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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Right on for sharing those! Now I might change the same theme I've had for years! Cool!
  2. Yeah! That's him! He might look more red in the pic because of the lighting. I can't wait to get some good pics of the little white one you sent. The shrimps you sent are amazing looking! I can't wait to see your 55g set up. Maybe you can post up some pics here when you get it all set up.
  3. Sounds like it. There's a few different species of mulberry. From what I understand they are all ok for shrimp. If you want to do a RAOK I'd be more than happy to pay for the shipping.
  4. Out of all those my shrimp go bonkers over mulberry leaves. Two min in the steamer and they're good to go.
  5. I have the extra fine. It sure makes planting a lot easier. The plants stay put. Great to know about the ph. Sent from Folsom Prison
  6. I would live to someday have something like this pop up in my tank. Not my pic. Sent from Folsom Prison
  7. Thanks! They are a mix of pseudo TT (tangerine tiger tibee) and a C grades CRS. There are also some super tiger tibee crosses. I hope to get some really cool patterns from these guys and cross them with some if my TB. I needed to do something to cheer myself up since my home team the SF Giants were getting their butts kicked! Lol!Sent from Folsom Prison
  8. Here's my favorite new tibee Sent from Folsom Prison
  9. I finally scored on some nice tibees! [emoji38] I have one that has a red head and nice white stripes. He's hiding from me right now. I'll get his mug shot soon!
  10. 1. Metageologist 2.ANBU 3.h4n 4.DETAquarium 5.Rodan76 6.Soothing Shrimp 7.Nick_R 8.Poopians 9.davesays 10.r45t4m4n 11.Bonstoneric 12Ch3f 13.Jesseter 14.DemonUnleashed 15.Hiatus 16. mayphly
  11. I think I went a little bit overboard with the contrast in the aristata pic lol!. The aristata is by far my favorite floater!
  12. That's terrible! I have Copepods in several tanks and never thought they bothered the shrimp. How does one control a copepod population?
  13. From the album: Rare Aquatic Mosses

    Beautiful fissidens.
  14. From the album: Rare Aquatic Mosses

    Very slow growing. This was grown with co2, high light and ferts.
  15. Come on! Who wouldn't want these hanging out in their tank! Lol!
  16. I get a purple tint in my blue diamonds sometimes. I don't use a flash so it might be from the led's. However, I am due for new glasses! Hehe
  17. To me it looks purple in the mid section
  18. That does have some serious purple going on! I also like the bit of black on it's head. You might be on to something!
  19. IMO you cant go wrong with the GLA. They're not cheap but you get what you pay for. I think this one http://greenleafaquariums.com/products/gla-gro-co2-regulator-no-bubble-counter.html is only 35. more than your budget. I recently bought another regulator from GLA and it came with a 6 year warranty. That was a good selling point. I own 3 GLA regs a Milwaukee and a couple of cheapos. I've never had a problem with any of them. Your taking a gamble spending that kind of money on something used. Just my two cents.Let us know what you decide on.
  20. Cool! I know I've bought from you in the past on aquabid. IMO it's the best remineralizer on the market. Thanks again!
  21. I went ahead and placed an order through the Shrimp Tank for the 250ml bottle. Hopefully that'll last a bit longer. This stuff is getting harder to find here in the US. I could only find one other person that is carrying it.
  22. Hmmm. I just went through one of the new full 100ml bottles which only seemed to last a couple weeks. Maybe it was my imagination. I wasn't really keeping track. Anyways good to know. Thanks!
  23. Does anyone here sell Mosura Mineral Plus? I'm looking for the concentrated bottle where you add water. Thanks!
  24. WOW! Those look huge. Looks bigger than giant willow moss.
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