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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I have 2 true variety of rare moss species available. They are super healthy green and algae free. 1"x1" portion Callcostella sp. pancuraji - $20.00 1"x1" portion Pilotrichaceae sp. - $20.00 Shipping is $6.00 USPS Priority. Pilo Description "A very nice new moss not yet fully identified. It belongs to the Pilotrichaceae family. Much like Weeping moss (Vesicularia ferriei), "Pilo moss" has a more or less overhanging growth habit, but unlike the former, it reliably clings to the substrate. On flat areas it forms a dense, flat, deep green mat. It is a relatively slow grower and thus only needs to be trimmed rarely." Pilo pancuraji
  2. I'll be seting them up side by side. 5 per shelf My partner at work welds. He'll be helping out with reiforcing the shelving.I'm thinking about placing 2 crosssbars evenly spaced on the bottom of each shelf. That way even if the thin wire splays the crossmembers will hold the weight and there will be no sagging. And I'll be able to sleep better at night.
  3. I'm happy to announce my first babies were born today in the 20L and 9 female TB are berried.
  4. A lot of new taitibee babies born today. There's a lot of them with nice white markings already. I'll post up some pics soon.
  5. Today I finally got around to cleaning out the garage and set up a spot for a new shrimp rack. My goal will be to set up 20 10g tanks on it. I already have an elemental 1744 gph which I'll use to replace my smaller elemental pump. This should be big enough to run 30-40 tanks. I curently have 12 tanks running at the moment in just the garage. Another big plus is that my RO unit is within 5 ft which is hooked up to a wash basin and dumps into 2 20g storage containers. I'll be able to install an auto top off. I'll be using led's. I'm not sure if I want to go with cheap strip lighting or fixtures. I'm already thinking about adding 2x4's under the shelves for added support and I'll be able to mount the lights to these as well. Here's the rack I went with http://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-77-in-W-x-78-in-H-x-24-in-D-Steel-Garage-Shelving-Unit-ERZ782478W-4/202251082
  6. I'm glad your happy with it. I hate seeing plants end up in the trash.[emoji5]️ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. all these plants are from tanks with shrimp. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. This plant package has been SOLD!!!!! I have a nice plant package that would be great for someone starting up a new tank. I'll probably end up adding more to it before it ships. Here's whats included Narrow Leaf Java fern (Microsorium pteropus) Mini Bolbitis (rare) Hygro difformis Hygro Pinnatifida Dwarf sagittaria Flame moss (golfball) China moss (rare) Peacock moss Creeping moss All my plants are algae free and do great in a low light aquarium without CO2 or ferts. They may or may not come with free added ramshorn snails.A 1"x1" patch of China moss goes for $25.00 if you can find it. Also, if you purchase this let me know if you want some free floating plants and I'll include them. Asking $25.00 shipped USPS priority. PM me with any questions. Thanks!
  9. I love that video! Does the white residue inside the bag have any affect on the shrimp? This can't be good[emoji40] I wonder if you cut the bag to a shorter length if that would weaken the strength of the bags? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Soothing Shrimp sells Mawala shrimp which are very hardy shrimp. They breed like crazy. I keep them with my cherry shrimp which are also very hardy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks Jadenlea! I'm glad they went to a good home.
  12. I am now 20 days into the SLA easy cycle method. I can notice the water getting clearer. IMO it looks like it did after the first day. In 10 more days I'll start testing water parameters. In the meantime ..... I will try to keep calm and have patience.
  13. Lol!! Looks like duckweed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Here is my nicest red mosura mischling Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. They'll be fine with just an air stone for a while. Just change some of the water once a week and keep it low light. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The lucky winner is #5 Jadenlea. Congratulations! Shoot me a pm and I'll get those out to you in the am. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I just did a major trim on my 12g long tank which is full of different mosses, java fern and floating plants. This package will contain frogbit, duckweed, willow moss, pelia, riccia a bit of java moss and a small patch of caloglossa cf. (red moss) and whatever else may end up in the bucket since I'm still trimming. Maybe even some baby shrimps. Start a numbered list and I'll pick one lucky winner later tonight. Just cover the $6.00 priority shipping. It will all be shipped mixed up in a bag. I'll leave it up to you to sort through it all. Good Luck! 1. 2. 3.
  18. Here is the whole article http://en.engormix.com/MA-aquaculture/articles/importance-optimizing-trace-minerals-t2520/p0.htm
  19. Here's a nice little chart on the functions of trace minerals involviong fish and shrimp
  20. I really like the Turkish Hazel. I think my shrimp like it even more. There are so many nooks and crannys for the shrimp to poke around in. They also make great hiding places for babies while providing food for them at the same time. My ramshorn snails also seem to like it too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It would be cool to get something similar to this. This pic was posted recently on FB "shrimpsandmosses" Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Some interesting things are beginning to turn up. I had both tibee mothers give birth and both are berried again. There are several that have this intense "snowflake" pattern on them. There is one that is red with a snoeflake pattern, I'll try and get a shot of it and post it.
  23. Here's a few of my taitibee babies. Both tibee females are berried again.
  24. Fishing was great! Even caught a few! The days are never long enough. The temp in the tank is 23c. This tank has become one of my favorites to watch mostly because of how clear the water is. The shrimp are doing their thing and appear happy in there.
  25. Someone showed me a pic of their MK tank and asked me if it their tank looked normal. I don't use MK products to cycle. So, I thought I'd ask here. I guess it's safe to say that their tank is not normal. It looks more like fungus and algae growing in their tank. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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