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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I was just checking my tank and found this guy hanging out in it. Yesterday I did a water change in my 12g which houses blue diamond shrimp. I took 3 huge amazon frogbit plantlets out of the tank. They were covered in duckweed. Since I don't want duckweed in my Sulawesi tank I washed it all off in the sink under regular tap water and threw them in the 20L. He must have been hanging on for dear life while under the faucet. He seems totaly fine. He went from 72 deg to 82 deg water. This guy is one lucky son of a shrimp!
  2. I caught this guy the other day trying to make her way into the breeder box. Usually it's the other way around. Right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  3. The tantora ones are great. They usually give you huge leaves. I have several dwarf mulberry trees that I'll be trying out soon. They ususlly loose all there leaves around fall. I guess the green ones would be ok. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't. I'd still boil them for a couple of minutes first just to make it easier for the shrimp to feed on. IMO boilling for 10-15 min seems a bit long. I ususlly boil leaves (except IAL) for 2-3 minutes tops. Then it's feeding frenzy time.
  4. I was wondering is it better to harvest the leaves when they're green on the tree or when they fall off? I would guess when they're still green. But, not sure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  5. I have been adding Bacter AE (16 days) since I started the tank, Today I can see green spot algae beginning to form in various spots on the rocks and on the glass. Also, just noticed some brown (diatom) algae on the back glass as well.
  6. It's possible the eggs are duds since there were new babies already running around before I found the eggs. I found the molt the same day I did a water change.
  7. My shrimps love the mulberry leaves so much I bought 3 mulberry trees! I hope they live!
  8. I like your handle! Welcome to the forum!
  9. I got 11 tb back in March and they have been breeding non stop since May. The females have given birth once already and all are curently berried for their second time. Some of the females were berried again 24 hrs after giving birth. I have been blessed by the shrimp gods! lol! :rock: Haha!! I just saw these new emoji guys! Good stuff!
  10. TDS 150 PH 6 GH 5 KH 0 Temp 72 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  11. I found this gorgeous looking fella today in my tb tank. Hopefully the red spots on it's head become more prolific as it gets older.
  12. I don't know the answer to your question. However, I think it all would depend on how much light you have going and how heavily planted your tank is. How much would your mosses need to compete for nutrients? Co2? It's difficult to say. I dosed EI for the longest time and was constantly battling algae. I switched back to the Seachem dosage chart and dose 1/3 the recommended dosage and everything is flourishing with very minimal algae. Once in a while a bit of BBA shows up on some of my anubias and I blast it with some Excel at water changes and it goes away. I have mosses growing very well in my 12g heavily planted tank which I dose (very little) and add co2 1 bp 3 seconds. I also have mosses growing very well in low light, cool temps and good flow. I keep the flow directly over the moss which I think helps it alot. Most of this I found out by trial and error.
  13. I think your shrimp will be mighty happy in that tank! Looks great!
  14. So after her eggs hatched her body returned to the original shade of white. However, she is berried again. Lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
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