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Posts posted by Liberty1776

  1. oh man you made my day with that post Triton :lol: lmao

    its so true, i just placed an order for an ss filter guard and some other goodies, and to say the least ....




    Anyhow, I got on to check out how your 30s doin, nice update and I say it a lot, but Im definitely looking forward to some pics


    Have a good one!

  2. Nice job! Grats on your success breeding them.  have you implemented a breeding program? culling? or just gonna let em loose, so to speak.  Also, was wondering if you noticed any differences in the colors of the first gen.


    Awesome tank sir!  A rewarding challenge for sure :)

  3. as far as the snails, malaysian trumpet is good for cleaning the substrate/bottom of leftovers and such


    definitely use a hob/canister filter and a spongefilter


    if you havent given breeders n keepers magazine a good read yet, theres tons of information in there if you want to get nerded out on shrimp, along with the best pics on shrimp out there to give you an idea of what color you might like, body type, etc.


    I started slow unintentionally, my first shrimp were cherry shrimp for a planted tank of mine to clean algae up, loved em so much i got online and learned more and got stuck on em.  My first dedicated was a 10g, would have started with a 20g if I had known at the time about bigger is easy to maintain params as SoothingShrimp discussed.


    hope this helps! 

  4. >>HERE<<


    Heres the thread on it, I think its a good idea.  Post count is also a good indication I use to determine if I am gonna take a chance.  Have had a few transactions here so far, paying thru paypal and so far so great!  Good business is hard to come by these days... so i use stars, reviews, pictures, and several contact emails in order to make a determination.  And if that first shipment pans out... you got yourself a loyal customer.  

  5. I like that.  Im gonna start doing the same and for a couple of reasons. 

    First, I have been trying out different foods, and the ones that they either don't touch or don't finish (maybe im putting in too much) I suck up using a turkey baster. That's getting pretty old as I feed once everyday.  So this technique would throw that feeding dish out the window.  I like it and that's the second reason =)


    Are you guys feeding strictly grinded food?

    About how much are you dumping in? M&M size? Nerd candy size? for how many shrimp? and tank size?


    Thanks all!

  6. good stuff man!  looks like a lil ufo in the tank, I love it!  with some moss on it, maybe some weeping or xmas moss or something droopy, would look like a floating island maybe? 

    will have to try that out the moss ufo on my next tank


    seen the little ceramic cubes before, those are pretty cool also. do they alter the ph or anything in the water? add mineral?

  7. I think the scariest thing in the water is the fluoride. 



    taken from Here <--- Beware! Rabbit hole entrance


    Im transitioing to RO this weekend when I have time.  Got my saltyshrimp standing by.  I haven't bought the RO system yet, was close, but the glasgarten products came in so... yeah :P no worries, I will just have to suck it up and fill up my water jugs at the LFS to get switched over.


    I will definitely get it though, hopefully sooner than later.  After all the time and money spent so far, it is a must have.  Even with well water, I would only risk it for so long until I gave in to RO.  But that's only because of all the pollution out there.

  8. http://m.lowes.com/product?langId=-1&storeId=10702&catalogId=10051&productId=50107550&store=595&view=detail&nValue=4294801192

    It says it lasts 27 years. I have a few of the different sizes to. I'll,snap a picture tomorrow for you. For the holder I used the 6$ clip on light at Lowe's. This was when I wanted to supplement my t8s but,couldn't afford anything else. They were on sale for 12$ so got a decent 20$ light and its still going.



    That's not bad at all, thanks for the reply.  I am always searching for a less costly alternative for lighting shrimp tanks.



    The best thing is the fact with a cheap 20 dollar controller you can ramp/dim these which tend to be easier on shrimp / plants / fish which im sure you guys know. 


    Welcome aboard! great to have you fellow shrimper :)


    Great point about the heat, I completely forgot about that and how top quality led aquarium lights rave about their type of cooling system and how crucial it is to the life of the leds.  I came close to getting some from buildmyled.com, they are actually right around the corner from where I live, so when im rdy to make that investment, no shipping cost ^^ , from what I have read and heard, they are the cream of the crop.


    quick question... with the dimmer on the bulb, can you run it longer than 3 hours?  if so, then theoretically, dimmed at 50%, will last for 6 hours? 4.5?  thanks!

  9. Awesome, I like the blue bolts a lot, grats on the berries!  setup looks good.


    Cheers for sticking to it and giving the tank another go around!  Its like they say, if at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again.  I think after all the time and money we spend on setting up the tank, it would be a shame not to. 


    I like how you grind up your food and feed powder form.  Do you just drop the powder onto the surface? mix with water? 

  10. Sweet tank!  Nice lineup of shrimp you got planned out too.  I like the color and look of blue bolts a lot, and I haven't read much on mischlings yet, but from what I understand you get some awesome different kinds of shrimp from the offspring. 

    What else do you plan on adding in the tank?


    As far as the undergravel filter, I think with plants it wouldn't be necessary, I have to find the article, but theres a breeder in one of Chris Lukhaup s magazine breeders n keepers, where the shrimper put some kind of powder under the gravel in lieu of the undergravel filter.  I will try to find that article and get back to you... its the route I wanna take when I get my next tank up and running. 


    Looking good , gonna follow this one ^^

  11. welcome aboard !  awesome looking shrimp mama, gats ^^.  I think that's great you got your daughter in the hobby, I hope mine pick it up as well.


    Nice collection you got there, ...any planted shrimp tanks? with co2? 

  12. Yea I dose ei method and some root tabs. Light is I guess considered moderate.

    I can deal with it growing slow but I can't seem to keep algae off these slow

    carpet plants. Very annoying!


    I know exactly what you mean, i have spent a lot of time, arms deep into the tank rubbing off algae and dirt particles on the leaves inside my dirted/planted tank.  I tried wrapping my head around that for a long while, and I can only think that I didnt have a good enough water flow inside the tank, and not enough filtration.  Discovered that lily pipes help with that, but i had a HOB so that was out the window.

    do you have a pic of your tank posted up here somewhere? 


    Have a good one!

  13. so you know how fluorescent bulbs have to get changed out like 6-9 months or whatever, even if the light is still working, it gets weak or something, and what im wondering is if this applies to LEDs also.  Or are they good until they burn out?  Also, Did the package have a lifespan or anything like that or recommended changing times? 

    Thanks Chris

  14. Welcome aboard :)    its always nice to see more shrimpers, especially one with a selection such as yours!  cant wait to find out more about your experiences in keeping shrimp.  I am learning a lot here at the shrimpspot, its been very informative and enjoyable to speak  with other breeders n keepers and hearing everyones input and suggestions on certain things.  Theres a lot of knowledgeable good people on here, and I say the more the merrier :D

  15. The Mystery Buce


    Sup shrimpers.  I have finally found the time to get some posts in and make some updates.  And more importantly, to post this awesome little raok in the most awesome shrimp forum on the net. 


    What you will receive is a mystery bucephalandra that I found on the bottom floor of my lava rock buce tank.  It is growing very nicely, and will be a beauty.  I have a list somewhere of all the possible buce it could be, will give that to the winner to start the classification process when the leaves grow out to full size, if you wanna.


    The pic:




    The buce will come with Free Shipping and a lava rock.  I will also throw in some shrimp food, I have quite the collection now :D

    So expect to find some ShrimpKing, Gold Crown, and Glas Garten Shrimp Dinner granules ^^




    The drawing will be held on Patriots Day.  This is a special day for lovers of Liberty as it commemorates the Battles at Lexington and Concord. These were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War, its what led us to the Liberty and Freedom we once had.  Kicking off on April 19, 1775, ...and a little over a year later we declared our Independence from the tyranny we were subjected to by the hands of the king and his redcoats.  Every year it falls on the third Monday of April, and this year it will be the 21st, and this year I will celebrate by exercising my liberty and offering this Buce RAOK.


    Good Luck Shrimpers!!!!

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