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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. "Tank of Death" lol!!!! I might have to use that for a new song title! I play in a metal band[emoji83][emoji83][emoji83] They look good!
  2. The tibee I’m using come from Jaime who has been selectively breeding tibees for some time now.
  3. I have two of these available. This moss is super clean. No algae or snails. Click HERE to see offer and for more pics.
  4. Offer title: Cratoneuron (undefined) Moss. Very Rare Offer Submitter: mayphly Offer Submitted: 22 Nov 2014 Offer Category: Aquatic Plants My newest addition to my rare moss collection. I was told that this is not the same as Cratonneuron filicinum. Preffers low-medium light. Grows without co2 or ferts. a new, not yet well-defined moss nice compact, low growth Temp. 19°C - 28°C, ph 6 - 8 Europe $15.00 shipped first class within conusa only. Portion will be roughly the size of a quarter or 1"X1" . Does not come on mesh. Paypal only please. Click here to show this offer
  5. I still have a few of these guys left. Shoot me a pm if your interested in them.
  6. Thanks Shrimpfan! My bd tank is more med light and my tb tank is low light. I use only the tank lighting. I keep the lights off in the room when shooting. I notice I miss out on a lot of potentially good shots due to low light. I need to play around with the flash and practice bouncing light.
  7. Here's one of my more oddball blue diamonds.
  8. Your tank looks great! Off to a great start!
  9. Hey Will I was able to upgrade to gold membership with no issues.
  10. Those goldens look nince. Looks like they're enjoying thenselves in there.I love the molt pic!
  11. I tried to throw in a good color variety for you. Glad you like them. Yes, that's Christmas moss.
  12. Great to hear they all made it! Please keep us posted on your breeding project. Looking forward to hearing your results.
  13. Good question. I would think saltwater would kill freshwater bacteria. That's my uneducated / non- google search guess[emoji38]
  14. My original stock of BD's showed up at my house in a soaking wet box with a busted shipping bag. All the shrimp were alive flicking around in the damp box. Don't know how they did it. I'm sure they'll be fine.
  15. Funny, out of all he buces there are I actually have kir royale which was given to me as a gift. It's still very small and not really blue. Someone posted in another forum about one that turns blue and now I can't find the post. There was even a picture of it. Dang! I hate when that happens.
  16. I'm glad I don't suffer from the buce bug. I can save that money for more shrimps.lol! However, I do like the one that turns blue or blue-ish purple under water. Does anyone know the name if it?
  17. Wow! I never imagined pens for shrimps. It looks just like a trout farm. That's very cool!
  18. I will add a column for general notes. That way for those who dose stuff in their tanks can add the data there
  19. Check out Spirodela polyrhiza (giant duckweed )It will also turn a nice red/purple color. Easy to grow. Han, you probably have this one too?
  20. 1. Metageologist 2. Shrimpfreak 3. r45t4m4n 4. Slycat929 5. Poopians 6. DETAquarium 7. Elo500 8: Soothing Shrimp 9. Mayphly
  21. Lol! All good man! I always enjoy your input!
  22. That would make an excellent thread "cards crossing with neos". With all due respect can we leave this thread open for just pics. Don't mean to be a downer but the thread just ends up a bit cluttered. Thank you!
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