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Posts posted by Liberty1776

  1. Looks like we have hit 100!!!  :)


    1. Merth

    2. myklt8

    3. Liberty1776

    5. kcoscia (this is great!)


    8. Soothing Shrimp


    11. GreenBliss

    12. Axelrod12

    13. wicca32

    17. ShortGirl

    21. huffman.517

    22. JerSaint

    32. bostoneric

    37. oblongshrimp

    41. Mosspearl

    46. Finchaser

    48. Pika

    56. BluePearls

    67. jdrowe30

    76. MarkNJD1

    77. Carrie.a.gordon

    85. Triton


  2. nice!!!

    I need to get some carbon rili!!!


    Is the moss sandwich between the tomato basket stuff?

    Thanks Han! These lil guys are awesome and I stare at them a lot. I only have 6 in this tank for now. I have tried sexing them but I think they are just barely juvies now. They are molting well and seem very happy with their moss wall, which btw is sandwhiched between two sectins/panels. So kinda like this #moss# :) its looking pretty sweet and the shrimp love it, its a great hideaway zone in the tank.

    Heres some pics i just took



    Been saving up a bunch of these baskets, i may have around 100 by now, and it takes 9 baskets to cover the back of a 10 gal. If anyones willing to pay for the shipping ill send em for the cost to ship em to you. Only 1 per shrimper :)

    Btw, Louie, you can get a better look from the side that its a catappa leaf in the back at an angle to create a shady spot. I dont have any wood yet but im interested in some cholla wood for this tank and the other 10 thats cycling right now. In its 3rd week! Almost rdy for some new shrimpys!!

  3. Your flame moss is lovely, and now I really want some! Someday I will post actual pictures/journal, but I made a woven "trellis" for my Taiwan moss from Sculpey clay. A lot of fun to make, but time consuming, especially considering the goal is for the moss to cover it all. Tomato baskets, or h4n's or someone else's stainless steel mesh, will be what I use next time!

    That sounds pretty cool, I would like to see a pic of that trellis for sure!

    I have been wanting to try out taiwan moss, maybe we can do a trade, just let me know if that sounds good.

    After 2 or so more inches of growth on the flame moss and i will do some clippings and try to duplicate the 2x2 mesh i got them on.

    Thanks for the input!

    Happy shrimpin!

  4. Same here, and after a good read of both volumes of the BnK magazine, almost all of the shrimpers interviewed in both issues had both the sponge filter and hob.

    And for the hob intake, i use one of my wifes hairties to secure the batting material i get from wally world.

    Heres a pic


    Its got to be changed out quite a bit, i do mine every 2 weeks. Lest I say, I am very eager to purchase some filter guards from Han very soon. One less maintenance task is more shrimp staring time for me and im down for that :)

  5. Substrate is a great suggestion. I have been looking for fluval shrimp stratum and cant find it anywhere. Found some ada amazonia but im not rdy to pay the hefty tag of 69 for 9l i believe it was.

    Another thing that would be nice is some cholla wood. Ive been wanting to try that out. Got to get my ssghkh+ asap first :)

  6. Salutations shrimpers, Anybody have any advice to share on this? I will have 3 tanks by the time I purchase the ro filtration system. A total of 40 gallons , 10 / 10 / 20 , and will do weekly top offs at 8 gallons a week im set mating, prolly a lil more, but those will be my needs. I dont want to waste time and gas going to the store for refills of water.. so wht do you all think? What works for you, what does the job and what excels or is overkill? I would like to stay around a 100 but will go to 150 dollars if its worth it.

    Thanks in advance for the input :D !

  7. Sup Shrimpers, heres my journal for my first dedicated shrimp tank. Its a ten gallon I put together over 2 months ago. After putting cherry red shrimp in my 20tall planted to help with algae cleaning, I liked em so much I started doing more research on em and got hooked. So I started this tank to get a shrimp i thought looked awesome and was affordable.

    Tank Specs

    Hob filter 10gal rated

    Biosponge filter and airpump

    50 watt heater

    FloraMax substrate


    Java moss wall!

    Dwarf hairgrass

    Flame moss!

    Catappa leaf

    Heres pics of day one cycling



    Wall is made from cherry tomato baskets the cooks save for me at work. Took about 5 hours to cut and connect all the squares. Theres 2 full panels that sandwhich the java moss.

    Heres pics of the tank today, with some scrimps.






    Enjoy the pics, sry if i left out any standard info on the tank, which reminds me, tds reads around 320, and ph is around 7.8 - 8.0, cant test for gh or kh yet. Using tap and seachem prime until i get an RO system.

    Any questions, comments and tips or advice is appreciated!

    Thanks for checking out my tank shrimpers!

  8. The dirt is about 1" and sand is close to 1", no ferts needed yet. Yea I've experienced very fast growth, but things are staying lush

    Lol, tried shrimp... Sadly it was an expensive experiment as the ones that didn't end up in the filter became lunch for the rainbows

    You gotta post some pictures up... Not just tease ;)

    Finally figured out how to post pics after compressing em.

    I have a diy co2 using a powerhead and spongefilter. Has two 2liter bottles, 16oz filter and a diy bubble counter. Hob filter is for 30gal, and the lights are two t8s aqueon plant bulbs. They are barely doing the job. Am also using a co2 drop checker. Have had different plants in here and turned into a growout tank for a bit until i started filling it with buce plants.

    Heres some pics, btw the dirt and gravel are both an inch deep. Dosing dry ferts EI method, and the weekly water changes are necessary using this method, but it isnt so bad as the tank is right above the kitchen sink on the bar countertop.


    The little "tree" looking plant in the middle is a java fern leaf with 6 growing java babies still attached to it, have since took them off and put in the new cycling 10gal for carbon rili line i will be working on.



  9. Awesome tank!!! Big fan of the wall like the rest :). Are you using ferts yet? How deep is ur dirt and gravel?

    You got some great growth in that short time, I experienced the same fast growth in the first few months of my 20tall planted. Loved it, but made some plants grow too fast. For example, had some anacharis growing in it with almost an inch section between the leaves.

    Are you gonna put any shrimp in? ;)

    Heres a pic of my 20tall first dirted tank. Its about 7 months old right now. The pic was taken about 3 months in.

    I used to dose with dry ferts using the EI method until I turned it into a buce tank. With only T8 bulbs x2 for the light, I am restricted to what I can plant in this one. Low to Med plants do well in it.

    Its not aquascaped much, more organized than anything as I tried to keep species together

    and this is the first dirted and planted tank I have done. I learned a lot from it, and moved up to a 29gal Marineland that I got from a barter trading some skateboard trucks and 200 rds of some 22lr ammo I dont use anymore.

    Will have to take sime pics of that one, its still clouding up on me but is looking good. I think the substrate isnt heavy enough on the dirt, not sure but pretty sure. I got flora max in the 29 and Topfin petsmart gravel in the other and didnt have that problem.

    Anyhow, I got 2 dirted tanks and as soon as I can afford some led's Ill be back on the 29 to start scaping.

    Once again good looking dirted tank!

  10. Hello everybody, I am relatively new to both shrimpin and online forums, mostly acronyms and lingo really. Anyhow, its nice to join this community as I have read a lot of topics/posts so far and theres a lot of good people in here and thats awesome. I look forward to getting better aqcuainted as this shrimp expedition goes underway =)

    Im married, have 2 kids and 5 tanks. Im here in the US, in Austin, Tx. Kids are at 2 and 5, tanks are two 10s, 20 hex, 20tall, and a 29gal. The two 10s are fairly new, one is still cycling and the other is my first shrimp only tank with 6 Carbon Rili's, and a wall of java moss I made out of little tomato baskets and fishing line, so far so good on that one. The rest I dont have any shrimp in but that may change if this new addiction gets any more severe =P.

    So im Mr Mom during the day and I deliver pizzas at night and I love it. Thirty three year old combat vet whos against the war and happy to be in one piece. Most people call me a conspiracy theorist, I love the infowars. Thats my intro in a nutshell.

    Its nice to meet you all, and I look forward to participating in this community and contributing where I can. Mostly how to be a thrifty aquarist and pinching that almighty penny.

    Thanks for having me here and see you around!

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