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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. I went with the AC 50. I think that with the air sponge filter should be plenty. I see a lot of breeders who just go with the air sponge and are successful with just that. Hey Chris I had a hard time deciphering your post. I think your auto text is working well. Lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  2. Would an Aquaclear 70 be overkill for a 20g long or would an AC 50 be alright? Decisions, decisions!!! :rolleyes: I'll be running the AC filter with a large double sponge filter. Thanks
  3. Check out H4N http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/144-%C2%ABplants%C2%A6ss-mesh-filter-guardstools%C2%A6shrimpkens-foods%C2%A6feeding-dishes%C2%A6-more-new%C2%BB/
  4. I would go with stainless if I had to chose between the two. I have some tied on plastic and it doesn't stay down as well as stainless. Nowadays I prefer lava rock.
  5. I just noticed a couple all white ones. I'll be keeping a close eye on these guys. It's amazing how much nore details you can see with the magnifying glass. Highly recommend anyone not using one to try it out. In my case I need it! lol!
  6. That's GREAT news! Can't wait to see them.
  7. I posted a pic to try and put in in perspective. I am feeding the small end of the spoon which is only 3 cm worth of powder. . The pellet is compressed and is about 10 cm. That would make a lot of powder. One spoon full of powder is enough to cover about a 7g tank. I feed half the spoon in my 5g tank. I hope that made sense. I don't know why my pic came out upside down?
  8. Yeah, I'd definitely be doing it myself. I have some carpenter skills but I'm a plumber by trade. I just finished installing hardwood floors in my home thanks to the dog tearing a big hole in the middle of the carpet. She's lucky I still love her! Lol! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  9. Yes! Powder always into outflow for good coverage
  10. On some tanks I use a tiny yellow two sided spoon and sorta tap the food from the spoon into the tank. My 12g long I feed one level scoop using the smaller spoon size. On my small tanks I use a flat toothpick. Just about all my tanks have babies right now which is imo another reason to use powder foods. Which do you prefer Soothing?
  11. I prefer to grind up a variety of foods in to powder form and feed this way. I diperses well in the tank and gives the shrimps a better opportunity in locating the food while grazing throughout the tank. I feed this way sparingly 3 times a week. In addition to this I always have some sort of leafy green in the tank with them. Gotta eat your veggies!
  12. What size foam board did you go with? I'm planning on doing something similar to my downstairs room soon.
  13. I came home to a pleasant surprise today! My first berried blue bolt ever Last saturday I had transferred my 5 lower grade bb to my main TB tank in better hopes for mating. The main tb tank has two high grade bb which I believe are males. I hope it was one of them that got her.
  14. I've been keeping my blue diamonds and low grade crs in my 12g tank running co2 at 1 bubble per 3 seconds. My shrimp population has exploded in this tank. I run two filters on this tanks for good flow and O2 exchange. The tank is also heavily planted with lots of beneficial bacteria and good green algae growth on the rear glass. The shrimp were introduced to this tank very young. I think they have adapted well to the tank conditions. I tried keeping SSS crs in there but I don't think they could handle the conditions(ph swing). The low grade crs do not seem to be phased by it and are popping out babies left and right. It's possible to have success with co2 however I think it has a lot to do with the shrimps being able to adapt. Oh yeah... and luck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  15. Whats your GH? tds value of 125 gives me a gh of 5. This is what I aim for. How long have you had your shrimp? Sounds like quite a variety you have. Do you keep them all in the same tank?
  16. It sounds like the auction app is an add-on for the forum. That's way cool!
  17. Hey Liberty, I was just watching this cool vid the other day posted by Chris searching for wild tiger shrimps in China. The pool that the shrimp are in looks stagnant but he says the pool is full of Java moss. I guess the shrimps are happy in there. Here it is if you haven't seen it
  18. I can't find any evidence of scuds ever eating or attacking shrimp in a tank. I'm not saying it's not possible. Just haven't seen any reports of it happening. I thought scuds were mostly herbivores and scavengers. I guess I'll find out since I already put them in there.
  19. I introduced some new Taiwan Painted Fire Reds in to my current TPFR tank and noticed a few scuds that came with them. I threw the scuds in with the shrimp. I don't see any harm in having them besides multiplying fast. Any benifits on having them?
  20. I had 3 berried misclings in my tank the other day. This evening I checked them and didn't see one berried female. I was bumbed for a second. I thought they had dropped their eggs. Just as I started to look for the eggs I saw a little speck swim in front of me. Low and behold it was a tiny baby. I looked in my mossy field with my magnifying glass and a flashlight and there are a ton of babies hanging out in there. They looked happier than an ant at a picnic. I love that feeling you get when you see babies for the first time in a shrimp tank. It's like a sense of accomplishment.
  21. I think that's the best use for tomato baskets I've ever seen! Your shrimp are gonna be happy in that moss. The only thing I would do is maybe thin out the hair grass so it grows out more evenly. It's a pita to do but I think it would look cool. Just my 2 cents
  22. Eric, That was some fast shipping! Right on for the food and sample packs! My shrimp are really digging the SL-Aqua stuff. I wanted to post feedback for you but I don't think there is a way to on this site (yet). So, I hope you don't mind that I post a thanks to you here! Thanks!
  23. Mind if I ask which types you going to carry? I've been drooling over the spinata ever since I saw Logemann's set up. Check this out if you haven't seen it.
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