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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I think this will work for low light plants and moss. I haven't added plants yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Is that a filter inside the Sulawesi tank? If so, how do you make it so the babies don't get sucked up. It's very incognito!
  3. Dude! Those are bad ass! I love the Sulawesi layout. Is that seiryu? Your layouts are very artistic.
  4. I think the skeletons were used to breed the white out of the ghost crs which are like $$$$$
  5. Can you post a full tank shot of it? I've seen all your cool pics on your blog but never a full tank pic
  6. Shrimp daddy, What size are your tanks?
  7. They range in patterns since I opted for the splotched carbons. I'll try and get more pics up asap.
  8. Are those goldens? Looks like "skeleton" golden bee. Nice!
  9. Believe it or not this came from one of my blue diamonds
  10. My TB and CRS are in the same room and breed all day long. The tibee are in a smaller tank which is more prone to temp fluctuations.
  11. I love that first pic. He looks like a sleeping dragon!
  12. My tibee tank can fluctuate temps throughout the year from 20-25C. It's a 5g tank that's in a room below ground.
  13. Temps are 20 celsius Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. This is now 5th or 6th generation pseudo tibee babies. It took 38 days for these to hatch. To me it seemed like forever.
  15. Welcome aboard! Nice looking tank! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Can't wait to see them! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Yesterday I received about a doz beautiful cabon rili shrimp from Soothing. Their blue color is stunning. I opted for the splotched rili since I like different pattens in shrimp. I'll try to get som decent pics of them and post them in the "shrimp pics". Thanks again Bryce!
  18. They don't scream They don't cry They don't complain That's what I have kids for
  19. I wouldn't trust a gorilla in armor either! lol! The monkey in Outbreak really freaked me out.
  20. I'd want a huge male silverback gorilla. I mean could you imagine the looks on people's faces getting on the bus with one of those.
  21. They're still ten bucks each. Gonna place order now for a couple.
  22. Oh cool! Can't wait to hear your opinion on them. I like the fact that you can also link them together.
  23. Anybody using these on a 10g? I just bought 5 more tenners and need some cheap lighting. These look kinda good for low light. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aquatic-Life-LED-Freshwater-Aquarium-Light-20-Inch-Expandable-8-Watt-24-LED-s-/261720099354?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cefbbca1a
  24. Here's a couple of candid aura tibee shots.
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