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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I use these in my rc night flyer planes http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aquarium-Fish-Tank-WHITE-6500K-Lighting-LED-Strip-100-Lumens-Ft-Salt-Water-Reef-/270975018457 I think these are cheaper http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=8944&pb=1
  2. I suppose baby shrimp could become trapped in this sort of substrate. I guess I'll find out out soon. I bought a large box of it on evilbay. There's enough to fill a 20L Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  3. Nice looking tank! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  4. I was watching the video of this. It looked like he was collecting some shrimps out of a puddle, I think I posted the video on this forum a while back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  5. Hehe! You got me! I'm going with high light, cool temps,dose ferts w/ co2, and good flow. Am I right? :lol:
  6. Hard to tell cause I can't make the pic bigger but is that Climacium japonicum?
  7. Sorry I got your hopes up. I think a close look to that would be mini pelia well trimmed. I keep a variety of terrestrial moss which grows great in my emersed tank. They just look sooo coool!
  8. Sorry, I posted the wrong pic. That was a terrestrial moss. I changed the pic to some pelia. I didn't mean to mislead anyone.
  9. Hahha!! An expert on any plant I'll never be! I do think mosses are pretty cool though! I may be just getting in to another phase of the planted tank. Mosses do have their own unique characteristics like the way they grow (creep), the way they're shaped and the different look that each type of moss can add to an aquarium. Who wouln't want this growing in their tank?
  10. I guess as long as people keep buying them people will keep making them. People are funny!
  11. I'll throw some pics up once they arrive.
  12. I made the egg hatcher a few months back and never had a chance to use it until now. I hope it works. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
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