the reds more red. I'm sure there will be some oddballs mixed in that will need to be seperated. There were a few f1's that were already looking very close to pintos.
  2. Welcome to the forum Cid!
  3. I finally got around to seperating my taitibees. I seperated them into three groups. Yellows(snowflake/steele), reds, and random patterns(culls). The parents I left in the main tank to continue breeding. Yellows Reds Random
  4. Wow! Those look really nice! You don't see that very often
  5. It doesn't matter what we think. If you like it I think you should keep it. But, if you don't like it you should take it out. I think the shrimp would be fine if you removed it. Personally I find it really challenging to follow the "less is more" rule.
  6. Thanks Karen! How's your new Nikon treating ya? I want to see some cool pics!
  7. If your still having problems with the pic file sizes you might want to contact Oblongshrimp. He had to change some settings for me to be able to post pics again. Thanks will!
  8. Here's a few random shots of some of my shrimps
  9. Sounds good! Can you post a pic of your tank?
  10. I just turned on the game and my spiny lobster was gone. I don't know if he died or what?
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