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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I only have one in my 7g tb tank right now. I'm definitely gonna get a few more. Myshrimp act like I starve them. They're agressive when it come to feeding time. If I put a pellet it the tank one shrimp will run off with it. That's why I mainly feed powder foods. This tube helps control where the powder food lands.
  2. Does a life of a shrimp get any tougher than this?
  3. Welcome to the forum! Glad you like it. A great place to start off here is the introduction page. Feel free to check it out here http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/forum/7-introductions/
  4. My parameters are PH 8.4 TDS 225 GH 9 KH 7 NO3 20 NH3 0 I think your water is perfect for them.
  5. Hehe! Very easily done! My cheap lens ain't even cheap!
  6. This one is acrylic. The tube attaches to the feeding dish with a small plastic nut and bolt. It came with two suction cups to attach it to the tank. I'll add the link to my first post.
  7. Here is another very rare moss which I acquired a while ago. It's also known as Pilo moss. I'm offering this 1" x 1" portion which has been grown out on lava rock. I'm growing this with great success in low light and no co2 or ferts. The cameroon has been recently tied to 1" x 1" ss mesh and also grows in low light and no ferts. 1. Pilo attached to lava rock $40.00 (1 available) 2. cameroon $20. (3 available) Pilo Description "A very nice new moss not yet fully identified. It belongs to the Pilotrichaceae family. Much like Weeping moss (Vesicularia ferriei), "Pilo moss" has a more or less overhanging growth habit, but unlike the former, it reliably clings to the substrate. On flat areas it forms a dense, flat, deep green mat. It is a relatively slow grower and thus only needs to be trimmed rarely." Plagiochcila sp.Description The Plagiochila is a liverwart. It is often located in wetlands in tropical Africa and Madagascar in the region. It develops at the edges of streams in the forest. This rare moss is also known as the Japanese Hanegoke sp. "Cameroon". Shipping is $6.00 USPS priority within the conusa only. Paypal only.
  8. I love this thing! I think the shrimp love it too! It's perfect for feeding powder food. I place just a tiny amount in the top of the tube and it falls down very slowly into the dish. It's amazing how much food is in a ""tiny" pinch. I caught several greedy shrimpies trying to swim up the tube to get the best pickings! Best of all I see most of the food getting eaten before it touches the substrate. I got mine on eaby for 8 bucks shipped. There are a few people beginning to make and sell these on the web. I highly recommend them! http://www.ebay.com/itm/200998691412?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  9. I keep Sulawesi cardinals in almost the same parameters. They are breeding like rabbits!
  10. When I got mine from you I think your tds was in the upper 600's. That was one lengthy acclimation!
  11. Not sure if this is what you mean. But, if you click "View New Content" then on the left you can choose from "By Time Period". Hope this helps.
  12. Do you use aquarium lights along with your flash?
  13. Most my pics have only the tank lights coming from above with no additional flash. Maybe I'll try and get some shots in today with the external flash mounted above.
  14. FYI: I made the "Bay Area Shrimp Place" a "closed group". However, anyone can join and only the other members will see your posts. So, feel free to post away!
  15. Usually I do not. I think the pics I just posted have the auto flash as well as this one. I have an external flash that I would like to mount above the tank and try with a trigger.
  16. I took a few pics using the "auto" function of my D80.
  17. Thanks. I'm using a Nikon D80 with a Tamron 90mm macro lens.
  18. In my experience with aquasoil the slower I fill the tank with water the less cloudy it will be. I always pour the water over a cup to diffuse the water. My tanks have never gotten that cloudy. I don't see a purpose of adding flourite as a cap since amazonia already has all the nutrients your plants will need in a shrimp tank. You shouldn't loose buffering if you decide to do so. Just keep up with the water changes and add some floating plants to help with absorbing ammonia. What shrimp do you plan on keeping in this tank?
  19. Like Soothing said. I wouldn'd ship anything under 1/4".
  20. I'm guessing I'm up to at least 50 babies in this tank at the moment. I think this one in the pic is a Christmas baby. The other pic shows how electrifying some of their spots have become.
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