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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. My lfs had these a few years ago. They were listed as "Sunkist" shrimp. I didn't get any because they were expensive and I probably would have killed them. lol!
  2. My green hulk stayed green only a little while during adulthood and eventually turned black. I was surprised it was green for that long. All my blue jellies also turned black eventually.
  3. Shrimpytrade, your rack set up sounds good. Can't wait to see it completed. I had thought about installing a pump with a switch in my RO barrel and plumb in some pvc for a drip water system. However, with lids on all my tanks I hardly have any evaporation and just use a 5g bucket on my top shelf for top offs when needed. Which really isn't that often.
  4. looks good as long as you keep them stable
  5. Here are a couple of sites worth checking out https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Werner_Klotz/publications http://www.iucnredlist.org/search Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Petsmart was carrying them for a while in those gel packs they sell. You get something like 20 plants for 8 bucks. I bought some a while back and they grew great. I wish I still had them.
  7. Complicated? No. I just did small water changes about every day this week which I think helped it molt. After losing my original aura colony I didn't want to take any chances .
  8. Bryce, I think you called it. After the molt it looked 100% better. I released him yesterday back into the colony.
  9. Lol! My contortionist shrimp? That's an auratai. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I saw yesterday that the shrimp molted. From what I could see the shrimp may be ok. I'll first get a chance to get a closer look at it tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. That's the result from pinto X wine red.
  12. Muscle necrosis in shrimp is usually caused by high temps along with low dissolved oxygen. I have my temps set at 72 and the jetlifter pipe has great flow. This makes me think it could be something else like white shell disease or body cramp. Bryce, other than performing water changes what else can I do to force it to molt? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I found this guy in my tank several days ago with just a bit of white near it's tail. Right away I placed it in a quarantine tank which I always have ready to go. Since placing him in the tank I've noticed that now it can no longer straighten out it's body and the white is spreading up closer to it's head. From what I've read this could be muscle necrosis. None of the other shrimp appear to be affected with what this one has. So, I don't think it's bacterial. Has anyone experienced this before? In the quarantine tank I perform small water changes (aprox 10%) every other day. The tank also has a good amount of IAL and is rich in humic. This shrimp still grazes and acts normal. However, I don't think it'll last much longer.
  14. Good idea! Do you use a mortar and pestle to grind up the snowflake? I often mix pellet food together and add supplements and grind it all up this way. Didn't think about the snowflake though!
  15. Just like omg , I keep my Sulawesi in a 20g and use 2 heaters for insurance. I use Catalina heaters. they've worked well for me.
  16. I don't see any reason you couldn't use matrix as well. If using purigen you would want the water flow going through the purigen bag. I find purigen not necessary. But, some people swear by it. I was setting up multiple tanks in the pics. One has gravel as the substrate. The others are amazonia.
  17. When I get near the 30 day mark while cycling I start testing frequently for traces of ammonia. Everything seemed normal while cycling. No ammonia or high nitrates were detected when using these products under the substrate in my experience. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Shortly after starting this thread I was informed that it is NOT recommended to use SL Magic powder under the substrate when setting up a new tank. I set up 16 tanks using it under my substrate. Luckily I haven't had any problems or shrimp deaths since setting up my tanks this way. The other 6 tanks on my rack I set up using the SL cycling method which seems to work well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I just watched one crawl up and over my HMF filter the other day to get in the back where all the goodies are. Curious little guys!
  20. I didn't really do anything fancy or unique with my HMF filter set up. But it works great. Here's a link to my build a while back. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/4154-setting-up-a-tank-with-an-hmf-filter/#comment-55008
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