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Everything posted by Liberty1776

  1. Some things cant be explained, just experienced get a Buce from H4n and you'll feel the wonder and excitement, dont be scared to spend the money, its just paper, turn it into buce! new rap song idea to get the kiddos into buce... I turn dat papuh intuh buce Have a good one
  2. i correct myself. politics is accepted in "the marketplace" if im giving something to another member. i did that raok for patriots day and made political comments in that from the get go. but i guess thats ok if it gets new members to join huh? i know i got a couple to join from it. pretty lame
  3. not really, but i would love to see that. And if he ever stumbled on this page, id want to say... Hey Chris, if your reading this, I was just wondering if you were ever going to travel to China to explore their lands to better our understanding of shrimps environments, or better yet, to discover new shrimp! Have you ever thought of going to china or been already? You have ventured around the world, I have seen videos of your adventures and would like to see a trip to china from you. Especially enjoyed the video of collecting sulawesi, you can hold your breath for a long ass time, badass! Anyhow, I cant find much on the internet about shrimp from or in china. Why is that? Do you know? Thanks man! Have a Good One!
  4. H4n, you are a fine craftsman. a great amount of attention to detail is necessary to achieve such things, thanks man! so everyone knows, I got the 16mm SS filter guard for my aqeuon hob 10g filter. and it fit perfectly. I couldnt be any happier or pleased with my purchase from H4n. sometimes you order things from people in a forum and its crap, or you just thought it would be better than it is... I have experienced that before on here, and if I dont buy from you a second time, you now know your business no longer gets mine. anybody can buy something and resell, i can buy stuff from overseas as well and sell it for higher. in fact i have an online business as well, i just leave that out of here, has nothing to do with shrimp. but my point is, business is nothing new to me, and I know how to appreciate somebody that runs a very very good one! Great work H4n, your one of the best !
  5. Fighting Tyranny With Words, ...just words

  6. I just got around to the pc today, found out my post, in my shrimpking review, has been edited. Politics is apparently NOT ACCEPTABLE in theshrimpspot. And, therefore, my post has been edited. I do not appreciate my first ammendment rights taken away from me, and being censored in whats supposed to be the best AMERICAN shrimp forum. Mistake. SUMMARY OF THE LINK BELOW: this is what happens when you push people too far. It doesnt matter whether you are chinese, russian, african, american, if you push somebody enough they will eventually retaliate. and when you go overboard, WE will go overboard. What if the cops killed your Dad, what if your dad was rodney king? except, he didnt survive and he died that night all those cops were beating his ass in LA. That whole ordeal sparked the LA Riots. This is History People What fear do you have of me posting this information OblongShrimp? Perhaps it was just not in the right place in the forum, yes? Well heres the LOUNGE (off topic area right?) IF YOU DONT WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME HERE THEN STOP READING, YOU ARE FREE TO DO SO NOBODY IS MAKING YOU READ THIS WARNING ! THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MAY BE TOO MUCH FOR YOUR AVERAGE AMERICAN IF YOUR AGAINST FREEDOM, THE BILL OF RIGHTS, NATURAL RIGHTS ENDOWED TO US, ENJOY YOUR SERVITUDE AND LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT TO DO BY OTHER PEOPLE... TURN AROUND NOW... Ok, the rest of you still here reading this, here is what you may have missed. This is what was DELETED from my post. Chinese Citizens Beat Government Bureaucrats During Mass Riot China can suck my shrimp balls! SUMMARY OF THE LINK ABOVE: this is what happens when you push people too far. It doesnt matter whether you are chinese, russian, african, american, if you push somebody enough they will eventually retaliate. and when you go overboard, WE will go overboard. What if the cops killed your Dad, what if your dad was rodney king? except, he didnt survive and he died that night all those cops were beating his ass in LA. That whole ordeal sparked the LA Riots. This is History People. Learn it so you dont repeat it, at the very least. The Constitution is still the Ultimate Law of the Land LIBERTY!!!
  7. From the album: Products

    A perfect fit, it snugs up to the intake and looks great in the tank. I prefer this over a piece of batting or sponge anyday. Got this from H4n ! Thanks man!
  8. Liberty1776


    My collection of pictures that include products ordered for the lil guys
  9. Got my H4n order!!!!!!

  10. Hi Chris, Eric, my names John and I Love my Buce. I currently have over 12 different specie, have been able to stop for a little while, but my friends online... well, lets just say I now am fearing a hard relapse, as I have found a new connect. I dont wanna name names, but his names H4N, hes got that good buce too I hear. Good to be here, and please share some pics, it helps to ease the pain.
  11. Very Nice ^^ Its especially nice to see color in the legs. I know this is also a goal of breeders, are you aiming for this as well? Looking tops!
  12. Thanks, Im glad you liked the review. And thanks for the laugh as well, a chuckle really But im talking about china IN asia. Asia is the largest continent and has a lot of countries like Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, even Borneo <--- sound familiar? =) its the third largest island in Asia. Its where Buce mostly comes from ^^ *drool There are a lot of products we buy thats made in china, and we all know the general consensus of the feelings toward the quality and durability of CHINESE MADE CRAP, but I havent been able to find a seller of neo shrimp from china, not one. Wasnt it the Japanese aquaria hobbyist to be the first to put shrimp in a tank? And I wouldnt doubt if there love for the Crystal Red Shrimp will last forever, ...I think they love the CRS because it has the same colors of their countries flag. I know I would be all over a shrimp that was Red White and Blue !!! That would be awesome =) I suppose one thing I have left out is that I am a combat veteran, 02-07 in the 82d Airborne. Jumped out of perfectly good airplanes to eat the ground and go hunt bad guys with some buddies Liberty!!! I couldnt agree with you more. I think any ingredient that is a truly organic, free from pesticides and all that bad stuff, is gonna be a winner. Personally, I do my best to feed my family organic, and as much NON GMO as possible. Not me, no sir, I Love my shrimp too much
  13. Nice, saw pics of the brown camo ^^ badass! I did a little poking around on the web and found a blog from a sulawesi breeder/keeper. theres even a diy on making sulawesi substrate that can also be "recharged". its actually a current blog that gets updated, good stuff, lots of pics, worth a look =) heres a LINK, what do you guys think about this?
  14. I know what you mean, I put this stuff on the back burner til i find time to soak it all up. Its definitely interesting and the prospect of getting beautiful shrimps and not knowing what they are until later is pretty cool too Just wait til you see this crossbreeding chart. CLICK ME *for educational purposes
  15. Just witnessed the mama today and she was "hugging" a male for a good 25 seconds before they let go of each other. I wish i had a video to show you all. You know how they dart pretty fast to almost a hault when startled or spooked? well they both darted up from the bottom surface in the back of the tank under the moss. and came back down pretty quick. At first i thought i was witnessing my first moult. Then they darted up again and when they landed in a different spot, it was clear at that moment that it was a pair. I dont know what happened for sure, but it looks like mama doesnt have her babies anymore, and just mated today. When they parted she landed in the moss cloud and carwled in. They were belly to belly like SoothingShrimp talked about in a thread somewhere around here. And 1 was male , the other a female. I just wanted to note this in the journal for the tank so i can get an accurate birthday for the next batch ^^ if I am correct. Has anybody ever seen this? Know what Im talking about? Thanks All
  16. Finally got this in the mail last week. Its made by Dake-Aqua and I got it for 8 bucks, that included the shipping cost also. So not a bad deal. It is made out of acrylic and should do the trick. I dont have an immediate need to use it, I got it just in case I need to though. Kind of like fire arms =)
  17. you got that right, almost bit my arm off! and if its an 8.5g cube for sulawesi...theres definitely room ^^ one day Thanks ! I got the grass in one long strip, its the topfin brand from the store. I am having a hard time getting it to spread. I think it might be the substrate, I find new baby blades of grass in the moss and sides of tank near waterline.. its just not anchoring/setting in properly. Maybe its best in sand? or trimming to encourage growth? that stuff takes "forrrr ehhhhh verrrrrrr" - TheSandlot
  18. Thats great! Awesome feeling indeed. And 3 mamas in the tank, sweeeeet! and mischlings too, so that means your gonna get a bunch of different kinds of shrimp right? thats gonna be fun to see what you get Congrats !
  19. Thanks for the input, you guys are right, had got a real good glimpse of her before I had to turn the lights off. She still has the eggs they just turned darker though, definitely not yellow anymore. Was able to follow her around the tank as she did a lap or two and took some good shots of her, cell phone quality pics, not too bad. And I'm guessing shes been berried for 18 days now, +/- 4, so it should be pretty soon
  20. Thats some good looking moss, what kind is it?
  21. From the album: Products

    heres the leaves out of the package with a lighter for size reference, i havent tried the boiling method yet, i just let it fall on the water and it sinks when it sinks =)
  22. From the album: Products

    Came across a thread in the forum about a month ago or so and was reminded of the fear I felt when I saw my first planaria in a tank. After discovering the high price attached to the glass style designed catches, I searched the web and found this for $8 dollars, price included shipping cost ^^ Got this to be safe, just in case I get some weird kind of outbreak of planaria, i got this on the ready =) *Made from acrylic, both ends pop off, and has an o ring on the cap to keep it snug when inserted back in.
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