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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I hope I can end up with 120 different types of mosses one day. I also follow "World of aquatic moss" on FB which also belongs to Novina. There are some great pics in that page as well.
  2. I'm not sure if you have them or not, but, floating plants are great to have in a shrimp tank. They will help keep nitrates low along with routine water changes. If you need some I can send you some.
  3. Great pics!! I like the guy on the bottom left. Is that a rilli?
  4. Is anyone here growing this fragile nano fern? If so, what conditions are you keeping it in? I only know of a few people who have had success in growing it. From what I understand is that it grows well in 6.5-7.0 ph in cool water and low light with co2. Any info on this plant would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I keep cholla wood and moss in some of my boxes and just moss in others. I find it's easier to catch baby shrimp with less things in the boxes.
  6. Ch3f, The Tamron I use is the macro 1:1 SP AF90mm F/2.8 Di. I don't use photoshop in my pics. Although I bet they would look 10 times better if I did. Here's a few of my better pics with this lens
  7. I also like using my iphone because it's simple and convenient. My favorite app to use for iphone pics is Alt Photo. It has a ton of filters and keeps the original resolution and it's free. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  8. I use a Nikon D80 with a Tamron 90mm macro lens Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  9. Those pics came out great for phone shots! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  10. Just bought a bunch of SS mesh from Han for tying moss. Couldn't ask for better quality stuff!
  11. Here's some updated pics from my tb tank. I'm hoping that some of these blue ones stay blue. Evryone in this tank is doing well. I have one female mischling that is already one her third batch of eggs since March. There are also two other tb that are berried at the moment. I currently have a 20L cycling which will be there future home so that I can house more shrimp. Right now I have them in a 7g.
  12. Those shrimp look awesome! What is the substrate in the bottom video?
  13. Flyfishing, fly tying, backpack, play guitar in metal band, rc planes, photography
  14. I like those exoskeleton shots. Very creepy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  15. Here's one of them. None of mine are 100% red. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  16. lol! I have red goldens in another tank. At least now I'll be able to see the differences once this tb gets a bit bigger.
  17. I think I'm finaly ready for some Sulawesi shrimp. Here are my "stable" parameters Do these parameters sound about right? Ph-8.1 TDS- 170 GH- 7 KH- 5 Temps- 82 I've been running this tank for about two months now and have some great algae and biofilm buid up.
  18. So, Here's another interesting one that came from my tb tank. The person who I got my tb from just told me that he has sevral red bolts from the same tank my shrimps came from. Do you guys thinkl it's possible this one may turn out to be a red bolt? I'm realy diggin' the spots.
  19. Yeah, I think your right. I have a few that look the same.
  20. Pika, Those are some nice looking red shrimp. One of them looks like it has a yellowish stripe on it's back. Sort of remindes me of a Caridina spinata.
  21. I found some on ebay. I got enough to fill a 20l tank for around $25. shipped. This was for black lava rock
  22. Thanks Soothing! I'm thinking about starting up another tank for them. Maybe a 20l and use the 7g they're in for selective breeding purposes.
  23. I just wanted to share what I found in my tank today. It looks very similar to the one that Speedie had posted a pic of a while back. I think I'm up to around 50-60 tb in my tank now. There are so many cool patterns coming out that I wasn't expecting. I may start seperating them soon.
  24. This morning one of the eggs hatched. It looks like a baby bb. The other two eggs look like duds. I'll leave them in for another week and see if anything becomes of them
  25. Looking forward to seeing your results. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
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