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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. So one of my tb's thought it would be a great idea to molt while carrying eggs. Realy I don't think she had a choice. But I managed to save 3 of the eggs. I made an egg hatcher out of a soda bottle, some mesh, filter floss and an air stone. I removed as much of the molt as possible without damaging the eggs. Hopefully they'll hatch.One of the eggs looks like it has a third eye! OOOHHHH scary! :blink:
  2. The substrate is very course. It's crushed lava rock. I keep rearranging the rocks. Lol! I would like the front to have a more flat surface and rise up towards the rear. I saw a similar set up and the person had white sand in the middle which looked really cool. Are you starting a Sulawesi tank as well? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  3. I just ordered some new rare mosses from Novina in Poland. They should be here in about a week. Most of you who have been keeeping and breeding shrimp a while probably already know about Novina. Novina keeps an awesome collction of rare plants and has one of the coolest shrimp collections one could ever dream about having. I just purchased these mosses 1) Jungermania "Jade Lotos" 2) Fissidens Sp. "Miroshaki" 3) Fissidens Sp. "Tasikmalaya" 4) Fontinalis Antipyretica "Willow Moss" ( common moss) I don't have 5) Solenostoma Teragonum These should arrive in about 7 days. https://www.facebook.com/pages/World-of-Aquatic-Moss/508732719244216 https://www.facebook.com/pages/novinapl/170590049644528?sk=photos_stream
  4. Sounds like a nice score! I think the lace was 2.50 a lb. It cost me under $20. for two nice big pieces. I am fortunate enough to live close by the Aqua Forest. They have so many cool things there it can be dangerous entering the store. Their display tanks are to drool over. They carrry mostly ADA stuff and have an awesome plant selection. If they don't have a specific plant in stock they will try and locate it for you. I'm going to try and find some plants from the Sulawesi lakes today. Hopefully they can help me out. If you like nice aquarium rocks and want to go broke check this out: http://www.adana-usa.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=76_7_14&products_id=782#prettyPhoto
  5. Today I added some pelia, subwassertang and a few blyxa. I got the temps up to 83-84 and the co2 cranked up to help speed things up. I'm adding bacter ae daily along with some ferts. I'm digging the rocky scape look so far.
  6. I added some lace rock which looks similar to lava rock but also raised my ph from 7.7 to 8.1. That was using my tap water while I wait for the tank to cycle. I'm still planning on using SS 8.5 and RO to keep parameters stable. I think the lace rock will help Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  7. Some of my favorite pics are taken with my iphone and using a photo app touch it up. I have a 90mm F/2.8 DI tamron lens that I use with my Nikon D80. That lens is considered a "cheap" macro lens and still it runs around 300. I've heard some people who have good luck using the macro extension tubes. I'm just not one of them lol!
  8. I have a few Goldens that developed the blue tint around the face once they were adults. The blue didn't show when they were young. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  9. I tried some of those cheap tube extensions from evilbay and they were crap. They barely stay on the camera. Here's a few more shots of some of my critters
  10. Great rili shot! I like being able to see the eggs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  11. That shrimppie oughta receive a medal!
  12. I like taking pictures of my shrimps with my Nikon and my cellphone camera. Feel free to post some of your favorite shrimp pics here to share. Here's a few of mine to start
  13. Wicca, thanks for that bit of info. I guess bb's are " just like a box of chocolates". I just got home and checked my tb tank and found another berried female. I swear it's the same shrimp that just gave birth yesterday. It's hard for me to believe. Is that even possible? I had to check five times before I even posted this.
  14. Here's some good news I wanted to share. Today my female bb just hatched a bunch of babies. There are shadow pandas, blue bolts and I found one wine red. I'm not sure but does the wr mean that the male was a shadow panda? Or can bb x bb = wr? I thought the second scenario was pretty rare. Also, confirmed about 4-5 blue eggs that the mischling is carrying.
  15. I have been wanting Sulawesi shrimps for a long time. So, I thought I would start a journal here and document my efforts in attempting to keep and breed these guys. I’m mainly interested in keeping caridina spinata (yellow cheeks) Here’s what I got going so far Tank - 20 gallon long Substrate - Crushed black lava rock Light - 30” LED 6500K Heater - Two 50 watt heaters Filter - Aquaclear 50 loaded with bio media and sponge on inlet Additives - Bactor AE and Old Sea Mud Last night I scaped the tank with some large and medium sized lava rocks. I also added some cut up marimo balls throughout the tank and wrapped a couple stones with some. I do have some nice algae (the good kind...lol!!) covered Seriyu stone which I may add to keep the ph up. Since this tank is new I also added stress zyme which adds live bacteria to help with cycling. I’ll be using SS 8.5 and RO water. Here’s a pic of my set up. The water is a bit cloudy because of the crushed lava rock. It has since cleared up. Now for the hard part. Waiting.......................
  16. I looked through a bunch of pics of my tb's and crs and notice almost all the shrimps have some sort of dark pimentation on or around the head area. The older the shrimp gets the darker the spots tend to appear. I have one shadow panda that has a white spot on it's head that none of the others have. It's been there since I got her.
  17. I'm planning on going with the SS 8.5 salts and using crushed lava rock as substrate. From what I understand this should keep the water parameters stable without having to add crushed corals or rocks. It seems with the macro rock your ph will keep creeping up. Or do water changes take care of that?
  18. My plan was to use it at first. But when cleaning out the tank there was a sticker on the bottom of the tank saying " do not fill with water". Not sure who makes the reptile tank. Glad yours is holding! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  19. She is aprox 5-6 months old. I noticed the same thing occurs with my golden bees. They tend to turn a reddish color which becomes more intense as they become berried. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  20. I'll start a Sulawesi journal once I get all my parts and pieces together. I just traded my daughter a reptile 20 L tank for her 20L aquarium. Score! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  21. Haha! That cracked me up! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  22. This is a pic of the same shrimp. She has been carrying her eggs for 26 days now. When she was first berried her body was pure white with just the blue head. Lately she has become more blue. Has anyone else witnessed this? I think it's pretty cool! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
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