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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. mayphly

    Tibee Rack

    These are great little pumps. I'm using the Elemental 272 1157gph. It also came with a 6 way manifold. I replaced the 6 way with a stainless steel 12 way. My pump pushes 12 tanks with plenty room for more. I'm hoping it will push 12 more tanks.[emoji120] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Nice looking shrimp! Looks like a rilli[emoji1] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I use Mosura Mineral Plus, MK Blue Diamond, Revive Alpha & Beta and SL Aqua Blue Wizard. They all work great. The MK and SL are probably the best bang for your buck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. SOLD!!!You will not be disappointed with all the plants I have just trimmed (stems and some rooted). There is a massive amount enough to easily start a 10g tank. I don't have time to list and label each one. I will stuff as much as I can in to a small flat rate priority box. They are all super healthy and come from my high light tank. I don't remember all the names of each plant but here's the ones I know are in there. There are other types that will be included. However, I forgot their names. All the plants are 100% algae free. Asking $25.00 shipped within the CONUSA. ( will trade for rare mosses) Rotala waiichi Cuphea anagalloida Lindernia sp. "India Rotala Indica Ludwigia atlantis limnophila 'mini vietnam' Hygrophila pinnatifida Rotala “mini” Butterfly Myrio Tuberculatum 'Red' Proserpinaca palustris (mermaid weed) Ammania senegalensis Limnophila aromatica "hippuroides" Limnophila Repens "mini"
  5. Congratulations! Now it's time to extend your house[emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Oh man! Those pics are sweet!! Which camera and lens are you using? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Eric, I thought about going with a tub on the top shelf and running a drip line and fill each tank as needed. But since my RO storage tank sits next to the rack in thinking about plumbing in this pump http://m.ebay.com/itm/281678736540?_trkparms=aid%253D222007%2526algo%253DSIC.MBE%2526ao%253D1%2526asc%253D20140127100817%2526meid%253D81e97cb192d34a49836c1500004b1a96%2526pid%253D100107%2526rk%253D2%2526rkt%253D25%2526mehot%253Dpp%2526sd%253D261569376366&_trksid=p2056116.c100107.m2460 It would be cool to hook it up to a 1/2" or 3/4" (not sure what size yet) pvc line with lever valves and maybe a drip fitting which hangs into the tank. Oh yeah, and install an on off switch for the pump. I would hook up a union so the pump can be accessible and the storage tank cleaned. This should cost no more than 40 bucks to install. I think that would be pretty cool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Those are nice. Since I'm going to have 12+ tanks going those would cost me too much. I'm thinking about going with an auto drip system with a pump. I would just set a timer while the system tops off. Hopefully I don't flood the garage! lol!!
  9. It's funny how different methods work for different people. I find that your parameters stay a lot more stable if you have a cover over your tank. Depending on how much stuff like food, bacteria supplements, etc.. you add to the tank will dictate your parameter changes. Less stuff added = less water changes. I think with shrimp less is more. If your tank was cycled properly you shouldn't have to worry about supplements and feeding so much. I keep a 3 gallon tank full of mischling which I rarely feed and change the water maybe 4-6 times a year. I mostly top off with RO once a week They breed like crazy and moss and plants (lilaeopsis) do great. Zero algae problems as well. The tds in this tank stays around 130 with GH of 5. Just remember shrimp don't like changes. If you keep to a steady regime your shrimp will be happy. I also have tanks (no cover) which I perform 10-20 percent water changes as needed. I think you'll be fine with 10% water changes. Your shrimp will let you know.
  10. Did your tank form that "bacterial bloom" on the substrate without using Purify?
  11. Usually when cycling with amazonia I also perform several water changes throughout the cycle period. This thread was just me attempting to cycle a tank folowing the guidelines layed out by SL-Aqua for a quick cycle. It only called for 1 water change after 30 days. This method did not work out as I had hoped for. However, I will be trying it again with a higher PH in mind. I have since performed a 25% water change.
  12. there are a ton of good bugs in the tank already. The only other thing I can think is that my ammonia test kit is no good.. But I doubt it. The expiration date is 2018. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Tapped the holes while pump is turned on so no pvc particles end up inside the airline. I used a 3/16 bit to tap for the 1/4" stainless valves. I added a bit of Teflon for reassurance of no leaks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I would also like an auto top off system without any unsightly gadgets in the tank. Do they make one like that or do you have to have that giant float in the tank?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. DET, can you tell me what your PH is at?
  16. I'm glad you asked. I just checked my PH and it's at 6.0. I think that's what's slowing down my cycle. Because of my low PH I think my tank is just going to take longer to complete it's cycle. I think if my PH were closer to 6.8 it would cycle faster. I will try this cycling method again from the beginning with a higher PH down the road to see if that makes a difference. I have another SLA tank curently cycling which I just added some buffer to and kicked the PH up to 6.8. Most all my other tanks I use RO have taken around 2 months to cycle. Recently when I was setting up a tank using all Shrimp Daddy products to cycle I also had to use a buffer to bump up the PH. That cycle took about 6 weeks to complete. I'm using a double sponge filter. My TDS is @ 130 and GH 5 Temps 85. I'm running my lights 8 hours a day.
  17. What do you find is the most challenging part of maintaing your rack set up?
  18. I've been putting in 16 hour days at work lately and I feel like a friggin zombie. Somehow I caught a second wind yesterday and knocked out out my central air system. I just need to finish installing the lever valves. Soothing, I only used glue for the shut off valve and banged the rest together. Hooked it up tested and no leaks. Now I just need tanks,filters,substrate and of course shrimp.[emoji1][emoji1][emoji1] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I did a 25% water change a couple days ago to help speed things along and added a ton of floaters. I've been messaging Eric back and forth keeping him posted with what's going on and he's just as baffled as myself. 4.0ppm ammonia and 0ppm nitrate is a bit strange. How long did it take for your tank to cycle DET? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. The tibee I have are 4th generation from their original parents. Because they are brother and sister their babies would be f5. In one tank I have their first set of babies. In another tank I have the original parents with more babies that I'm going to let breed. I did not breed these back to crs. This is one of the original f4 tibee which looks a lot like a crs.
  21. I got them as f4!from Jaime. My first babies I separated. The original parents are in another tank having more babies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. If I can get this colony going I may try for Apple Green tupfel. Hopefully my rack will be done by then. lol!
  23. I have the first generation seperated. These are the first (surviving) babies from the F4 batch.
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