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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. They're funny when they mate! I had mine stuck together for like 30 min one time. I wish you luck!
  2. Hehe! That day I forgot all about the snake. I eventually did get one.
  3. Thanks for the compliments. The last two are from my blue diamonds. The others are just low grade crystals. I keep them together in my 12g
  4. I felt it. Didn't here any tanks crashing. Went back to bed. My family and the dog slept right through it. I know they said 6.1 but it felt more like 4.0. Here's what happened to me on October 17, 1989. I was living in San Francisco and thought it would be a great day to go buy a snake from the East Bay Viverium in Oakland. I was planning on buying a black rat snake to add to my collection. So, I headed to the east bay with my friend. I just exited the Cypress off ramp (lower deck) and made a right turn and parked. The EBV is surrounded by old, tall brick buildings. We weren't in the store for more than a minute when the whole place started shaking violently. The cages were falling to ground smashing into pieces. Glass was everywhere. We bolted outside the store to see a huge choking grey dust cloud and heard what sounded like the loudest thunder crash you ever heard. I remember ducking on the ground with my hands over my head waiting for something to fall around me. For just a second after the thunder there was an eirie silence. You could here a pin drop. Then came the screams, fire and smoke. It took me a minute to realize what had just happened. Someone started screaming "the upper deck just collapsed". My buddy Simon and I helped a lot of people who were stranded on the upper deck that day and ended up giving a bunch of people rides home. I hope nobody ever has to experience anything like that ever! I was 20 years old when that happened and it still haunts me to this day.
  5. Yeah, lacerock is a pretty common rock used in aquariums. Aqua Forest does sell manmade rocks which come with some insane pricetags. I had a hard enough time paying $20. for rocks.
  6. Today I received 11 cardinals from Speedie. The one extra one he threw in didn't make it. It looked as if though it became stuck in it's molt. Either way the other ten are happy in their new home and all have colored up nicely. You can see in the pic above that some turned blue probably due to stress from their trip. They all have blue on their tails similar to the blue leg poso. I never noticed that before. Very cool! Thanks again Nick!
  7. Wow!! I've never seen that one before. Very nice
  8. I started this tank back in May. Look who just showed up
  9. Very nice collection you have there!
  10. Yeah, I think Countryboy is right. Looks like Barbula sp. millimeter moss
  11. It's always like Christmas when a new package arrives. I was just notified that these are to arrive today Fontinallis Antipyretica var Gigantea Pilotrachaceae sp (pilo moss) Bolbitis Cuspidata Bolbitis Gua angina Excited!
  12. That awesome! Those two are on my next order for sure. I think I'm up to over 30 types if mosses now.
  13. Cool! He has a lot of amazing plants. Let us know how it goes. If you don't mind me asking, what did you order?
  14. Does anyone know if they can be kept with cardinals?
  15. I thought you meant you were using a trial version of PS. Regardless, your pics look stellar!
  16. Hey Chef, those are some great looking shots! I might have to look at a photoshop tutorial or two. Lol!
  17. I started a fb community page called Bay Area Shrimp Place on Facebook. I thought it would be a great place where people around the bay area can share their thoughts and images of the shrimp they keep. It might even lead to trading with one another. This way people won't have to worry about shipping these sensitive little creatures. Please feel free to check it out and "like it" if you want. Better yet post up a pic of whatever shrimps it is that you keep. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bay-Area-Shrimp-Place/622001344580783
  18. Mine took about 2-3 weeks to germinate and 3 years to get to where they are today. I used about 2 inches of clay balls on the bottom for drainage. But I think one inch is good enough. On top of that I placed a bit of mesh to keep my soil from falling through. On top of the mesh I have 2 inches of my carnivorous soil mixture. Then I topped that off with one more thin layer of just sphagnum. I keep mine on a windowsil which faces west and receives indirect sunlight throughout most the day. When starting the seeds I kept the jar covered with saran wrap and mist daily and water once a week sparingly with ro. No drain holes needed. I just noticed my spatulata is growing two inches below the surface. Crazy carnivorous plants! Hey Chris, If your interested in these spatulatas I can send you a couple. Just cover the shipping. They look realy cool growing around the vft's. They are tiny.
  19. Venus fly traps are fascinating. I've been growing them since I was a kid. Usually unsuccessfully. Now I have it down. I keep these four types in a jar filled with peat,sand and perlite mixture. They grow well for me in indirect sunlight and ro water. I usually mist them once a day and thats it. Here are the ones I keep together. Dente Flytrap Sarracenia Purpurea Scarlet Belle Drosera Spatulata
  20. They look like PFR on macro rock but I'm just guessing. I am also curious to know. Cool pics!
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