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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Thanks man! I appreciate that more than I can express!
  2. Here's my rendition of the Rain Song.
  3. Bee-gathered pollens are rich in proteins, free amino acids, and vitamins, including B-complex and folic acid. I feed this maybe once every other week. The greater variety of foods you feed your shrimp the happier and healthy they will be.
  4. We liked this song so much we made it into a video a couple years ago. This is my band My Victim. The song is called Crash. This one goes out to Countryboy! Bang. Glass shatters in front of me; head on collision, never easy to see. This train bound for nowhere jumped its track; headed to hell and there's no turning back. 'Nother wrong decision, price to pay, keep pretending, it's better this way. We hide our eyes knowing what's real. Desperation's all we feel. I'd give you my world but it's blown to pieces. It's yours to have but first, won't you tell me what it's worth? Crash. Broken. Cease to be. What are we now but a memory? A footnote in time, chapter in the past. Arrogantly we thought we might last. Now we're left to face what we've become, ashamed we learn to keep ourselves numb. Turn a blind eye, turn to stone, and die afraid and alone.
  5. I've gotten lots of mosses from Countryboy and they are all very nice. Highly recommend him for some cool different types of moss you proably don't have.
  6. came home to this surprise! She's my first berries Tibee since October
  7. I agree with crazyfishlady. You should soak or boil them for a few minutes prior to feeding. My shrimp eat it like candy!
  8. Hehe! About time! :rock:
  9. Thanks Archie! Glad you like it. Feel free to post some pics of your shrimp or any other aquarium related stuff on there.
  10. mayphly

    shrimp Tanks

    Your set ups look stellar!
  11. KNowing that your receiving both males and females is important when spending big bucks on shrimp. Especially if you plan on breeding them. I sent you a pm.
  12. Your welcome! I hope they do well for you.
  13. Females no doubt.And very nice looking!
  14. Live at Pompei played together with The Song Remains The Same when I saw it in the theater back in the day.
  15. Great obscure song Bryce! Here's a great bit of trivia - Petra used backmasking at the beginning of this song. The backmasking says, "What are you looking for the Devil for, when you ought to be looking for the Lord?"
  16. It's hard to pick "one" song out of thousands of greats! Well, Jimmy Page is my favorite guitarist and song writer of all time. The emotions and passion that go in to a well writen song is what lights my fire! I think Led Zeppelin was able to create this with almost every song they wrote. Here is the The Rain Song which was recorded live at Madison Square Gardens in 1973. The video is from the film The Song Remains The Same which was later released in 1976.
  17. Those look nice for the price. What size tank are you using these with?
  18. I have around 7 of the Beamsworks lights on various tanks. You can't beat them for the price. I recommend the ones that you can switch between high light and low light like this one which I use for my 20L Sulawesi tank. I keep it on the low setting which only runs 6 0.50W bulbs and grown moss and ferns just fine. It also grows a nice algae on the sides of the tank walls which the shrimp are always picking at.
  19. If I rememeber correctly the watts per gallon rule is out the window with led's. I use this 3.3W led fixture for my 7g tank and the lighting is more than enough. The plants growing with this fixture are all low light plants like moss, ferns, dhg and buce.Each led with this fixture is rated at 0.1W. There is a new version of the same light which uses 0.2W. This would be too much for the 7g since the curent light is already at it's extended height.
  20. If you don't mind covering the shipping your in.
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