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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. Thanks for taking the time to look in to this.
  2. I don't know if this helps but I'm running Windows XP.
  3. I misread the gallery limit. I see it's unlimited. 20mb per pic. Nice!
  4. Here's a screen shot using "Full Editor" in messenger on my desktop. Am I missing the attachment button? Im definitely not the most computer savy person in the world. Maybe I'm missing something here? Lol! I'm aware of the "image" Tab which only lets you post a URL. Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks
  5. Right on Speedie! I just sent you a pm
  6. I have a ziplock bag full of healthy assorted floating plants. Amazon frogbit Salvinia minima giant duckweed Hygro Aristata duckweed and whatever other plants or shrimp that get mixed in First person to send me a message who wants them can have them. Please just cover $6.00 shipping via Paypal. Conusa only! Thanks!
  7. Yeah it's kind of a bummer since I keep almost all my pics on an external drive connected to my PC. Also, your only allowed so many pics you can upload in the gallery. On top of that you cannot delete your uploaded gallery pics unless you request a moderator to remove them. I don't want to sound like a complainer because I love this site. However, I think there is some room for improvement.
  8. I guess it's the same as a pm. I'm talking about the envelope icon on the top right side next to "notifications". If you hover your mouse over it it'll say "messenger"
  9. Hey Metageoligist, Do you have a paperclip icon when using "messenger" on your desktop?
  10. I think i figured it out. Upload pic from desktop to "My Gallery" // Options // share links From "share links" you can copy and paste BBC code, HTML, Image Link, or Page link I think this is the only way to send pics in messenger unless using image hosting like High5. An "attachment" tab would be nice in messenger.
  11. From the album: Mayphly's Shrimp Pics

    This moss is common to Europe, North America and other regions around the world. It is found in calm, slow moving cool waters. It prefers med-high light, co2 and nutrients.
  12. From the album: Mayphly's Shrimp Pics

    Easy tro grow moss which is native to Asia. Grows best in cooler waters (under 75 deg) with good flow.
  13. I can't seem to be able to attach photos using messenger on my desktop.. Is there a way to do it? I see I can add a url. But. I'd like to be able to attach pics from my desktop's hard drive in a message. Thanks!
  14. Anybody selling tibees???
  15. My sulawesi tank parameters are TDS 200 PH 8.2 GH 7 KH 5 Temp 81-83 Yeah... I don't know about mosses in there. My java moss barely grows in there. The pelia does great! It grows bushy and lush!
  16. Here's a pic of my tank. It doesn't look like much!lol! The plants in it are needle java, pelia, and java moss. There's a few marimo balls in there as well. I have a bit of the dreaded clado algae growing in there. It started to appear when I first set up the tank and was running a high light. The shrimp love it. I hate it. I have switched over to a lower light to help get rid of the clado. It seems to be working.
  17. Here's a few more pics since I haven't posted any in a while
  18. Hey guys, I keep trimming and they keep growing! These are perfect for a low light set up. Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis (few nodes) Hemianthus Micranthemoides 10+ stems Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green Gecko' ( small plantlet w/ 3 leaves) Hornwort 5+ stems Salvinia Minima Naja Grass (Najas guadalupensis) Duckweed ( Lemna minor ) Giant Duckweed (spirodela polyrhiza) Christmas moss - super clean and healthy (golf ball) All the floaters will come mixed up in a zip lock sized sandwich bag. $25.00 shipped USPS priority. Tracking included. Shipping only within the conusa. Paypal only. Feel free to pm me with any questions. Thanks, Andy
  19. Yeah.... I don't see any of the tapatalk posts on my desktop either.
  20. I hooked it up last night and let it run for 6 hours. Everything is solid. The farthest tank is only 15' away didn't have to adjust much.
  21. I'm trying to place a bid on tapatalk. When I click "click here to show this offer" it takes me to your thread "Watch My Shrimp Sniff Out Food. Also, I can only see the first three posts. However, I was able to successfully place a bid using "webview" on my iphone. Using webview I received a message that my post was awaiting moderator approval when I attempted to post in the thread. That was a first. I was also wondering if your outbid will you receive an outbid message? Hope this helps. Thanks!
  22. Sure is! In another couple months. I was just planning ahead! lol! It has a 4 block manifold. Each manifold can be independently adjusted by the white knobs on the bottom. The needle valve GLA claims as their own brand. It's a shame that the needle valve knobs are plastic and not brass.However, was tuned in I'm not planning on touching them much. It came with a 6 year warranty which I like.
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