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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I'm not quite sure what else I want to put on the rack. I'm thinking about getting one 40g and maybe 2 more 20's and a couple more 10's. I'm thinking about doing the 40g a med light planted tank and one of the 20's for a high light tank for rare plants. Something like that. The next $1 a gallon sale isn't until August so I have time to think about it.
  2. I don't remember seeing a "buy it now" in the auction. Oh well! Maybe next time.
  3. Sounds like you might of got the last batch from the bottom of the barrel when they were bagging it. I've never experienced this. I'd try siphoning all the water out and refilling. Hopefully that would work.
  4. I have seen where some people have silliconed a piece of plexi to seperate the sponge from the substrate. If you set it up like that I guess you'd be able to rinse the HMF if you needed to. I'm expecting my substrate to run out of buffering capabilities before I'll ever need to rinse that sponge.
  5. Sorry. I spaced ou! I was thinking about the sponges on an HOB filter. Lol! That would be disasterous rinsing the hmf. Sorry for any confusion.
  6. I've noticed with amazonia the less you disturb the substrate from the very first time you pour water in it the clearer it will look in the long run. If the soil is disturbed in the beginning and the water clouds it will take forever to clear up. I've done this plenty of times. It's freakin' frustrating! Now I use a Tom Aqualifter when I start a new tank with amazonia. Dripping the water in will also work just as well. Then to top it off if you use Purigen it wil take care of the rest. You can always drain it and refill it if you don't have shrimp in it yet. The pic doesn't do this tank justice. It's gin clear!
  7. Do you know what generation your misch are? I got mine as f3 from yoyo. I haven't kept track but I'd have to say I'm around f7-f8
  8. I just leave the rings. The only thing I'll rinse is the sponge and that's only if the flow is slowing way down.
  9. It can't hurt to add more surface area for bacteria to grow on. Here's where I got them http://www.ebay.com/itm/281579510884?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  10. I know what you mean! lol! Hopefully you'll start to see some soon. I thought all my babies were gone too. Next thing you know a week or two later they start to pop up from hiding.
  11. Dendrobatez is correct. They are bio rings. I think the bio rings have more surface area for bacteria to colonize on. I believe Purigen is most effective when water is flowing through it.
  12. They're usually a light cream color in the beginning of the gestation period and turn darker bluish blackish color towards the end of the gestation period. You may want to try and hatch the eggs in an egg tumbler. It may not be too late to save them.
  13. No siillicone. The hmf filter foam in a nice snug fit. It's not going anywhere.
  14. Anyone here have a "mischling only tank" (no TB kept with them) that produces TB frequently? If so, how often?
  15. Yes. It's a mischling only tank. I've never put anything else in this tank. I always hear about other peoples mischling tanks pumping out TB's like it's a common occurance. Well...it's been a long time coming for me. That's why I was so excited to see this. The shrimp is blue at the moment. I'm sure it'll turn black once it gets older.
  16. Tonight I was checking my Mischling tank which is full of babies and saw this tiny little blue guy swimming through the moss. I can't tell you how excited I was to see this. This is my first TB from my Mischling. Looks like BKK. I've had them for about 2 years and have been looking forward to this for a long time[emoji1][emoji1][emoji1][emoji1]
  17. Wow! That's a great looking shrimp. I love how solid her line is.
  18. Riparium style looks very nice in a basket like your set up. I know amanos are great escape artists. I found mine about 20 ft away from my tank one day.
  19. I always add the parameters that I keep them in when selling shrimp.
  20. I used one of those baskets too. It looks cool if you add plants to it.
  21. I set up one tank today on the new rack today with an HMF filter from Swiss Tropicals. I am sooo impressed by the flow coming out of the jet lifter tube. I barely have my air turned up and that thing is putting out some serious flow.
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