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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Great catch! I think your right! I've been bamboozled by poop!!!
  2. I keep my PH around 5.8-6.0. In my TB and mischling tank. They breed constantly. I would leave it right where it's at.
  3. I know it's not the greatest picture. But, this shrimp sure likes to move around alot. This blue Sulawesi cardinal has devolped a stripe down it's back. The stripe wasn't there last week. It's also possible this is a different shrimp. I can''t be 100% sure. This is the shrimp from last week The others are from today.
  4. Duffy, How do you position your flash? Directly above?
  5. I have few of the cheap pocket PH pens. They work pretty good as long as you change the batteries when they get low. Otherwise it will give you false reading.a. I store mine in a 7.0 calibration solution which you can buy on ebay cheap.
  6. Soon I'll enter the realm of the PRL. Until then I'll enjoy looking at everyone else's. [emoji4]
  7. I had some golden bees that had quite a bit of blue on them. I was under the impression that's where the TB may have originally got their blue from. Just speculating [emoji4]
  8. Is it common to have the blue tint on the black bees? They're gorgeous!
  9. I really like the head shots. Which camera and lens are you using?
  10. Good to see you back!
  11. I like ferns. They're low maintanance and come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.Microsorum Windelov is one of my favorites.
  12. She's carried full clutches in the past with 100% baby survival rates. Would the saddle decrease in size the older she gets?
  13. Females tend to have a rounder carapace near the rostrum.
  14. So I was browsing the WWW looking for ways of stabalizing temps in tanks and stumbled across this video from Jacob's Aquarium which I thought I'd share. It's a great way to maximize the efficiencey of your heater and save some $$$ if your heating a lot of tanks.
  15. One of my veteran female mischlings inside my TB tank is only holding 5-6 eggs right now. Last week she was holding a whole clutch. She has had about 4 clutches of babies in the past which have all hatched. She's about 1 1/2 years old. Why is she dropping them now. Could it be she's just getting old? Beginning to forget?
  16. What parameters are you keeping them in?
  17. I've planted a tank on day one with ada amazonia with no issues. The trick is to plant heavy and still keep up the water changes. The plants will be fine and since it's heavily planted you should have no algae issues as long as your lighting is right.
  18. Jadenlea, I recently used a new dark substrate which I ended up putting my aura tigers in. What a mistake that was. I can barely see my shrimp. Needless to say I'll be moving then into another tank soon. Hope you pick the right color for your shrimp.[emoji4]
  19. I just used fishing line and trim the heck out of it since it grows so fast. I swear you can not kill this plant!
  20. Still have some plants left. I also have some Ludwigia "mini" super red available here http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1627-ludwigia-mini-super-red/
  21. Thems are some bright shrimp! [emoji41][emoji41][emoji41]
  22. I got 1/4" lexan tops for my 10 gallon tanks from Tap Plastics and I think it came to $50. For four tops.
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