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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Somewhere around 19-20. Today I'll be making a new stand to hold some more 10g's and maybe a 20L.
  2. Funny you ask. I added a few snow white in with them yesterday. The person I got them from said I can expect a wide variety of different types of markings. I wanted the ones with the best white striping. I swear I need more tanks.
  3. There are a few that have more white on them in the tank. These were the only pics I was able to take late last night. I'll post more later. Most look more translucent with white stripes and blue spots like this one. There were'nt many left to choose from as well.Someone else beat me to the cherry picking.lol! The 2 bottom pics are aura blues. The 2 pics on top are tibee
  4. The ones I have are f3 and f4. There are even a couple that are red. I'm guessing the red came from the snow white gene?
  5. TDS 160 GH 5 Temp 70 I just checked on them and they're all grazing away. They came from a tds of 220 and GH 10. It took me 5 hours to acclimate them.
  6. New life forming from a single dead frond (Fissidens Plannicaulis)
  7. I always refer to my "dragons" as wine reds. Some are darker than others. I just thought the price difference was amusing.
  8. I just got these today. Aura Blue Tigers and aura tibee.
  9. Yeah. I saw extreme dragons going for $20. More than than regular dark looking dragon. Crazy!!
  10. Can someone explain the difference between a dragon and an extreme dragon tb? Is it the black which makes it "extreme"? Would this guy be considered dragon?
  11. That's funny. A while back when I set up my sulawesi tank, one of my blue diamonds managed to hitchhike from his tds150 tank to 200 tds with no problems. I also just tossed him back and he was fine. As I'm typing this I have two new species that I'm acclimating from 240 tds to 170 tds. It's been 3 hours and looks like it might be a couple more until tds match. I'm dripping them at aprox 1 drop per second.
  12. Hey BC, I sent you a couple pm's about the hornets. Haven't heard back from you. Hope you still have them. Thanks!
  13. A lot of nice looking shrimp on this site.
  14. I use a Tamaron 90mm f/2.8 1:1 macro lens. It's a pretty good low budget lens
  15. Because water has to move through cell walls it seems that the more minerals added would take longer for cell membranes to absorb rather than to be diluted. On the other hand, would it be more harmful for the shrimp to loose the minerals and salts which are already in their cells? I think shrimp are more susceptible to GH and tds than ph when acclimating. I used to match ph. the last couple years I match tds only.
  16. 1. Poopians 2. Slycat929 3. Thegardenof Eder 4. Metageologist 5. EbiBunBun 6. mayphly
  17. This is sort of a vague question. However, in your guys experience have you had better luck in acclimating new shrimp to a higher TDS or to a lower TDS? I'm talking about survival rate when acclimating new shrimp. I was just thinking that almost all the shrimp I have I have always acclimated to a lower tds with the exception of the sulawesi. Is it easier for shrimp to acclimate to a lower tds than a higher tds? Why?
  18. Welcome aboard! Great tank set ups you have there.
  19. Whammy bar is on my strat! hehe!!
  20. Thanks Shrimpi! Just doing what I love.
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