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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. i think Tapatalk is limited with this forums format. Say that ten times fast. Lol!
  2. I set up a 10g with brightwell xf and have to say the water is soooo much clearer than ada. I just hope the buffering holds up for a long time.
  3. I sent the company an email last Friday asking them what brand the engine is and where in my area is the nearest service center in case something goes wrong.
  4. No problem!I I keep on wanting to set up a tank using an hmf filter but always end up with an hob. One of these day!! What are you keeping in the 20L?
  5. Yeah.... I saw that. The exploding pants cracked me up lol!!!
  6. Yes it is. The bigger the air pump the more flow you'll have. Just connect the tubing from the pump to the uplift tube. There are some good youtube vids on hmf's.
  7. I would if I could. I just set up 4 new tanks and just don't have the room. So, hopefully some one here can take advantage of this deal![emoji12]
  8. Just thought someone might be interested in this. It's a pretty good deal to pass up. Wish I had the room! http://sfbay.craigslist.org/pen/for/4793739862.html
  9. 1. christinenha 2. Vinn 3. Roborep1 4. mayphly
  10. They state that "it's a Honda based engine design." There's a product video in the link I posted.
  11. Congratulations! Would like to see what the tb mischling cross looks like when they get a bit larger
  12. Smarter Tools appears to have their headquarters here in the USA. However, I thnk they outsource the engines to china. (Probably impossible to get parts) Lol!! Their engine is a 4 stroke 13HP 389cc. The equivalent Honda generator costs 4K.
  13. I like them, However, I'm not sure if they do much. I like what Soothing said "microbubbles vs bubbles". Someone pointed out that due to the increase of O2 in the water column the unit could be detrimental to a shrimps health if you were to tranfer shrimp from a tank using an oxydator to a tank that doesn't use an oxydator. On the other hand if your acclimating shrimp properly I don't see this as a big deal.
  14. After looking into it a bit more We have decided to go with this one http://www.costco.com/Smarter-Tools-7500W-Running--9500W-Peak-Portable-Generator-EPACARB.product.100053877.html which is also from Costco. You can't beat the price! The Generac I was originaly looking at is not carb compliant with California. This will be my first project after the new year! If you want to get fancy you can even start your generator from your phone now. Lol!!!
  15. That's a Söchting Oxydator. It feeds micro oxygen bubbles into the water column.
  16. mayphly


    Hey, Good to know there's a shrimper shrimping in Greece! What's the shrimp scene like over there?
  17. Wow! I've been using mmp since the beginning. I've had huge success in shrimp breeding while using it. Recently I have been thiking about switching to MK blue diamond as well. It's a better bang for your buck! Now you got me thinking. What dicobee says totaly makes sense.
  18. Wow! Very cool tank! Is it recessed into the wall or does it sit on a ledge?
  19. mayphly

    500+ members!!!

    This has got to be the best shrimp forum in the USA! Congratulations Shrimpspot!
  20. IMO, It's a good idea to set the breeder box up asap prior to putting shrimp in there. This gives a chance for bio film to grow in the box that the babies will feed on. Your baby survival rate will be in greater numbers. I had a mama shrimp give birth in a new breeder box with some moss and a piece of well seasoned cholla wood and I lost quite a few babies. After the breeder box was left set up for about a month or so I had some nice film growing on it. Ever since then I've had 99-100 percent baby survival rate. I also add an airstone (insurance).
  21. Glad to hear the little critters made it ok! Your tank looks cool! I think they'll be happy in there.
  22. 1. DETAquarium 77 2. Rodan76 17 3. Poopians 27 4. RyeGuy411 (1) 5. Merth 65 6. Aquariumlover10 49 7. h4n 47 8. Uscgjay 39 9. Steve R. 86 10. Mrbluepanda 24 11. Hiatus 42 12. Metageologist 57 13. Dukendabears 31 14. Bluecrownaquatictrade 100 15. Elo500 44 16. r45tm4n 33 17. James Aquatics 66 18. Mlsthuy1 18 19. Ebi-San 10 20. Roborep1. 21 21. Shrimpie 99 22. ANBU 69 23. Vinn 59 24. Duff0712 85 25. Slycat929 83 26. junglefowl 20
  23. Hahah! I got a huge clump of it in my 12g. It's been growing out for a little over a year.
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