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Everything posted by mayphly

  1. sure looks like a blue steel to me, I would breed back to either taitibee, shadow mosura or bb in order to get more blue steel.
  2. good to hear they made it ok!
  3. hehe!! I'm going with your prediction! I was judging by the black on the pelvic fins.I guess time will tell. I placed a few pieces of slate in the tank in hope that they will lay eggs on them.
  4. Thanks shrimP for that info. Very helpful. The first two pics are of 2 different fish. Here's a pic of the fourth one. If I compare it to what's been said than I'm guessing is also a female. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I got two blue Rams and two electric(yellow/orange). I saw this chart but have no idea how it relates to the yellows. Hopefully they'll breed. I had a breeding pair of oscars when I was a kid. Haven't done much with breeding fish since then. If they do end up breeding I'll set up another tank for the babies. I'm excited to see what the offspring would look like. I would imagine if the yellow mated with the blue there's a chance of both yellows and blues showing up. I'll have to read up on these guys some more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. It's happened to me several times with Sulawesi spinata. I get up, go check and prepare for the worst. Thought I had everything right.
  7. Will the gold rams interbreed with the blue rams?
  8. I made it down to the Aquaforest today in the city. I came home with 2 blue and 2 gold German rams. I've wanted these since forever. These pics don't even come close to how beautiful they look in the tank.
  9. They will do fine in PH 6.8. Just acclimate them. They are very hardy shrimp.
  10. Celebrating the fact that these guys have continued to breed consistently for over a year and a half straight. New low prices on taitibee.
  11. Dude! Those look awesome! Especially the one on the top left! Nice work!
  12. I added some new members to one of my Sulawesi tanks yesterday. Who would have thought that snails have so much personality?
  13. You guys crack me up![emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. The Ziss box is nicely made. I bought one awhile ago. The only thing is that it's too big for my tanks. I have mostly 10g tanks set up and some 20L tanks. For selective breeding I prefer the small Marina HOB style boxes. They're cheaper, take up less room and effectively serve their purpose. The shrimp can't tell the difference. That's my 2 cents. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. My low grade crs (from Germany) are breeding in these parameters. ph 7.4 tds 195-200 kh 2 gh 7
  16. Wow! Nice pics! I love the colors on last one!
  17. Nice looking shrimp! I believe bamboo shrimp need saltwater to breed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I think they'd be fine as long as everything else is stable.
  19. Mr. F, Thanks again for stopping by. Good to hear they all made it ok!
  20. Well.. Good to know. For a minute I thought it could be a Tylo zemis mini which look similar. Thanks for the info! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. The banana stems are the biggest hit so far in my shrimp tanks. I noticed that all my stems grow a white fungus which my shrimp love to pick at. The fungus is similar to what you see growing on manzanita when it's first introduced in a tank. The banana stems have been in for a couple of weeks now and the shrimp are still loving them! Thanks again Scott!
  22. maybe it's just a different color trumpet. I've never seen one this dark in my tanks before
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