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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I have 6 golden bees to give away to one lucky winner. Is all you have to do is pay $12.00 to cover priority shipping. I only ask that you have at least 25 post to enter this giveaway. I'll hold the drawing on Sunday evening. Please start a numbered list. Good luck to all of you!
  2. Sounds like your going to be very busy and may need help testing all those nice mosses. I would be more than happy to donate some of my time in helping you test them. [emoji13][emoji13][emoji13]
  3. Here's ome of my aura tibee just hanging out. I should have some for sale pretty soon. They've been breeding non stop.
  4. Last winter I lost my original fire red colony from an unplugged heater. I was really bummed out. Last week I finaly ordered some more from (Daryl) DETAquarium from whom I purchased my original fire reds a while back. They've been in my tank for 5 days now and are doing great. I love their dark red color. These pics don't even do them justice. He even threw in a berried female. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the babies make it. Here's a few pics of them. I'm keeping them with some of my tibee.
  5. Very nice and unusual moss. It has very defined rhizoids on on the tips. It looks like it may be a fast growing type of moss. Any luck on ID? I know there are "only" about 758 different types of mosses by where you live. It should be easy. lol!!
  6. Jaime, I'd totally be down for trading. Let me know when your ready. I'm planning on seperating these taitibee into three groups. Pinto, culls and the snowflake pattern ones. A few will breed back to the original parents and the others I'll have breeding amongst themselves. I have everything set up for the new rack except the tanks. (waiting for $1. a gallon sale).
  7. I have a few that look very similar. I think this is the same one. She looks to be almost 1/2" in size.
  8. Very nice pics! RBT's are definitely on my bucket list.
  9. Today I hiked up the Santa Cruz mountains with my daughter for some good ol bonding time. Oh yeah... and to search for aquatic moss. I found a couple species that may or may not be fully aquatic. I'll have to look them up later. Here's some pics from our hike today.
  10. Disneyland's Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Here's a quick update on my pinto project Her offspring looking all sexy and stuff!!!
  12. let us know if you try the chocolate mint leaves. I have a ton of it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I just received some new fire reds from Daryl and they look healthy and happy. Once I get them acclimated and settled in their new home I'll post up some pics. Thanks again Daryl!
  14. I've never heard of this plant before. Is it a floater? Shoot! Now I have to have it. Lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. 1. Mayphly Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The store bought shrimp is what I used as my source for starting the nitrogen cycle in a new tank. I did this a long time ago and it worked. I didn't have to buy anything. It was just some left over bait that I had from a fishing trip. Once the cycle is complete your shrimp will have tons of bacteria to feed on regardless of the type of shrimp. My Sulawesi will take pellet food and snowflake. Although they hardly ever eat all the pellet. I usually remove it the following day if it's still in there Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Looking forward to the fire reds! I'll post some pics once they get all settled in. Thanks D! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. In the past I have used a small piece of store bought shrimp in my filter and a ton of plants. As long as you keep your PH and temps up like Chiumanfu stated you tank will be cycled within a month or two. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I know us shrimpers use this word all the time without really understanding what it is or how it's produced. Here is a small snippet from an article which was put together by Byron in 2011 which explains it well. I hope he doesn't mind me sharring it here. Afterall we can all benefit from each other. Or, as Soothing always says " We all need to help each other my friend." "Heterotrophic bacteria cannot synthesize their own food so they need organic material such as fish waste, dead bacteria, fish and plant matter, etc., and while some are aerobic, many are facultative anaerobes, meaning that they can survive in either the presence or absence of free oxygen. Anaerobes are organisms that do not require free oxygen for growth. This has significant consequences in aquaria." "The nitrogen cycle bacteria in aquaria are lithotrophic; the word comes from the Greek lithos [= rock] and troph [= consumer], so literally it means “rock eater.” Realistically, it means these bacteria colonize surfaces. The scientific processes that cause this may most simply be described as the bacteria being pulled from the water by several actions occurring on the surfaces. Bacteria are sticky; they exude protein coatings that allow them to build up into a slimy film that we term a biofilm. These also attract and bind fungi and algae. Snails, shrimp and fish seen grazing these mats are feeding on the countless microscopic creatures and algae that live there. But this is not their most important function; these biofilms are absolutely essential to a healthy aquarium because of the bacteria they contain."
  20. Welcome aboard! It sounds like you will be a wealth of knowledge to this community. I am a moss addict and trout bum!
  21. I love receiving new shrimp! The feeling never gets old! [emoji106]
  22. Someone posted this on fb today and I thought I'd share it here. If your into pinto shrimp you'll definitely want to check this out. Also, watch Astrid Weber's shrimp video towards the bottom of the article. http://shrimpstate.com/classification-of-pinto/
  23. This is one of my nicer looking f1 taitibee babies. The older they get the better they look.lol!
  24. I have mixed them together before only because I ran out of one. No bad effects from mixing them. I recommend sticking to one at a time.
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