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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I've seen females become berried the very next day after giving birth. So, I'll put the female in the box after her clutch has hatched. I'll then put a few of my nicest males in with her. Hopefully she'll molt in the breeder box and they'll all get busy. Then I'll play some Barry White to ensure successful mating. Once she is holding eggs I'll remove both the female and the males and place them back into the general population. Once the babies hatch I'll leave them in the box for at least 2 weeks or until I can make out what they are and seperate them.
  2. I haven't been doing it that way. But, I will be doing it this time with my female Tibee inside my TB tank now that I know 100% she's indeed female. Glad I could be if some help. Let us know how it goes[emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I'm using a medium Marina breeder box which is 6.5"L x 5"H x 3.5"W on my 7g tank. My shrimp don't appear stressed while in there. Perhaps some people have experienced a first time berried shrimp dropping her eggs in the box. I keep the box running 24/7 to insure there is enough biofilm for the babies when they are born. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. If a female mischling becomes berried then I remove her from the main tank and place her in the breeder box. It makes separating the mischlings from the TB easier after they're born. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I've been watching this since Erik first posted about it in FB. It looks cool and appears to be pretty accurate. Shrimpie as far as I'm concerned your gonna be the guinea pig for this one. lol! Please keep us informed. I'm ready to hit the "Buy It Now" button so I can participate in high techie shrimpin'![emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hey! What's up D? Good to see your back in action. I hope my carbons will do as well as yours. I have 5 more 10g tanks to set up. I might make one of those a cull tank for all my neos and just RAOK them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I own 3 of the GLA regulators and can only say good things about them. Orlando @ GLA has always answered all my questions and has always responded in a timely manner. I think their 2 manifold reg starts at just over $200. IMHO it's money well spent. Here's my pro 4 stage. I've been very happy with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. This morning I found another tibee full of eggs. Originally I thought this one was a male since it is a bit smaller than the one pictured above. I'll try and get some pics of it later today.
  9. I only use Kordon breather bags and will ship no more than 10 shrimp in a 5"X8" breather bag. You can read why these bags are highly recommended here
  10. 1. Mlsthuy1 2. Vinn 3. GreenAcres 4. mbenjamin16 5. James Aquatics 6. Merth 7. Munakgirl 8.cindygao0217 9. Rodan76 10. Fishprinceofca 11. Soothing Shrimp 12. lind 13. d3r 14. Shrimple minded 15. Desert Shrimp Depot 16. neilshieh 17. Kelsier 18.ShrimpyRicky 19 r45t4m4n 20. discusfan 21. Beren.Luthien 22. mayphly Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Well I just wanted to post an update to my pinto project. I know it's been a while. This girl became berried on March 1. I haven't a clue to who the father is. There are two other male tibees in the tank as well. I'm hoping it was a TB that got to her. Either way it's pretty exciting stuff!
  12. The eggs are fertilized as they pass from the ovaries to her undercarriage.
  13. Ryan, disregard my previous post. I was thinking CRS and neos. Duh! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I posted a request on NHK's Begin Japanology FB page to do an episode about ornamental shrimp breeding in Japan. Keep your fingers crossed.
  15. I've been keeping them together for years and.....nuthin!! I've also heard that it has been done before but have never seen any pics of what they look like.
  16. that would be awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I've been watching random episodes on and off all day. The aquarium episode is also pretty cool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Congratulations! I also had berried shrimp show up both yesterday and today. It's always exciting no matter how many times I've experienced it in the past. I still think it has something to do with the moon being in Waxing Gibbous phase!lol!
  19. Today I found the female tibee in my TB tank berried. I also found my first berried aura blue tibee in another tank. I do have one male tibee in the TB tank as well. I hope it was a TB that knocked her up and not the male tibee. Tibee or not tibee is the question!
  20. Although this video deals with more terrestrial types of moss, I still found it very interesting and learned something new. Moss = " A symbol of eternity".
  21. The good news is that I had 5 berried crs and goldens all give birth around the same time. The bad news is that I just noticed that the heater became unplugged and the temp was showing 59 degrees. Unfortunately I lost all my fire reds that I also kept in the same tank. The good news is that most of the crs and golden babies appear to have survived and I only found 3 dead adults after plugging in the new heater and resetting the temps. I guess no more playing lazer light with the dog in the shrimp room.
  22. I love the way the purple color shines on this panda
  23. Found two berried females today! It's only been 16 days since I got them! Soothing, I think your shrimp are magical!
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