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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I have this moss and the fronds are very thick. It is The largest I've seen. WILLOW MOSS (FONTINALIS ANTYPIRETICA VAR GIGANTEA)
  2. I notified Will (Oblong) about this. I was experience the same thing. I'm still waiting to hear back.
  3. You'd be better off with the AquaTainer. Don't use a laundry detergent bottle if there was detergent in it. You'd be asking for trouble.
  4. Wow! 21 berried females! Well... I'd say your doing something right! Your parameters sound fine. The only thing i noticed in your FTS is that you may be lacking oxygen in your tank. I would add an air stone or a corner sponge on the right side of your tank. Are the recently molted shrimp still growing fuzz on them after they have molted? If they're breeding, molting and you have a good baby survival rate then I wouldn't worry too much.
  5. . Right on man! Cool lobster!
  6. mayphly I'll send something cool asap
  7. DET, they look as good as you fire reds! Send me some! Haha!
  8. I took the screenshot with my phone.
  9. I tried sending you a shrimp. Let me know if you got it.
  10. . I'm terrible at this game! Lol!!!!
  11. I admit it's frustrating these are the only guys that aren't breeding for me. I accept the challenge! lol!
  12. This is what my 5 stage BRS includes. I believe BRS switched their 5 stage unit to a six stage unit. They added an extra deionization filter. However, you need to use a "catalytic carbon block" to remove chloramines. 1. Sediment Filter 2. 5 Micron CTO/2 Carbon Block 3. 0.6 Micron + 1 Carbon Block 4. Deionization Filter 5. Membrane 75gpd
  13. I don't see why not. That way the water gets sucked through the bag. Makes good sense!
  14. Anyone successfully breeding these? I've had several females become berried and they always drop their eggs. I even lowered my parameters and they stopped berrying. I'm now slowly raising my parameters back up. I'm think of raising temps to 74 and tds closer to 165-170. I haven't a clue on what the recommended PH should be other than "crs parameters" which was told to me. These are the parameters they were becoming berried at TDS 165 PH 6 GH 5-6 Temp 72-73
  15. I intentially installed it this way to fit the bio ring bag in there. It's also easier for me to syphon my water from there instead of disturbing anything in the front of the tank. Plus I think it looks cool. You most definitely can install it straight in the tank if you want to. You could even sillicone some clear rails and tuck it in the corner. Swiss Tropicals sells the kit to install it in the corner. But it costs more.
  16. I recently installed Hamburg Mattenfilters (HMF) into six 10 gallon tanks using 45ppi foam along with jetlifter tubes from Swiss Tropicals. The foam blocks came pre cut 12 x 10 3/4" and the jetlifter tubes came pre assembled. I like them them so much I thought I'd share with you how I installed them. Step 1. I dry fitted the foam blocks inside of the tank and made sure it fit to my liking. My plan was to add bio-rings along with the heater and jetlifter tube behind the foam. Once I fit my foam I removed it and cut a hole in the top where I wanted my jetlifter tube to exit. I used the jetlifter tube to cut the hole aprox 1" from the top in the center of the foam. You can twist the JL tube into the foam to cut it. You'll end up with a nice perfect fit. Step 2. I installed my tubing on to the JL (jetlifter) tube and placed the JL into the foam. Then I inserted the foam back into the tank. Make sure you have enough tubing attached to the JL to reach your air pump. Next I placed my tank up on it's end and slid my bio-rings in. If I tried to just drop my bio-rings in they would kick the bottom of the foam out. I also placed my heater in behind the foam at this point. Step 3. I added my bacteria to the bottom of the tank before adding my substrate. I decided to use Mosura Old Sea Mud, Bacter AE and SL- Magic Powder. I also sprinkled some of the powders behind the filter over my bio-rings. The bacteria will help cycle the tank. ** At the time of writing this I did use Bacter AE on the bottom of my tank with no ill effects to any of my shrimps. Since then it has been recommended not to do this.** Step 4. I rinsed my substrate to remove any debris before adding it to my tank. There was a lot of wood shavings in my gravel along with some purple, pink and blue rocks. I decided to go with natural colored gravel. Once rinsed I added my substrate in front of the filter. I suppose if you wanted to you could even add some behind the filter but I chose not to. Step 5. Fill the tank with water. Connect your airline tubing from the JL to your air pump and let it run. Now your ready to cycle your tank.
  17. It looks like a Caridina gracilirostris or Pinocchio Shrimp.
  18. I lost all the babies from the clutch the tibee is holding in the picture above. However, she became berried after that and recently gave birth to a ton of nice looking babies. There's a lot of white on them. I'll try and get some pics of them. She is now berried again. Feeling pretty excited about it!
  19. I posted pics from my desktop yesterday and they came out upside down. This is always inconsistent
  20. I'm in Pacifica although born and raised in San Francisco. The longest it's ever taken for me to cycle a tank was close to 3 months. And that was recently with a product I never used before and following their directions. What other types of shrimp are you keeping?
  21. Im sure they'd be fine. I'm keeping them in CRS parameters right now. They are juvies. So, they probably wouldn't start breeding for at least another month. The person I originally got them from kept them in a higher ph. I want to say it was around 7.2. He kept them in the same parameters as his aura blue tigers. I started keeping them at a TDS of 180 when I first got them and slowly brought them down to 140. My goal was to eventually keep some of them with my TB.
  22. Vinn, what shrimp are going in there? I like that tank!
  23. I don't think it impacts bacteria growth. You'll have to add minerals either way. I add mine once my tank has completed it's cycle.
  24. Here's the tds results for a few drinking waters that were tested. Because their tds is low I'd choose one of these for my shrimp. Aquafina TDS- 0 Arrowhead Distilled TDS- 0 Penta TDS- 0 Green Planet TDS- 3 711 Purified water TDS 5 Evian TDS = 277 Sorry for the upside down pics. Don't know why this happens sometimes
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