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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I know they ain't cheap. I had to sell some plants and other stuff to afford this. It even has room for one more bubble counter if I want to run 5. I'll be running this on the 4 new 10 gallons I have set up in the garage. All plants will be med-high light on this go around.
  2. I just set up 4 more ten gallons just for plants. I have two other gla regulators and although they ain't cheap I've never had an issue with any of them. So, I figured ... Why not???
  3. Worked on rescaping this a bit yesterday. I need to do something with the left side of the tank. ????
  4. It looks like BRS is discontinuing the 5 stage and replacing them with 6 stage systems.Now you can get one more filter for the same price as the 5 stage.I have the BRS 5 stage 75gpd and love it. Simple to hook up and use.
  5. On a daily basis I noticed an increase in nitrates. I now dose twice a week in tiny amounts.
  6. Those are some gorgeous shrimp! I like the one which looks like dragon mosura. Very nice'
  7. Here is a pic what they look like submerged. They will grow taller when submerged. Emersed they only tend to grow 2"-3" Depending on your water they can turn deep dark red like in the pic. The pearling tells me that they are happy!
  8. That's a bummer to hear! However, It's great to see someone found a use for that emoji! lol!
  9. I originally aquired this plant from the Aqua Forest several years ago and it has thrived in all my tanks and in all different conditions. The ones i'm offering today come from my emersed tank. They are the ones in the pics below. They only grow 2" -3" in this enviornment and tend to "creep" on the ground. The plant is so tough that I wrapped a bunch on a stick where it still grows like a weed today. You can do this and keep it trimmed low and it looks pretty cool. Plant grows great in shrimp tanks although not quite as red. I'm offering 5 stems shipped for $16. That's only two bucks a stem plus priority shipping.I always include extra stuff in all my sales! PM me if interested.
  10. Yeah!! They're pretty cool! I take mine and cut them up and make carpets out of them! My shrimp dig them!
  11. As far as shrimp go "less is more". You run the risk of fouling your water the more you feed shrimp. I feed my shrimp 3 times a week and they breed like crazy.The more you feed the more your nitrates, amonia and tds will rise possibly causing deaths and less breeding. I've kept tarantuals in the past and they do grow larger the more you feed them. I guess people do too! Haha! Shrimp are more sensitive than tarantulas.Shrimp feed on biofilm and micro-organisms that we can't even see.If you do feed your shrimp often may I recommend more frequent water changes and a good filtration system.
  12. I use purigen in a few of my shrimp tanks along with alder cones and leaves and do not have a problem with ph swings. I also do regular water changes and my shrimps breed like crazy. I Run an eheim 2215 filter (sponges & bio-media) and an ac20 which just has purigen in it in my 12g tank. The more acidic the water is the more I have to relpace catappa leaves. I'm more concerned with tds and gh than ph anyways. My tank is also heavily planted. What kind of shrimp are you keeping?
  13. My hairgrass grows pretty fast in med light, no ferts and no co2 in amazonia soil. It's a pita to trim! hehe!
  14. Whats up TSP people! I would like to trade a few tb for some tibee shrimp so i can get started on my pinto project. I prefer f2 and up generations. I have panda,shadow panda, and blue bolts. My blue bolts carry red bolt genes and they have already produced a few. I only need about 4-6 tibee and prefer females. I also have for trade sss crs, some very nice goldens with unique pattern (red cheek) and blue diamonds for trade. I have plenty of pics if you would like to check out any of my shrimps. Please send pics of offered shrimps and let me know what they were crossed with. Thanks!!! I also accept donations
  15. I bet they'll turn darker just as bb do when they get older. Do you have any pics you can share if your red bolts? I would love to compare them.
  16. My tb's cary red bolt genes. So, I'm hoping the red color will intesify on this shrimp. He's only about 4 months old right now but has potential.
  17. Check this out.... "BIOSPON" Not sure if it's "better" than a sponge. But, I'm sure it cost more. hehe BTW, I prefer the single sponges just because they are easier to remove and clean. But I have both.
  18. Glad to hear your happy with them! Thanks! [emoji1]
  19. There are a variety of bolbitis species that do well in aquaria and are very easy to care for. They are very non demanding and in my opinion are easier to keep than some mosses.
  20. It's been about a month and I find molts but no berried shrimp yet. Hopefully soon. They were definitely shy at first but have since become comfortable in their surroundings. In the meantime I perform 10% water changes weekly and check on them everyday. If things go well with them I'll add some yellow cheeks.
  21. I have a lot more floaters to give away if anyone is interested just give me a shout! Just cover $6.00 shipping. I'll add some Hygroryza Aristata and Ceratophyllum demersum as well.
  22. I just tried again and it's working. Not sure if it's something I did or didn't do right. lol! Probably the second one. haha! Thanks!
  23. How do you leave feeback for a RAOK where there are more than one person who won? Right now I can only leave feedback for one person. Then, I get the message "The deal link is invalid, please correct it." Thanks
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