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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Bummer man! Sorry to hear. But I think you can get back to where you left off in no time! Well... maybe a little time.
  2. I agree with Chibikaie. I grow all the plants you mentined with low light in my shrimp tanks. The light intensity will cause algae issues. Save that light for a nice planted tank!
  3. I just saw this on my FB page and had to share. I thought this was really cool.
  4. Is the water flow rate adjustable? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Great question! I've heard people switching over with no ill effects. I still use Mosura Mineral Plus and have been hesitant to change. I just restarted a new tank with Shrimp Daddy products. As far as liquid re-mineralizers go MK sounds like the best bang for the buck.
  6. I just finished adding the extra 75gpd pre-filter giving me 150gpd. I also added a booster pump along with a sediment strainer to preserve the life of the pump. I gotta say the difference is like night and day. It now makes 5 gallons of RO in just over an hour and the waste water is maybe 8-9 gallons.Now I just need more DiscoBee stickers! Feeling happy! :lol:
  7. Male and female tibees checking each other out
  8. Not quite sure which pic your reffering to. I'm guessing post #889 The shrimp on the green leaf is a low grade crs. The shrimp on the brown leaf is a TB wine red. Those galaxy tigers look awesome!Their blue looks darker than the aura blues.
  9. Would something like this work http://www.ebay.com/itm/AC-110V-3W-US-Plug-Submersible-Water-Pump-Aquarium-Fountain-Fish-Pond-Air-Pump/361088225085?_trksid=p2047675.c100009.m1982&_trkparms=aid%3D777000%26algo%3DABA.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D29310%26meid%3D0811857dc2ea4ed9950fcab46c0e0458%26pid%3D100009%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26mehot%3Dpp%26sd%3D131207478304
  10. Gotcha! The Elite pump has a high and low setting and recommended for tanks up to 3g. That looks good!
  11. The Marina breeder box runs on an air pump. It works like an air lift tube and pumps the water into the box. It comes with a air flow adjuster to control the amount of flow you want into the box.
  12. How many breeder boxes are you planning on running? I use this one for my 7G TB tank which I hook up to a med breeder box http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aquarium-Air-Pump-16-tubing-4-suction-cups-2-air-stones-1-check-valve-a-Tees-/261396711587?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cdc7548a3 They use to sell this pump for $8.00 shipped. It's more than enough for a single box.
  13. The 20" will fit on a tank 26" in length. I would message the seller your question just to be sure about the 30". You can add additional led's. You can join 2 fixtures together.
  14. I had some serious hair algae issues in my 12g tank a few months back. My lighting is the Curent Sat + which I run 8 hrs a day on the brightest setting. I just turned down the brightness and now just about all the algae is gone. I still run it 8 hrs a day. A lot of lights such as the BeamsWork sit directly on top of the tank which is too close and will cause algae isssues. IMO I think the best way to control your algae is to raise your light and not necessarily shorten the length of time you keep it on. I recently found these http://www.ebay.com/itm/261720099354?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I'm growing crypts,anubias,ferns and moss with them. For a shrimp tank they're perfect. I don't know if they make one for you tank size.
  15. Han, That would be great if you have one. Let me know man. Thanks!
  16. Hehe! I'm just hoping someone has one they don't need anymore. They want $10. Shipped for a new one. Arrgh!!!! Highway robbery for a cheap piece of plastic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Anyone have one of these just laying around they want to sell? I stepped on mine. Duh!! Thanks
  18. Try and net it out if you can before they multiply. I had them a while ago. I netted them out and haven't seen any more since. It took me a couple of weeks to get them out of my 4g tank. They like to hide in the plants. I chased them out with a chopstick and netted them. It probably took them a month to grow to where you can now see them. They've been known to devour baby shrimp. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Managed to get a couple of pics of the carbons. I like to call this one "Having Dinner with a friend"
  20. These guys are great! http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/bulk-reverse-osmosis-filters-systems.html
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