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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I've read about this stuff for a while now and finaly got a chance today to order some from Eric Martens over @ DiscoBee. I didn't order it just because I want more stickers (please send blue ones hint....hint...) but it sounds like it can do some pretty amazing things for the shrimp tank or any aquarium for that matter. I'm always skeptical about new stuff. So, I was wondering if anyone here has used it yet and can share their experience with it.
  2. Ahh! It's just luck. That's one out of 100 shots that came out descent. But Thanks!
  3. I wonder if your ambient room temperature has something to do with it. Do you have large temperature swings in the house? I know where you live it gets pretty cold. The change in room temps can certainly affect the survival rate of babies.
  4. I love the way this pic came out. Malawa shrimp from Soothing.
  5. I won 5 of these from James Aquatics back in December in a RAOK. Yesterday I discovered that 3 of them are females and they're all berried. Here's a pic of one of the females and a male. I'm surprised how nice the male looks too. I think they're gonna make awesome looking babies! Thanks again James!
  6. Any updates on how this is working out for peopel? Are the results consistent? Do the results match close to your old liquid testers? Seams like a good time saver for people with many tanks.
  7. Just wanted to share my comparison between the Hanna HI 3840 test kit and the API GH test kit. I just tested the GH of 2 different tanks using both kits. I tested both tanks twice and got the same results both times. On Tank 1 It took 16 drops to change indicator solution from pink to blue. 16 drops = 4.44 GH (in German deg.) API kit took 5 drops to change color from orange to green. This gives me a GH of 5. On Tank 2 It took 16 drops to change indicator solution from pink to blue. 16 drops = 4.44 GH (in German deg.) API kit took 6 drops to change color from orange to green. This gives me a GH of 6. There are several different test kits available on the market. I think it's just a matter of prefference at this point. One is not necessarily better than the other. I am convinced that as long as I keep those parameters stable I will have happy shrimp. A GH of 4-6 should be fine for most shrimp we keep anyways. I will use the Hanna test kit as I continue to experiment with Shrimp Daddy products. The draw back of the Hanna is that it cost over twice as much as API, contains 5ml less than API and you need to use almost 3 times the amount of drops to achieve your results than API. Just my 2 cents.
  8. Glad you like them! Out of all the species of shrimp the Sulawesi Cardinal has to be the toughest to catch. Your shrimp/fish room looks cool!
  9. I bought a few of Joe's shrimp and can only say that I was more than impressed with the customer service and quality of the shrimp. He answered al my annoying questions and took great care in packaging and shipping his shrimp to me. AAAA++++ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The tai-tibee is what I'm shooting for in hopes to create my own pinto. I have a tank all set up for them I'm very excited and can't wait to see what else shows up. [emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I'm hoping for taitibee. However, there was another male tibee in the tank which I just removed. So, it's possible it's a tibee. Once it colors up a bit I should be able to tell.
  12. I can't tell if this clearish looking baby is from the mischling or the tibee mama.The other two in the pic are definitely from the mischling. Either way it has some cool markings I've never seen before. Spring is in the air!!!
  13. Monty, That's one cool looking shrimp! Are those F1?
  14. Mama misch just gave birth minutes ago in the TB tank.
  15. Soil isn't necessary. However, you should let your box run for several weeks before putting shrimp in it so that biofilm can form inside. This will give babies something to feast on once they're born. Babies don't move much when first born.
  16. Is that a blue panda I see in your tank in the last video? Congrats on the berried female!
  17. How old is she? My oldest female mischling did the same thing with her last clutch of eggs. May she now RIP[emoji120] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I use these http://m.ebay.com/itm/160860778674?nav=SEARCH I have these in most of my hob filters. They're cheap and they work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I have a lot of tanks and test things quite often. So, cost wise I don't know if It would benefit me. It looks like each strip has a one time use. But then again I am a sucker for gadgets
  20. I keep all my TB together. They've been breeing like mad ever since I got them. All my BB range in different shades of blue. I'm not out to seek the darkest blue color in my bolts. I preffer a range of different shades of blue. I think it makes them more interesting to look at.
  21. Just so I understand you correctly your saying Hanna shows GH of 6 then API shows 8?
  22. ShrimpFan, have you compared the differences between the API and the Hanna test kits as far as accuracy goes?
  23. I bought the hanna gh drops to try with the SD products. I just can't see the hanna and the api being too far different from each other. I guess I'll find out.
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