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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Glad to see you got your priorities straight!lol!! I'll be hitting Pyramid Lake in Nevada soon in search of 20lb Lahontan cutthroat trout. My record so far is 10lb on a #18 fly using a #5 weight fly rod.
  2. This tank I have dedicated to only using SD products. I started off cycling a 10 gallon tank over 7 weeks ago using the Shrimp Daddy method of cycling and ADA Amazonia substrate. I used tap water for the first week of the cycle and then switched to RO after. I stuck to the regime as close as possible. OK, I did go on a fishing trip for a few days which at that time the tank was left alone. Sorry WIlson! I have to fish. It's in my blood. lol! The tank was finished cycling on week 6. It may have been done sooner since I was told that my Revive Vita may have started to expire. Anyways today I added some crs which I had been keeping in my 12g tank. I have more crs in another 10g tank which I'll be comparing these ones to. Hopefully the SD products will The timing was perfect since my substrate in the 12g has expired. I also noticed after adding the crs that one of them was berried. Hopefully the babies will make it. Here are my current parameters PH- 6.6 (API) GH 6.11 (Hanna) GH 8 (API) TDS 150 Temp 73.4 This pic wa taken with the lights off This pic is with the lights on (lights have red in them)
  3. We have a lot of ground water where I live. It would be great if the city would tap in to that and store it for when needed. A lot of it comes out of the hill behind my house ends up in a culvert which dumps into the drain in the street. What a waste.
  4. I've always thought that would be a great idea to build a pipeline for water from the east coast. Seems like a no brainer. Too bad nobody wants to pay for it.
  5. SOLD! You will not be disappointed with all the plants I have just trimmed (stems). There is a massive amount enough to easily fill a 10g tank and maybe even get a 20g started. I don't have time to list and label each one. They are going in to a ziplock bag and will have to be shipped in a small priority box. They are all super healthy and come from my high light tank. These plants require ferts and CO2. I don't remember all the names of each plant but here's the ones I know are in there. There are other types that will be included as well. However, I forgot their names. All the plants are 100% algae free. Asking $45.00 shipped within the CONUSA. Rotala waiichi Cuphea anagalloida Lindernia sp. "India Rotala Indica Ludwigia atlantis limnophila 'mini vietnam' Hygrophila pinnatifida Rotala “mini” Butterfly Myrio Tuberculatum 'Red' Proserpinaca palustris (mermaid weed)
  6. Thats how I started out with mine. I never saw them. Until one day I started noticing more and more and more etc.......
  7. I'm in California. I use my RO waste water for my Sulawesi and neos. They do great in it. Waste water from water changes go to watering the vegetable garden. IMO Earthquakes are like a soothing massage chair. Tornadoes, sink holes blizzards and floods..... Well... That's a different story. This state could save a lot of water if they stop exporting so many almonds and dairy products. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. It is. Just for reference about the color degradation. I also have a blue hino panda. I'll have to get a descent pic of it. I keep these tb in a very low light tank. I wonder if lighting or the lack of may have something to do with this color? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I have a few of them that popped up at random. I hope my TB don't degrade in color[emoji54] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Salvinia minima is my favorite plant in a shrimp tank. It doesn't take over and get messy like duckweed. The roots aren't as long as frogbit and the root mass is so dense it can hold plenty of food for shrimp to graze in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. i have 2 types of TT tibees as well as the aura. I would like to try something with my hornets as well. But that will be down the line. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I've had these guys since January, 2 of them gave birth over the weekend. It took 30 days for the babies to be born. The one in the pic wasted no time in becoming berried again. There are a ton of babies crawling around the tank. I'll try and post some pics of the babies later today. Some of them you can already see major white coloration on them.
  13. DET, I had a male tibee in the tank with the females as well. I'm hoping the male tibee isn't the dad. Like you said I'll have to wait until it colors up some more.
  14. Lol!! Happy April Fools day everyone! I couldn't resist the old purple TB prank. Hopefully we'll see the real deal soon! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I'm beginning to find a few nice babies in the tank. Once these guys get a little bigger I'll breed them back with a nice TB male and seperate the others. I like the stripes on this little guy.
  16. Here is a close up of a super hornet. Note: They have no white in them. The segments in between the blue stripes are clear and speckled with gold. It really looks like they were splashed with glitter. They look similar to the mustang shrimp except the mustang has a blue face.
  17. I got these guys back in January. Today I was pleasantly surprised! Super Hornet (paracaradina)
  18. Perfect molt! Sweet! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Usage: When changing water add 10ml into 100 liters (~25 gallons) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I believe that night time temps can drop faster in a room than your tank heater can keep up with heating the water. This is especially true if you don't have a set temp for your house heater. I never turn the heater on in our house. I Always here about it too from the wife and kids. But hey, that's what sweaters are for. I love being the bad guy!
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