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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. best present so far! Christmas cheer in a bottle. Cheers!
  2. 1. kell73k 2. Metageologist 3. mlsthuy1 4. Poopians 5. r45t4m4n 6. H4n 7. Countryboy12484 8. mayphly
  3. I didn't get anything related to shrimping for Christmas except for the pintos that I bought for myself. That doesn't really count. So, I was wondering if anyone received or gave something related to shrimp for Christmas?
  4. I get burned every year since my birthday is so close to Christmas. That's why I have to get myself something nice.
  5. And the winner of the Christmas shrimp giveaway is ANBU!!! Congratulations ANBU! Thank you to everyone for playing! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!
  6. I use the ones from Home Depot. I just boiled them first. There are no chemicals added to them. (At least the ones I purchased) I use them in all my tanks.
  7. What a great idea with the spraybar. [emoji106] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Welcome aboard! Looking forward to seeing some more of your cool mosses!
  9. Definitely this is this best way. But if need be I use unscented regular soap.
  10. lol! The purple TB did catch my attention! Lol!
  11. I believe the red shrimp is just a hino wine red with some nice white coloration on it. The lighting makes it look black in the pic.
  12. That's a bummer! Sorry to hear. Did you do any changes to the tank recently?
  13. I keep two female mischling with my tb and it seems like they are berried more often than the tb. One of the Mischling was berried the day after she gave birth. She wastes no time. Lol!
  14. It's amazing the different parameters TB can live in. A GH of 2 is the lowest I've heard. But hey, if that works then that's al that matters. I wouldn't change a thing if they're breeding. [emoji106]
  15. Alright man! Tha'ts awesome! Congratulations! Just curious what parameters are you keeping them in?
  16. Here is a full view of my 7g tb tank.
  17. feathermoss is the only other name I've heard.
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