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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Does that mean I get the job? [emoji12]
  2. You can't add what you have left! Let's say you buy something for $44. - you have $6. left. You buy a cupcake for $6. and have 0 left. 44+6=50 6+0=6
  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all you shrimpers!
  4. Very nice blue color on these guys. Do they breed true?
  5. Those are sweet! Do you have a current price list? I can't find it on my phone. How much are these guys going for? Very pretty shrimp! Thanks
  6. I would like to thank all of you who have purchased from me! I would also like to thank those in advance who will be making future purchases from me! Please feel free to leave your comments and feedback here for any items you have received from me. You can also leave feedback by clicking on my user name and click on the "Leave Feedback" tab. Happy shrimping!
  7. This crab is not a toy. Though he sure looks like he could be. This guy is only 2-5 cm. Here's a bit of info about him Pilumnus vespertilio http://www.thefeaturedcreature.com/the-hairy-crab-is-the-teddy-bear-of-the-crab-world-cute/
  8. Glad to hear it's working out for you!
  9. I think the hairy crab is also called the Chinese Mitten crab. That sashimi is making me hungry too. This is not hairy crab but sure looks hairy to me
  10. I never heard of hairy crab. I hope it taste better than it sounds.Lol! I'll have to look that one up!
  11. Check out these inverts! We're about a mile out of Princeton Harbor. Had a great time. Limited out in an hour.[emoji572]️
  12. Keep me posted when you want me ship them out. Thanks again!
  13. Thanks for all the warm welcomes! Looking forward to some new shrimping adventures![emoji2]
  14. Those are very sexy looking shrimps! What type of soil is that? It looks like lava
  15. Thanks Derek! I got some cool New mosses coming soon![emoji4]
  16. First off I’d like to say thanks to Will and his team of knowledgeable mods and attendants and to all the good people here who help make this one of the greatest shrimp forums on the internet. My name is Andy and I live in foggy Pacifica, California where the water quality and weather are perfect for breeding shrimp. I currently have 9 different types of shrimp which I will randomly post for sale. I will post prices soon. Here is my current stock: Red Cherry Shrimp Blue Diamonds Golden Bee Taiwan Bee ( blue bolt, wine red, bkk,shadow panda, panda, red bolt) Mischlings PFR CRS A-SSS+ Sulawesi Cardinal Tibee ( TT x CRS) & (Aura Blue X Snow White) Malawa Taitibee (coming soon) Here are some pics of my shrimp I also collect rare species of moss from all over the world. I will have some of these available for purchase soon. Stay tuned for some awesome RAOK starting in December. Thanks for checking out my sponser page!
  17. I wouldn't worry about a few worms. They help break down waste. If you have a lot of worms then you have water quality issues. Check out this article http://www.aquarium-pond-answers.com/2007/03/trematodes-and-nematodes-in-fish.html#trematodes Scroll down to Annelids “Segmented Worms” - Including: DETRITUS WORMS
  18. I guess there must have been more berried females that I couldn't see. Looks like more babies popping up in the tank every time I look.
  19. Tanman, great looking cpo and pfr. I just lost my last cpo. I thik he was just old. I had him for almost 2 years.
  20. Haha!! Flattered you think we're hot! I'm the guy who is playing on stage right. Here is a thread I think you'll enjoy http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/220-names-and-faces/?hl=+name%20+face
  21. I play guitar (lead & rhythm) sing back up and write. Oh yeah.. & bang my head while performing all of the above[emoji450][emoji450][emoji450][emoji450]
  22. I think it's either black worm or some sort of detritus worm
  23. For anyone Into (or not into) heavy metal feel free to check out my band's website. We just released a new album and it's available for download on our site and iTunes http://www.myvictim.us Sorry! I couldn't resist the plug.[emoji13][emoji13][emoji13]
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