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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. From the album: Mayphly's Shrimp Pics

    Shine on you crazy diamond
  2. mayphly


    From the album: Mayphly's Shrimp Pics

    Just molted
  3. From the album: Mayphly's Shrimp Pics

    Low grade crs
  4. I follow the Seachem chart in my 12g. However, I dose 1/3 the recommended dosage. I dose all the mentioned ferts except Excel. My shrimps thrive in this tank. I have A-C crs, BD's and cpo's in this tank. http://www.seachem.com/support/PlantDoseChart.pdf Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  5. mayphly


    Thank you very much!
  6. mayphly


    Hey! Thanks neighbor!
  7. I think those are some of the prettiest looking shrimps out there. One of these days I'd like to try my hand at those. What do yours eat? I have heard they can be finickey eaters.
  8. Sounds to me like you got some happy healthy shrimps.
  9. mayphly


    Thanks. Thanks, The blue diamond population has exploded and the crs are beginning to take off.
  10. I tried to keep this tank simple.
  11. The feeding dish doesn't work in my tanks. The greedy shrimp pull the food right out and run away with it. You know.... sort of like Daffy duck "mine,mine,mine!!!" The powders I feed sparingly. Just enough to fit on the end of a toothpick. You can see how it all floats away in the tank. A little goes a long way. I feed pellet forms of food as well. The more stuff you try eventually you'll notice what foods they like and which ones they don't.
  12. mayphly


    Here's a current pic of my 12g tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  13. lol!!! Heavy emphasis on the money lol! That part of it never seems to end. I have been fortunate to make a few extra bucks from selling some of my shrimps. That money of course goes right back in to the hobby. I use the end of a toothpick and dump the powdered food right into the filter outflow which allows the food to float everywhere in the tank. I do this sparingly three times a week and there is no noticeable climb in tds.
  14. 1. subtletanks91 2. FireRedShrimp (thank you!) 3. JessJesting (awesome RAOK) 4. Matt. Thanks! 5. Featherblue 6. Pika 7. Stealthypotatoes - thanks! 8.Oceangirl 9. mayphly
  15. 1.subtletanks91 2. wicca32 3. ravensgate 4. Triton (thank you!) 5. ShortGirl - awesome raok! 6. H4n 7. Shrimpinista 8. MLK 9. Soothing Shrimp 10. mengyone 11. Gilby (been looking to get some of these to try before going all in) 12. FireRedShrimp 13. Lucky 13. Teruterubozu 14. Doc4PC2 15. Finchaser 16. Gorillakev 17. Cuddles 18. Ctaylor3737 19. juancho 20. Featherblue 21. Finchaser 22. umarnasir335 -- new to CRS/CBS, but would love more to add to my measly 3 23. JessJesting 24. DETAquarium 25. Oceangirl 26. mayphly
  16. I've always wanted an all blue bolt tank and finally got a chance to start one up. I have a ten gallon tank with amazonia soil and some other shrimp additives which I had started cycling back in Dec 2013. I thought it would be a great idea (really bad idea) to have a algae carpet. What was I thinking. Well.... I guess it was the algae that doomed al my tb's. In a week they were all dead. Since then, I cleaned up all the algae and rescaped/re-cycled the tank. A well know shrimp guru over at TPT was kind enough to help me out with some new shrimp. I'm now keeping 5 low grade bb in this tank as of 3-14-14. They are doing great so far. Substrate Amazonia soil + additives for baceria growth and minerals Parameters TDS- 145 GH- 5 KH- 0 PH-5.8-6.0 Temp- 72 Nitrates- 0 Plants Lilaeopsis Chinensis Flame Moss Various floaters Light Archaea 36W (on for four hours a day) Filter Double sponge Cheap canister loaded with bio-rings Other Cholla wood covered in moss Large manzanita branch covered in flame moss IAL Alder cones Minerock Bee balls Foods I feed very sparingly three times a week and there is always some sort of leafy veggie in the tank at all times I grind up various forms of foods in a mortar and pestle and feed as a powder Jake's foods Peter Ladens Mosura foods Borneo foods mulberry. spinach, kale (new favorite), collards, cucumber,zuchinni The list of foods goes on. I think as long as they receive a varied diet they're happy I received these blue bolts along with some high grade ones and some shadows which I keep together in another tank. Thise ones just became berried yesterday. So, I'm hoping for some prego bb's soon. I'll keep posting updates here as things progress.
  17. mayphly


    Hey evryone! Fellow shrimp addict here. I've been on TPT for several years and have learned a lot about shrimp on that site from many of you. It's great to see an American site solely dedicated to the shrimp hobby. I've been into shrimp for the past 4 years and have about seven tanks dedicated to them. I have rcs,bd's,pfr,golden bee,crs A-sss+, bb, mischlings and tb's.I recently aquired some taiwan bees about a month ago and just discovered berried females yesterday. I recently passed of some of my crazed addiction to my 13yr old daughter whao now has her own rcs colony. Looking forward to lurking around this site. Cheers!
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